Hello lovelies, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, Pink Tutu, your one-stop shop for all things tutus, ballet, and, well, anything sparkly! This week, we're taking a trip down memory lane, as usual, to July 29th, 1913, the date I've set my time-travel contraption for, for this week's #TutuTuesday. (And let's be honest, isn't that just a glorious date to land on, hmm?)
Now, I know what you're thinking, 'Emma, the tutus back then were *so different!' And you'd be right. *But darling, that's what makes them so exciting! It's fascinating to see how our beloved tutus have evolved. And trust me, darling, I’ve got the evidence right here!
Today's trip finds me nestled in a charming little theatre in London. They don't have tutus for street wear yet, though, honestly, I can see it becoming the next big fashion craze - picture the delightful chaos!. I must admit, however, it's always such a treat to see them on the stage. There's something so magically captivating about the way the light catches those ethereal layers, especially in the dreamy glow of a Parisian ballet. I'm just hoping the fashionistas back home are taking notes!
Today, in this bustling theatre, the grand opening of the season, I'm experiencing a ballet production called 'Giselle', the ultimate fairytale. Oh, how I loved it! The dancing is elegant and the story simply charming. The choreography? Simply stunning. And speaking of choreography, have you heard about Vaslav Nijinsky? He's making quite a stir in the ballet world these days, a revolutionary, truly one of the greats! And to think that we might see some of the tutus he designed in his own choreographed dances sometime soon… Imagine! Oh darling, this is why time travel is truly the most magical gift, don't you think?
And speaking of the Parisian ballet and its influence on these tututastic times… oh, my darling, they're absolutely making a splash in Paris! You just wouldn’t believe the tutus! So many styles to admire: the classic white, those adorable, wispy pink numbers… and have you seen those decadent dark plum versions? They look positively grand! So dramatic, I simply must have one! You betcha I'm gonna take the next train down to Paris and visit the best little tutu shops in the city. Then we're gonna talk tutus and shopping!
Okay, my sweet tutus, I must be getting off track. What am I really here for? Yes! Today is July 29th, 1913. But… what did this date have to offer to my beloved tutu world?
On this particular Tuesday, back in 1913, the lovely ballerina Anna Pavlova, a true star of the Russian Imperial Ballet (a star we must all admire) gave her famous, dazzling, elegant performance of 'The Dying Swan' at the Palais Garnier Opera House in Paris. Talk about a legend, darling! This, my dears, was the era of truly exquisite tutus.
It is said that Pavlova's stunning dance was the catalyst that brought her a global fan base. A fitting and captivating start to a new ballet season for this brilliant dancer. (I still adore the image of that tutu floating down, catching the lights, such beauty).
So, on this #TutuTuesday, let's not forget what an inspiring day this is. It was the day Pavlova's breathtaking performance in 'The Dying Swan' brought a gasp to a packed Paris. I’m picturing that ballet, the elegant choreography, the story… and then, my dears, imagine, imagine, that little bit of tulle magic - a ballerina in all her elegant, graceful glory, the light reflecting on that gorgeous white tutu...
Don’t you think we have a lot to be thankful for, my fellow ballet lovers? I truly do think it's the magic of those swirling tulle clouds that make this artform, truly so spectacular. Now, where is my travel suitcase? Time to catch the next train! See you next Tuesday, my sweeties, and never forget to wear pink!
Emma. x
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Pink Tutu Blog Blog No. 4257.
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