Hello my darlings! Welcome back to another exciting edition of #TutuTuesday! It’s your girl, Emma, and today we’re taking a whirlwind trip back in time to the 9th of June 1931 – a truly fabulous year in ballet history!
You know how much I love a bit of time travel (who wouldn’t?!) – I get to dance in some incredible periods of history, soaking up all the amazing fashion, culture, and of course ballet.
This week, I hopped aboard a rather magnificent train and whisked myself away to the bustling metropolis of Paris. Paris! It’s simply bursting with fashion and creativity, and I felt right at home. Now, Paris in 1931 was the absolute hub for everything chic, with the likes of Coco Chanel, Elsa Schiaparelli and Madeleine Vionnet leading the way. But, my lovelies, I’m not just here to gush about couture. No, I’m here for ballet, and 1931 was all about ballet in Paris!
A Century of Change in Ballet
The beginning of the 20th century was an exciting time for ballet. Ballet had long been established as a glamorous and elegant form of dance in Russia, but with the Russian Revolution, a group of talented dancers like Sergei Diaghilev sought new shores for their artistic expression. That’s where Paris, with its artistic spirit and appetite for new things, came in!
The Ballets Russes de Serge Diaghilev arrived in Paris in 1909 and wowed the audience! Diaghilev brought a burst of innovative choreography, spectacular costumes and stage design, and most importantly, bold and modern music, changing the face of ballet forever. It’s all thanks to him and those brilliant Russian ballerinas that tutus became even more enchanting!
The Russians weren't alone. From Paris, the new wave of ballet went on to conquer the world. In Britain, ballet was making waves with the arrival of Dame Ninette de Valois and her groundbreaking Vic-Wells Ballet – the forerunner to the illustrious Royal Ballet we know today. And you can bet I made sure to pop over to the London Coliseum for a sneak peek at what those wonderful dancers were getting up to!
Paris, My Darling
Oh, I can tell you – stepping off the train in Paris in 1931 was pure magic. I’m absolutely enchanted by this city.
Everywhere you look there's something new and exciting happening. From the avant-garde art scene in Montparnasse to the dazzling theatre productions on the Champs-Élysées, it was simply exhilarating. Imagine a whole city alive with creative energy!
I made sure to pop into the Théâtre de l’Opéra Garnier for a performance. They were performing “La Source” – it was simply divine! You see, back in those days, Paris was the centre of the ballet world, the place to be seen for the beautiful and the sophisticated. They held high-society events for ballet enthusiasts and had stunning costumes for all their ballet productions – the elegance was unbelievable! And, you know what? The pink was a strong trend. Just the way I like it!
The Tutus of the Time
Of course, I couldn’t travel back in time without a proper investigation into the tutus! What a delightful sight! While I couldn't see the classic pointe shoes that are so iconic today, ballerinas were dancing with graceful "demi-pointe" techniques, and even without the pointe shoes, I fell absolutely in love with the tutus! They were simply glorious - think lightweight, ethereal silk in romantic styles with tiers and ruffles that swirled around them when they moved.
My favourite tutu was at the Paris Opera Ballet – It was like a fairytale dress, with layers of fine tulle and delicate embroidery! Oh, I couldn’t resist giving it a twirl! I'm so glad my time travel is all about being subtle and avoiding altering timelines!
But the fashion darling that really grabbed my attention in the 1930s wasn't just the tutus. It was the whole ensemble. Ballerinas then would pair their flowing tutus with sparkling diamanté-studded tops or romantic silk blouses, and sometimes, little hats adorned with delicate feathers. Oh, the charm of it all!
My Time Travel Wardrobe
And I can tell you, finding the perfect tutu for my trip back in time was quite an adventure! After carefully considering the trends of the time, I picked out my favorite shade of pink (it was more pastel back then, but still delightful!), and opted for a classic tutu silhouette. The tulle was exceptionally light, practically floating, but strong enough to stand up to my pirouettes, which was incredibly important because this trip was particularly exciting!
Of course, I couldn't leave without a little sparkle! I found a perfect ivory silk bodice that sparkled like moonlight on the waves – utterly dazzling! I love how it paired with my tutu, the ivory and pink working together in beautiful harmony! And naturally, I chose to wear it with my pink feathered hat – just a touch of playful femininity! It’s all about striking that perfect balance between fashion and elegance – after all, I’m a proper lady and a proper dancer.
And let's not forget the accessories! I went with delicate lace gloves that skimmed my wrists gracefully – a must-have for any self-respecting fashionable ballerina. And a charming silver locket – just a touch of sparkle to bring out the sparkle in my eyes!
Fashion Inspiration
You see, my dear readers, it's all about embracing the magic of the past. Every era brings its own unique charm and glamour. What we can learn from these historical periods is a beautiful combination of fashion and grace. From the beautiful dresses worn by the ballerinas to the grand fashion houses and Parisian avenues bursting with art and style, Paris truly inspires my artistic soul!
It’s amazing how the fashion trends of the 1930s continue to inspire contemporary designers today – I’ve definitely got a few ideas I’m sketching in my little notebook – especially after seeing those magnificent 1931 costumes!
Remember my darlings, the history of ballet is the history of the tutu, and we should continue to appreciate it’s timeless beauty, evolving with every new style. Whether it’s the romantic flow of a 19th century tutu or the contemporary, dynamic styles of modern dance, we have to admire how tutus tell the story of ballet in every twist and turn!
Until next week, keep twirling and don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com! It’s where you can find even more inspiring stories and find the perfect tutu to complete your ballerina dreams!
TutuTuesday #BalletHistory #ParisFashion #VintageGlam #TimeTravelAdventures #PinkTutu #LetsGoDanceP.S. Remember, dear readers, we are celebrating Number 5189 on my Ballet Tutu History blog, and what better way to make this week magical than by wearing a pink tutu?! Let's celebrate fashion and ballet - it’s a glorious combination! Go on! I dare you!