Hello, my darling darlings! Welcome back to another glorious Tuesday, and another dive into the history of the tutu. It’s me, Emma, your pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-loving time traveller, back from another whirlwind trip across the decades! This week we're journeying back to the 14th of November, 1922, and boy oh boy, let me tell you, tutus were still absolutely a thing!
(Oh, by the way, this is post #4742, if you fancy keeping track of your pink-tutu education! Be sure to check out my other posts over at www.pink-tutu.com! We’ve got all the glitz, glamour, and glorious twirls!)
Parisian Panache & London's Lovely Ladies
In 1922, we're deep in the roaring twenties. Flapper dresses were sweeping through society like a ballerina in a pirouette, and the spirit of fashion was vibrant and bold!
Tutus, though, weren't exactly hitting the dance halls quite yet. In the theatre world, it was still all about long, elegant skirts and sweeping, graceful gowns for the ballerinas. Imagine all that flow and those beautiful, billowing fabric waves as they dance!
And trust me, it was a truly magical spectacle! It was in this time, in 1922, that the London Coliseum premiered its stunning rendition of "The Sleeping Beauty", making its ballet debut! What a treat it must have been to witness. Honestly, if you could smell the atmosphere from all the beautiful fabrics, I reckon it would be almost as delightful as watching those glorious dancers in action. Almost, of course. Nothing quite beats actually seeing the dance.
You know I was there, twirling in my favourite pink tutu amongst the excited crowds in London. Nothing like a bit of London Theatre, right? Even though those early versions of tutus were all about flowing, elegant layers, they did set the stage for all those shorter, fun tutus that we adore so much nowadays, like the ones I wear all over my time travelling escapades. I do love those delicate, flowing tutus. Such romantic, dreamy swirls of fabric - simply enchanting!
Fuelled by Inspiration and…Hot Chocolate?
While my trips are usually filled with exciting ballets, fancy theatres and, of course, lots of gorgeous clothes shopping, I have to admit this particular jaunt back in time was rather interesting. It seemed all the restaurants were pushing the most wonderful hot chocolate - so thick and creamy and decadent, like melted velvet! Why, I ended up having several cups a day!
You see, anything to fuel the ultimate ballet obsession, right? After all, to twirl and leap like a professional ballet dancer, you've got to have some serious energy, right? And after an exciting show in the theatre, a bit of delicious, warming, hot chocolate certainly made for a fantastic finish to a day out!
My Own Personal Tutu Collection
I always carry a little bag with me, always on the lookout for new inspiration. I’ve gathered so many pieces along the way - beautiful ballet slippers from all sorts of eras, elegant bits of jewellery and, of course, loads of different tutus. Some long, some short, some sparkly, some plain - but all, absolutely all, pink. What else? I'm absolutely devoted to the colour! Honestly, I'm dreaming of having my own tutu museum someday, where all these beautiful, magical pieces of fabric can sit, looking their most majestic. Now wouldn't that be wonderful?
But alas, dear reader, it’s time to get back to my own time again. That train is already at the platform!
Catch you next week with another exciting Tutu Tuesday! And until then, stay twirly, stay sparkly, and above all, stay pink!