Dearest readers,
It’s me, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing time traveller, Emma, back with another delve into the fabulous world of ballet history! Today we’re going on an adventure all the way back to 12th July 1932, right here in the heart of London. Imagine, my dears, the excitement of the time – a whole new decade in bloom! The Roaring Twenties were over, and the 1930s were bringing with them a wave of art deco elegance and glamorous new fashions. I bet the department stores were just bursting with dazzling new fabrics and designs.
I can just picture myself, all dolled up in a frothy, pink tulle tutu, hopping off the train at Victoria Station (just imagine a train ride back in time, just glorious!) and rushing straight to Covent Garden, ready to soak in all the cultural delights. But first, a quick trip to a tea room for some dainty sandwiches and a spot of gossiping, of course!
So, what happened on this day in ballet history? Let’s take a peek:
On 12th July 1932, the ballet world buzzed with the announcement of the formation of the Royal Ballet. Now, my dears, you simply cannot overstate how important this was! A merging of two famous companies – the Vic-Wells Ballet, which would soon become the Sadler’s Wells Ballet, and the Company of Dame Marie Rambert, formed the nucleus of what we know today as the Royal Ballet. Talk about a ballet power-house! I’m sure that on this day, the whispers of excited chatter about this new venture echoed around every ballet studio in the land.
The Royal Ballet, or ‘The Company’, as we affectionally call it today, is like the queen bee of ballet companies! It’s renowned for its world-class dancers, its grand, captivating performances, and its dazzling production standards. This legacy can be traced all the way back to the formation on that day in July. It’s a truly inspirational reminder of how ballet thrives and evolves through dedication and hard work.
What were ballet dancers wearing in 1932? You wouldn’t believe the exciting new creations! You see, the tutus of the 1930s were not all about fluffy romanticism. This decade, you had the beautiful classical tutu designs that we know and love today, but also tutus that were inspired by ballet, designed to be more functional, but also with an undeniable chic look for modern women. There was even a rising trend for more adventurous, modern, asymmetrical designs that reflected the burgeoning sense of rebellion in the times. It’s incredible how much the tutus we know and love are linked to these trends!
Of course, we wouldn't be true tutu enthusiasts if we didn't consider some of the incredible female ballet stars of the day!
Let's take a twirl back to 1932 and meet the captivating Alicia Markova. A visionary and talented ballerina, she was known for her incredible leaps and breathtakingly fluid movements. Just imagine seeing her dance! Imagine the grace, the emotion! In 1932, she was still at the beginning of her meteoric career, already enchanting audiences with her exceptional talent. But let’s face it, my dear readers, even then she would have been rocking a gorgeous tutu. Just picturing it sends shivers of excitement down my spine!
Now, speaking of style, the 1930s were brimming with flamboyant fashion – and I can’t possibly imagine not mentioning the darling fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli. With her vibrant, unexpected combinations of colour and pattern, she helped bring a whole new energy to women’s fashion in those times.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Schiaparelli took inspiration from the dance world – there’s nothing more inspirational than watching dancers effortlessly weave and glide across the stage. I can see her designing a pink tulle tutu in her signature bright and bold style. I can almost hear the whispers in the drawing rooms as the latest creations grace the magazine pages, bringing joy to everyone, from London to Paris!
Oh my dears, you just can't underestimate the role of fashion and beauty in ballet. From the exquisitely embroidered tulle to the glittering jewels that adorn a dancer’s costumes, there's a magic to those details. It's a whirlwind of creativity, craftsmanship, and artistic expression.
But, my dears, my dear friends, we can’t forget the real star of the show – the dancer herself!
You see, the ballet tutu is more than just a costume, my dears – it's a canvas. It's a canvas for stories to be told, for emotion to flow, and for talent to truly shine.
So, take this day to dance with passion, my dears, wear your tutu with joy, and let's make sure the world of ballet keeps twinkling bright!
Don’t forget to check in with us every Tuesday here on for another fabulous trip through time – we’ll be going on another fabulous dance-filled adventure soon!
Keep those tutus twirling!
Your always-in-pink blogger,
P.S. Have you got a pink tutu, dear readers? What’s your favourite part of your tutu, be it the frills or the sparkle? Share with me in the comments! #TutuTuesday #ballet #history #pinktutu #covengarden #1930s #fashion #dance #dancer #alicamarkova #elsaschiaoparelli