Dearest Tutu-Lovers!
It's Tuesday, and that means it's time to twirl back through time on another #TutuTuesday adventure! Today, we're shimmying back to the oh-so-chic year of 1910, to a time when Paris was the world's dance floor and a flurry of feathers adorned the most fashionable of tutus.
My time-travelling tutus have been exceptionally busy this week, what with the journey back from the Roaring Twenties and all! The last show I caught was an absolute spectacle. A glamorous spectacle, of course! We're talking glitzy gowns, champagne bubbles, and, of course, the divine dance of ballet. Ah, Paris, you truly are the centre of it all!
Now, before I forget, you lovely lot will know this is the 4082nd edition of my #TutuTuesday blog. Oh, how the years (and the tutus!) have flown by!
Tutu Trivia: What's on the Calendar?
Speaking of time flying, this particular Tuesday back in 1910 happens to coincide with a most peculiar and intriguing event: the opening of the Cabaret de l'Enfer, a truly Parisian dive with a rather fiery name. If I can convince my time-traveling tutu to withstand the smoky air and the risqué tunes, I may have to see if I can slip in for a night of debauchery... well, as debauched as one can be in a perfectly tailored pink tutu, of course! After all, my mission in life is to ensure pink tutus are as commonplace as a pearl necklace in Paris - an ambitious dream, but hey, a girl's got to aim for the stars!
A Glimpse into the Tutu-verse of 1910
Imagine if you will, darling tutudors (because what better term is there?), the scene: swirling Parisian boudoirs, the smell of lavender wafting through the air, the gentle strum of a piano in the distance. Now add in the delightful rustling of tulle skirts as the ballerinas gracefully pirouette and jete across the stage. In 1910, tutus were in their heyday, and let's just say, they didn't mess about with boring designs! Think delicate, flowing silk, yards upon yards of elegant layers, and yes, my darlings, feathers! Feathers, oh how I adore feathers! And let's not forget the delightful splashes of colour – think jewel-toned greens, vibrant blues, and yes, you guessed it, a vibrant splash of pink!
The ladies in their finest ball gowns and top hats (you can't imagine the glorious colours!), watched on in utter fascination. But, of course, the biggest highlight of these dance nights? The tutus, darling, the glorious tutus! They truly were the crown jewel of the stage.
The Rise of the Ballerina
Of course, it wasn’t just the tutus that captivated the world, it was the dancers who truly set those Parisian hearts ablaze! Women in those days, weren't afraid to stand out, to dance with gusto, and, oh, let's not forget to mention how graceful they all were. They epitomized what it meant to be feminine – they embodied elegance, strength, and oh, so much charisma. It's no surprise that, during these times, ballerinas were the fashion icons, and their style was heavily copied! It’s true – those tiny little dancers had more sway over the fashion world than even the Queen herself!
Inspiration for Today!
Now, I must admit, dear friends, that my love of tutus, in all their magnificent colours, knows no bounds. It truly is my ambition to get everyone wearing a pink tutu (with feather boas optional)! So let’s take inspiration from the fashion-forward ladies of 1910 and, no matter where we are, embrace our femininity! Go forth, my lovelies, and twirl with joy, wear those glorious skirts and make those pink tutus an everyday spectacle! Remember, it’s not just about the outfit, it’s about the spirit it brings!
Until Next Tuesday, my Tutu-loving lovelies!
P.S. You can follow my ballet adventures (and tutu-centric life) on Instagram and Twitter @pinktutu! And be sure to check out the rest of the blog on for all things ballerina-chic.