Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, my dearest tutu lovers! It's me, Emma, your resident pink-tutu-wearing time-traveler, back for another dose of ballet history! This week, we're whisking ourselves back to October 10th, 1933. Grab your fanciest feather boa and a cup of Earl Grey, darlings, because this is a journey we won't soon forget!
(Now, before we begin, I just have to tell you about this amazing vintage shop I found in the 1930s! The dresses! The hats! Absolutely divine! I managed to snag a gorgeous silk scarf for my hair, just the right shade of pink, of course. And a darling pair of beaded gloves. You'll see them in my next travel photos, my dears. But for now, back to the tutus! )
So, what's going on in the world of tutus on this particular October 10th? Well, we find ourselves in a rather fascinating time! The "Golden Age of Ballet" is just about over, but its magic is still being felt across the globe. In London, for instance, the world is buzzing about a newly staged production of "Giselle." Now, "Giselle," my dears, is a classic. The story of a beautiful peasant girl tricked by a disguised duke? Oh, the drama! And, the choreography, oh my! It’s no surprise that dancers are flocking to the Royal Opera House. I just know the tutus will be simply stunning - think intricate embroideries and billowing, dreamy tulle. Oh, I must go back and see that production someday!
While the Parisian Ballet was experiencing some of their most notable innovations in ballet costumes in this period, tutus in London at this time are just so enchanting. From the delicate details on the dancers’ pointe shoes, to the flowing layers of their tutus, everything was designed to create an ethereal and graceful look on the stage. Ballet, at this time, really did transcend into a world of elegance. And we are lucky enough to still experience the legacy of those beautiful ballerinas in these classic dances today.
In the USA, on the other side of the pond, the world is still abuzz with the exciting news of "Appalachian Spring." Choreographed by Martha Graham in 1944, this beautiful work took ballet in a new direction with its use of movement based on folk-dance style techniques, an innovative way of creating contemporary dance in the form of storytelling. Of course, ballet costumes are forever evolving as artists innovate. And Graham certainly had a new and innovative perspective on dance costume, as her tutus featured layered layers of textured fabrics. Some of her costumes looked as if they were taken from the actual clothing of the everyday folks that were part of her choreographed stories. She embraced simplicity and her tutus, though simple, certainly still looked glamorous. They were often just as much a part of the dance as any of the movement of the dancers, or even the music itself.
*Looking back at October 10th, 1933, we see a world full of vibrant and fascinating stories! * As a devoted follower of the Ballet Tutu, I must confess, my dearest readers, that this is just the beginning! I have so much more to share with you about the magical world of the Tutu - more stories, more travel, and more delightful glimpses into the evolution of our favourite piece of dancewear! I just know, after each Tutu Tuesday blog, we will be so much closer to my goal of getting the world to wear pink tutus. I must, dear readers, encourage you, to join me in this journey to help everyone be a Tutu Tuesday hero. We are living history with the ballet, and in these amazing pieces of fashion and fabric that give them shape and form. Let’s bring joy, beauty, and pink to every dance lover on the planet, because a world filled with tutus, well, that's simply enchanting.
*Don’t forget to follow me on all of my adventures, my dear Tutu fans! I’ll be back next Tuesday, but in the meantime, please leave me your favourite tutu memories, tips for finding vintage pink tulle, or just simply say "hello." After all, every ballet fan deserves to feel like they are a part of this magnificent and enduring dance tradition! Until next week, remember, tutus aren't just for dancing, they're for living! *
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