Hello darlings! Welcome back to another #TutuTuesday - the day we explore the delightful world of tutus! As you know, I am completely besotted by these beautiful, floaty garments and their fascinating history.
This week, I'm travelling all the way back to the 28th March 1933. I am so excited to share with you this amazing historical gem - we're going to the Grand Theatre in Geneva, Switzerland! My sweetie-pie travel agent, Monsieur Jacques, found a darling little carriage for us, with the softest pink cushions. You can imagine my utter joy at spending the day amongst such grand, romantic scenery!
(Please ignore the bit where I almost fell asleep, snoring loudly, during the journey!)
Back to our tutus - Geneva has been an absolutely smashing spot for the dance world, especially this time of year.
Today was the Grand opening of the Festival of Spring! - can you imagine a more divine excuse to dress up in all your finest pink finery? Imagine, the streets of Geneva brimming with elegant people wearing the prettiest pinks imaginable! A beautiful sight indeed! And I just knew this was the perfect occasion for me to slip on my own adorable, pale pink tulle tutu. (And it really does do something lovely for me, don't you think?)
Now, it wouldn't be a real #TutuTuesday if I didn't talk about the history, darlings. As you probably know, the ballet world in 1933 is a vibrant one. Even before our fantastic festival, we see amazing changes being made! We see tutus being made more full and floaty, almost cloud-like. * Imagine, a full skirt so billowing, it takes the breath away!!* And let’s not forget about the colour palette! I have to say, the pastel colours of this era are absolute delights, darling!
The tutus, my lovelies, are beginning to take on an exciting life of their own. I am positively giddy, simply thinking about them! We are talking elegant layers and swirling tulle creating enchanting silhouettes on stage! It's no wonder that so many dancers find these tutus to be enchanting and so inspiring!
But before we all become lost in the romantic world of tutus, it is time for the show to begin! I’m dying to catch Le Ballet Russe performing their new production - “Petrouchka” I just know, darling, this show is going to be magical!
I'm just a tad nervous about what Monsieur Jacques has been hiding. He has been hinting for days that he has a little surprise in store for me today! Oh my dear, can you imagine how lovely and enchanting the show might be with an added surprise at its centre? Oh dear me! Well, I think you can just guess where this will go: the ultimate highlight will most certainly be a gorgeous new addition to my wardrobe! And darling, we all know how important a fabulously stylish new wardrobe addition can be when a grand show such as this awaits. And yes, that's why, of course, pink tutus will be front and centre at the Grand Theatre today!
The Ballet Russe and all its wonders are beckoning! I simply must go! I'll tell you all about my delightful Geneva adventures, my darling pink tutu and what the surprise turns out to be on Thursday . I've simply got to get dressed and on that lovely little train for the show. You know the only way to go!
Ciao! Emma xx
Remember to come back this Thursday and visit the blog for all the inside news from the festival - I’m simply positively bursting with joy, ready to share!
P.S. Don't forget to head to the Shop at *www.pink-tutu.com. Find your *own perfect shade of pink tutu to celebrate our very own #TutuTuesday! It’s all about celebrating joy and sharing the happiness!
Be kind. Be sparkly. And always wear pink! #TutuTuesday #balletlover #pink #paris