Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-clad ballerina blogger, Emma, and welcome back to another #TutuTuesday adventure! This week we're pirouette-ing back to 1923-01-09 - can you believe it's been over a century since that date?! The world of ballet has come such a long way, hasn't it?
Now, I might not be travelling in a time machine with all the fancy gadgets you see in the movies - my transport is a bit more romantic. A train carriage, to be precise. And boy, do I love that clackety-clack, clickety-clack journey back in time! There's something magical about pulling up at a station in the past, especially when you're dressed in a gorgeous pink tulle tutu. It just screams "ballet" and "vintage chic"!
Speaking of chic, today's #TutuTuesday blog post is all about that quintessential symbol of grace, elegance, and well, everything ballerina - the Tutu! And today, darling readers, we are venturing into the era of the Romantic Tutu. You're going to want to clutch your cup of tea tightly while we dance our way through some fascinating history.
From Courtly Costumes to The Romantic Tutu 👑🩰Let’s rewind to a time when the only tutus around were in the royal court. Imagine shimmering silks, intricate embroideries, and, oh yes darling, some hefty bodices - a far cry from our floaty, ethereal tutus, I assure you. Ballet, back then, was all about the grand gesture, the elaborate costumes, and the theatrical performance. And to be honest, quite frankly, it wasn't the most comfortable dance form - I mean, who needs a boned bodice?
Then, bam, the romantic movement took hold of ballet and everything changed! This movement was all about expressing pure emotion through graceful movements and romantic storylines - think Giselle, a ballet still popular today.
Now, think about what happens when emotions get heated - we express it with passionate gestures, right? The Romantic Ballet reflected that in its revolutionary designs. They threw out those cumbersome costumes and started experimenting with light, flowy materials, delicate silhouettes, and shorter lengths. These revolutionary new dance designs are the foundations of the tutu we know and love today.
The Rise of The Short Tutu 🩰💫Oh, how the audience must have gasped as they watched ballerinas glide across the stage in these delicate, ethereal tutus - almost floating through the air! You can almost see the gasps of delight as dancers began to take on real performances rather than the stiff gestures of earlier movements. Ballet started to become about real emotional expression!
But even then, it wasn't all peaches and cream, my darlings. Some purists scoffed at the changes. Imagine a scene in a Parisian cafe - someone holding court and grumbling about the lack of proper panniers - the ultimate theatrical crime of the 1800s.
Of course, that just gave the ballet world the perfect excuse to refine and elevate the artistry of the short tutu. As the design took hold in ballet, you could almost see the imagination and innovation spark in the minds of costume designers across the globe. We started seeing variations of the tutus - a soft romantic style with layers of gathered tulle (a true favourite, for sure!) or stiffened versions (perfect for quick steps and turns!).
And oh, wouldn't you know it - as the years went on, even those grumbling old balletomanes began to embrace the Romantic Tutu as it slowly became the very symbol of grace and elegance in dance.
What Else Was Going On in 1923?Time to pull up a chair for some history, ladies and gentlemen! Today is 9 January 1923.
1. We’ve got a fascinating story of discovery, King Tut’s tomb is found! Isn’t that something for a fashion blogger like myself to think about?! Just imagine what they had to wear back then - those bold Egyptian designs were as cutting-edge back then as a feather boa on the hottest fashion blogger today. Do they have tutus in Egypt, you think? I'll have to put that on my time travel list.
2. And a bit closer to home - Britain was just beginning to enjoy the benefits of the newly created National Health Insurance Act, giving workers health security as their working class lives become more important. What a lovely notion that everyone can have their medical needs taken care of - although imagine, all those doctors* wouldn’t need those fancy long gloves we love in ballet anymore! Now, how about if I put out an insurance policy for tutus - I bet everyone wants to insure that beautiful new tutu I just picked up at that fantastic milliner shop in Paris last month…
3. But let's not get too caught up in the history, darling readers - you've been patient, now it's time for a little TutuTuesday fun. Tell me your favourite style of tutu - or better yet - tell me where you’d wear it. A trip to the countryside, a picnic in the park - maybe even your next big dance performance? Tell me in the comments below and let’s have some fun while I whip up a delicious tea party of vintage-inspired sweets - nothing says fun and tutu like tea & tutu time!
Happy dancing, my lovelies. Until next Tuesday! 💋
#TutuTuesday #BalletHistory #TimeTravelingFashionista #VintageChic #RomanticTutu #BalletLove #PinkTutuDreams