Bonjour, mes chers amis! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu-wearing time traveller, reporting live from… wait for it… Paris, 1889!
I just love how everything here in Paris is so... romantic! All those elegant cobblestones, those cobbled streets winding around the city, the lovely old buildings with their wrought iron balconies and window boxes brimming with colourful flowers… I simply can't resist twirling down them all in my fluffy pink tutu, just waiting for a handsome gentleman in a top hat to sweep me off my feet!
Speaking of cobblestones, I simply have to tell you all about the incredible new attraction here: The Eiffel Tower! This gigantic iron lattice structure has everyone here in a tizzy. It’s the most breathtaking sight, stretching way up into the Parisian sky. Why, it’s positively divine! I imagine dancing up the stairs, my pink tutu fluttering in the wind... Oh la la!
But let's get back to our #TutuTuesday theme! Remember, I'm all about those beautiful tutus and sharing the stories behind them! And this is where the 19th of November 1889 is quite important.
Now, you see, the story of the ballet tutu as we know it, the beautifully wispy, short tutu with the shortened skirt, started right here, right now!
Picture this… we are in 1889, and it is about to change the world of ballet. Imagine being a young ballet dancer at the time, swishing around in the big, voluminous romantic tutus. These were the tutus that had been worn in the middle of the century. You know, those lovely, long, swirling layers that were so impressive.
Then, a few years later, in the 1880s, something revolutionary happened.
The lovely Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova was all about dancing gracefully, you know, flowing, floating, ethereal, a bit like a… well, a ballerina!
However, all those layers on the big, old tutus, were getting in the way! Anna was determined to break free and show off her artistry through the movement.
*Enter the short tutu. La danse moderne is here! *
Can you picture this? Imagine the daring young Anna, standing on the stage, showing the world she could move, she could fly, she could show off her incredibly nimble feet all because she was free of those big old tutus!
She started working with a designer, Karl (that’s right! A man helped create one of the most iconic pieces of dancewear in history! I bet he couldn’t have predicted this would have had such an impact! ) who took all those heavy layers of material, and, in a brilliant move to showcase this new and inspiring dancing style, cut and shortened the layers.
Voilà! The short tutu is born! Goodbye long, romantic tutus! We are all in love with the revolutionary new style! What's a time-traveling ballerina like me to do except to rejoice, dance in the street, and take it for a spin?
Imagine the possibilities! This amazing little tutu allows ballerinas all around the world to dance more freely! Can you feel the freedom! The short tutu is a symbol of innovation, expression and dance all rolled into one.
But here’s the real kicker: I think there’s a secret message here. If the 1880s were all about moving away from traditional structures… Then the tutu is telling us that the best dance is the one we create. And just because we can move, doesn’t mean we can’t express ourselves.
This little wonder of dancewear encourages ballerinas all over the world to interpret* and *showcase the movements, emotions and even *stories they wish to tell, through the magic of the ballet!
And just imagine, in only a few years, dancers like Isadora Duncan and Loïe Fuller will rise to the stage, both completely defying traditional structures in dance. This short tutu really kicks off an era of evolution that’s changing the way people move and express themselves through dance. It is truly magical!
Anna's little tutu doesn't just inspire dance, though… it has an undeniable influence on how people dress. Can you picture these shortened tutus getting adopted by other areas of the fashion world? They would eventually influence other dresses and even eveningwear. They even inspired the fashionable skirts with lace trimming.
So let’s think about this little, dainty fashion sensation: This short tutu that can create such drama, express so much passion and bring so much art to the world … How could I resist having a pink version in my closet? I’m completely enamored! It just perfectly encapsulates the lightness, elegance, and grace I strive to live out in every aspect of my life.
Remember everyone, the power of pink tutus isn't limited to just one thing. Like me, this revolutionary style encourages you to embrace your personal flair and live a beautiful, confident life wherever you might be!
Right now, I’m taking a stroll down the Seine River here in Paris. Can’t help but wonder if anyone here even realises the ballet revolution that’s just begun.
Imagine what the world will be like if everyone was to embrace their inner ballerina? To twirl around freely and let go of any hesitation. It's time to throw on a pink tutu and unleash your inner artiste. I'm *soooo excited to see where that might lead!
Catch you next Tuesday, for another adventure in #TutuTuesday. And don't forget to follow me on @pinktutu for some pink, fabulous fun along the way! Adieu, chérie!