Hello my darling tutu-lovers! Welcome back to another fabulously frilly #TutuTuesday here on pink-tutu.com.
I've just travelled back from a rather lovely trip to the glittering city of Paris. Honestly, the French do love a good tutu, you know. It seems they haven't lost their joie de vivre even since I was last here - around the turn of the 20th century. This city, even then, was positively bursting with style, with new designs and bold fashion statements making a splash across every boulevard. The French have an innate flair for the theatrical and I was simply spellbound by the sheer beauty and opulence on display.
But speaking of spellbinding - you just have to see this divine vintage photograph I found in an antique shop in the Marais district, a genuine little treasure! It captures one of the greatest ballet stars of all time, none other than the fabulous, legendary Vaslav Nijinsky! It seems, on this very date - the 19th of February, 1924 - Mr. Nijinsky took to the stage, showcasing his masterful moves and magnetic charm, a truly magical spectacle that no doubt left the audience breathless with admiration.
Now, imagine my joy at finding this photo amongst an assortment of lace collars and vintage gloves. What a lucky find! He looks magnificent in a beautiful, classic, and undeniably dramatic, all-white costume – the epitome of elegance! Though perhaps a bit too grand for everyday wear. But hey, I am just a little bit jealous - if I could travel in time, maybe, just maybe I could catch Nijinsky dancing and maybe even dance alongside him... I'd feel absolutely fantastic in a lovely light pink tulle tutu. It'd simply have to be the colour - I just love pink so much!
Oh, you’ve never heard of Vaslav Nijinsky, you say? My dear, you simply must have missed the show - a true tragedy! This was a man who revolutionised the art of dance, and even pushed the boundaries of what could be considered “ballet” - taking it to exciting new levels. His stage presence was legendary and he was known for his explosive, passionate style.
I hear it’s pretty tough to find a vintage costume that will actually let you pirouette with freedom – they weren't quite so stretchy in the good old days. But one can always dream! As they say, "A girl can dream, can't she?"
While the 1920s may be remembered for their flapper dresses and bold bobbed haircuts - tutus weren’t totally out of style, just maybe not the main fashion event of the day! Of course, even back then, tutus were, and still are, the absolute foundation for every ballerina! They give them the movement and the fluidity that we, as a society, just love to watch on the stage. The magic, the beauty, the sheer perfection - a visual delight!
I have to confess, there’s no one garment quite as fabulous as a fluffy, perfectly pink, vintage tulle tutu! It just whispers stories of swirling dance moves and grand ballets. But what can be better than the classic, fluffy, bouncy tutu? Well, you might be surprised but I’m a real fan of ballet flats - they’re versatile enough for shopping sprees, dance class or catching a performance in a grand opera house. The colour? Pink, naturally! I always try to buy shoes that can double as daywear and add some elegant ballet inspiration to my everyday look! I believe you can absolutely make ballet and dance a part of your every-day lifestyle – I like to think it adds a touch of something extra, you know, a sense of playful beauty to my day. I believe in the magic of ballet - even just a little bit of ballet inspiration can transform the most ordinary into extraordinary!
Oh, by the way! While I was in Paris, I had a dream to see a vintage, pre-World War 1 tutu for the first time - a dream come true! I saw this remarkable antique, nestled away in a tucked-away corner of a vintage fashion boutique. This particular garment was made of white tulle, simply breathtaking and very inspiring for my own tutu collection!
Well, darlings, that's all for this week's #TutuTuesday, but before you go, remember: always stay chic, always wear pink, and never, ever forget the magic of a tutu. I shall see you next Tuesday with more sartorial adventures and timeless tutus!
With love from a Tutu-loving Derbyshire lass!