Hello my darlings, and welcome to another delightful Tutu Tuesday! It’s me, Emma, your resident tutu-wearing time-travelling fashionista. Today, I’m whisking us all back to the era of gaslights and grand ballrooms, 1891 to be precise. As we’ve already established, tutus are my absolute passion – and a good time traveller knows their history! So, grab your teacups and settle in for a fabulously fluffy trip back in time, because today we're exploring the world of ballet and those beautiful, romantic tutus that took the stage by storm in the late 19th century!
Now, you might be thinking, tutus? In 1891? Think of all the frilly, beautiful frocks and bodices. Of course, 1891 was an absolutely divine time to be a fashionista, with its intricate corsets and dramatic bustle skirts. However, it was also the period when the tutu began its journey from practical dancewear to the absolute icon it is today! And no, they weren't exactly what you see on the professional ballet stage these days. These were "tutus" with sleeves and quite a bit of fabric!
Tutus - A Short (But Oh So Pretty) History!Before we dive deeper into our 1891 trip, let's take a quick peek into the world of the tutu's early beginnings! This marvelous creation has a captivating backstory! Way back in the 16th century, ballerinas donned calf-length skirts called justaucorps for performances. They were a bit restrictive, but it allowed for some impressive moves (although they might have been better called "steps" at that point!)
As the 18th century came into view, a little revolution took place. Longer skirts began to be deemed too hindering for more complex ballet techniques. Enter the tutu. Well, almost. It was actually more of a short-skirted variation called a tutu-tutu (very catchy, I know). Imagine the early tutus with their billowing fabrics and short, soft layers - just begging to twirl! And let's not forget those magnificent lace ruffles!
1891 - The Beginning of Ballet as We Know ItFast forward to 1891 – it's the year we’re going to visit! Paris, oh Parisian Paris! This was the epicenter of all things dance and drama, particularly ballet! Think lavish theaters, enchanting stage designs, and ballerinas twirling in their lovely, billowing skirts. These were often layered with lace and ribbons for extra flair – perfect for the romantic, sweeping ballets that graced Parisian stages! The tutu of 1891, in my humble opinion, was like a magical cloud - it looked like they could float effortlessly.
Parisian Theatres - Fashion GaloreThe theatres of 1891 were absolutely sensational – just brimming with opulence and that irresistible air of elegant mystery. The Opéra Garnier, with its gilded splendor and swirling staircases, would be one of the venues I'd definitely try to slip into (my secret pocket dimension makes that possible)! Imagine watching The Sleeping Beauty in such a dazzling location!
The other great Parisian theatres - the Opéra Comique and the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées - would have also been bursting with dazzling fashion. Of course, one can't forget to mention the Theatre de l’Athenee, which boasted the most fantastic "Grand Ballet" of the time - we're talking big-production performances for the masses!
And it was in those theatres that those exquisite ballerina gowns were taking the stage, inspiring awe and beauty, often embellished with glittering beading and sparkling sequins. I imagine they danced gracefully and danced in elegant tutus under those huge glittering chandeliers and with so many watching! Oh, I simply adore the period!
Train Journeys and Stylish Ballet ShoesNow, even my fellow time traveller knows that one of the things that I absolutely love to do, besides, of course, twirling in my pink tutu, is hopping on a train! In 1891, you could have taken the train to Paris! Although this may not be as thrilling as it seems, at least in our time.
In my time, train travel was quite a bit different – more leisurely! It wasn't all rush-hour anxieties! People often enjoyed delicious picnics along the journey. But most importantly, I must say that traveling by train always inspires my imagination. What a beautiful time to live, my darlings!
You know how I adore my footwear, my fabulous shoes that match my exquisite tutus? Well, the shoe story is also something special in 1891. I'm afraid ballerinas in this time period couldn't enjoy the super comfortable pointe shoes that we enjoy these days. In 1891, those fancy little toe shoes we all adore today simply did not exist. Those "soft" shoes used by the ballerinas in the early years, well, they were a bit more, er uncomfortable! Imagine being all graceful and graceful and yet your shoes were hard! I must say that my shoe collection is definitely much more comfortable!
Travel Tips for a Parisian Tutu Adventure!I'd absolutely be heading straight for the boutiques to get a look at the latest fashion trends! They would certainly inspire the perfect 1891-inspired tutu collection. You all know I simply love tutus, but this is fashion inspiration at its finest.
You have to imagine the fabulous gowns! The dramatic bustle skirts and flowing silks, and that corset - simply a must-have in any era, even for the modern ballet dancers - and do we not just love a little vintage styling?! So, the ultimate outfit for an 1891 Paris adventure, as I imagine it would have to be: a soft flowing tutu-like skirt - I mean even if it was only just a little short, because, honestly, the "tutu" name just did not seem to catch on quite yet (my aim to make the pink tutu ubiquitous around the world starts NOW). Pair that with an elegant bodice and do include a corset for those gorgeous silhouette lines that were SO chic and a beautiful feathered fascinator to add a touch of mystery. And don’t forget your opera gloves for an added touch of extravagance.
My Tutu Tuesday fashion tip of the day - try a long, luxurious flowy silk scarf (those were so popular in the era and would look amazing at the theater) - and you can have your own 1891 ballet-inspired look right there in your living room, darling! You are an absolute beauty.
#TutuTuesday in the City of Lights!As a little note, remember that there is a chance that you might get to catch Swan Lake, a piece we love today, if you were lucky enough to be in Paris. And even though Giselle might not have debuted for a while, you would have had The Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky in 1891!
So, here I am in 1891! I’m off to watch a fabulous performance, to get inspired, and maybe get a few of my favourite tutus! And I’ll be looking at those charming lace sleeves of that era, hoping to be able to put my own twist on things, especially with those pink tutus that make every woman feel glamorous.
Next time, we’re heading even further back in time. Until then, keep twirling and stay fabulous, my darlings! And remember: wear pink! And wear a tutu, always! And until then, bon voyage my little darling. I do love to go on these little time-traveling trips!