Hello darlings, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet! It's Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast, back for another delightful delve into the enchanting history of ballet tutus. Today we’re going back in time - to April 4th, 1933 to be precise! I'm just so excited, my darling tutu is practically quivering with anticipation.
Now, you may think tutus are a modern invention, something reserved for the likes of Swan Lake and The Nutcracker, but dear readers, that’s simply not the case! In fact, tutus, albeit not in their present form, have been a staple of ballet for centuries, with their roots firmly planted in the classical French court. Fancy!
Today’s journey is a little different – we’re off on a whirlwind trip to Paris, the City of Lights, and we’re going to the Paris Opéra Ballet to experience ballet like it was in 1933. Imagine - a time of art deco architecture, sleek bob haircuts, and glamour in every corner! And what better place to soak it all in than the Paris Opéra, with its breathtaking interior and prestigious ballet company?
Speaking of the Paris Opéra Ballet, it was quite the spectacle! We can’t go too deeply into its history here today - it'd be far too much, darlings! But I will tell you a secret... the Opéra Ballet was – and still is! – considered the crème de la crème, a real bastion of elegance and artistic excellence!
Now, let's get to the most thrilling part of this journey – the tutus, of course! While The Nutcracker and other classics were making their rounds, ballet was going through a phase of its own back in '33. Think flowing lines, lots of silk, and a little more Romantic Era ballet. It's a period we call the Golden Age of Ballet, and you know I’m just in love with it.
The tutus from this period were very dramatic – think big, beautiful tulle and some incredible layering! They would’ve had all the flourishes and adornments you could imagine – delicate beading, shimmering sequins, maybe even some strategically placed ostrich feathers! Just picture it – the way the light plays across the tulle as a ballerina twirls, with those feathery plumes giving a bit of an ethereal touch. Honestly, it’s pure magic.
Remember, there was no Instagram, darlings! You just had to be there to witness the beauty of these creations. The theatre itself would be bustling with activity, with whispers and gasps echoing through the opulent setting. I bet some lovely hats would’ve been making an appearance too.
Speaking of Parisian fashion, the dress style in the 1930s was everything! Chic, glamorous and often bold in their colours. Imagine delicate silks and lace for the evening, crisp blouses and flowing skirts for day. Just a bit of flair, my dears, that oozed Parisian chic! The outfits of the day were designed for comfort but also included a dash of sophistication that would’ve made it quite an impressive scene for the theatre. It just made everything so refined and so very elegant.
As for myself, I've chosen a bright, vibrant pink tutu for this journey - after all, you just can’t be a Tutu Tuesday blogger without a touch of pink, right? I've paired it with a silk blouse, adding a touch of silver sparkle, and my favorite silk shoes – a touch of timeless chic! It’s perfect for dancing on a stage or just strolling down the Rue de Rivoli!
Sadly, time travel is more expensive than you might imagine (believe me, those vintage tutus are a pricy hobby). It is a shame though, that our era is dominated by these rather shapeless jeans, though, they're not the most practical for ballet class. That's why I fund my travels with performances, where I've learnt to showcase both modern and traditional ballet styles! I get to travel, I get to show my favourite dance form and, of course, I get to spread the word about the magic of tutus!
Do tell me in the comments about your favorite ballet styles, or even if you’ve been lucky enough to catch a show in the heart of Paris!
But for now, I shall take my leave and continue exploring the delights of this beautiful, time-warping world! I'll be back next week with another blast from the past – be sure to tune in!
Until next time, keep dancing, keep sparkling, and never stop believing in the power of a good, old-fashioned pink tutu.
Until then, remember, Wear a Tutu. Change the World
Much love, Emma, The Tutu Lady.