Bonjour from Paris, mon chérie!
Isn't it simply divine to be here in the City of Lights? Honestly, I think my little pink tutu might be positively sparkling under the Eiffel Tower right now! I had to whisk myself away to this gorgeous place because today, my darling readers, we are talking 1908 and I just cannot stay in ol' England for this one! It's the year of The First Flutterings of a Tutu Revolution, my lovelies! Oh yes, this date, July 28th, marks a real turning point in the story of our dear tutu, and, as usual, I just had to be here to experience it all.
This week's adventure in time travel had me hop onto the Orient Express - my absolute favourite way to get around when you're whisked back in time, you know! The luxury, the atmosphere, the chance to really soak in the sights, scents and sounds of the era!
So, here I am in Paris, dressed in my best vintage frock (though, of course, a pink tutu wouldn't be amiss!), ready to tell you about what made this date so special, how it impacted the tutu we love today!
I've been digging through all the delightful dance archives, sipping on exquisite Parisian coffee in adorable cafés (it's always a must when travelling to France!), and guess what I found?
Well, dear reader, today marks the official launch of Serge Diaghilev’s famous Ballets Russes. Diaghilev was a revolutionary mind and true art lover, always searching for the avant-garde. And he didn’t stop at art – he set his sights on ballet, and decided the world just needed a good, hearty dose of Russian ballet brilliance. This man had vision, let me tell you. He knew something special was coming, something the world would embrace.
His company had a strong impact on ballet across Europe, changing the entire game! The Ballets Russes went on to become the pinnacle of contemporary performance and a big catalyst for the huge movement towards a modern, contemporary approach to dance and design in general. It was truly a golden era for artistry!
Now, what exactly has this got to do with our favourite little garment? Well, my dearest lovelies, you're in for a treat. The Ballets Russes wasn’t just about dancing, oh no! They weren't afraid to push boundaries. They embraced new designs, and this is where the revolution begins! Think extravagant costumes, eye-popping makeup, stunning scenery – revolutionary for the time!
Before Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes hit the stage, tutus were more traditional, very classic in shape, all fluffy and fairly simple, shall we say. Then along came Leon Bakst, the amazing set and costume designer. Now this chap had a real knack for bringing out the artistic and dynamic side of design and had a serious talent for playing with colour. The Ballets Russes weren’t shy about pushing boundaries, you see, they really took it all on. The result? More dynamic, shorter, daringly designed tutus! Imagine the excitement. Suddenly tutus were less about strict tradition and much more about freedom, creativity, and an explosive statement!
Just a bit of a contrast from the full length Romantic tutu - which I still adore, by the way - the shorter skirts that were becoming increasingly popular were embraced with joy! It brought a sense of playfulness and fun and a freedom of movement - think leaps, jumps, you know, those big movements that just couldn't be done with a full length tutu! Imagine the joy in the dancers' eyes as they took the stage, feeling light and liberated!
These early designs helped create a sense of power and dynamism, perfect for expressing new themes. The world of dance, just like the world of fashion, began to crave something different. We wanted movement! We wanted a tutu that spoke to our dreams and made us soar! I believe that this was the start of something absolutely fantastic and inspiring – a move towards tutus as pieces of real art!
You’ll find my darling reader, that this was just the start of it. Over the years, the tutu, like all fashion, kept evolving! Now, we see beautiful layers, extravagant shapes, sparkly designs, and even **pants, a total change for tutus, that have taken over in modern dance, though not everyone would dare say this about ballet yet.
Today, though we celebrate The Ballets Russes and all those inspiring pioneers of the tutu, don’t forget that even in 1908, our lovely tutu was already finding a new place for itself - and with a bit of fun!
I don’t know about you, but for me, my lovely reader, there’s no doubt in my mind, there is no other dance garment more versatile and capable of evoking as much magic and joy than our delightful little pink tutu. I am already seeing that the 1900’s will be full of fashion, inspiration and movement. The Ballets Russes were just the beginning. As you see my darlings, there’s simply nothing as exciting as a tutu.
I do hope you enjoyed today's journey! Until next Tuesday! Remember, my lovely readers, always embrace the freedom, joy and magic of a pink tutu, it is in all of us. Have a happy tutu-filled week! #TutuTuesday #PinkTutuLove
Remember you can read all of Emma's Ballet Tutu History blog posts at!