Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! It's me, Emma, your resident tutu aficionado, ready to whisk you away on a delightful journey through ballet history, all in the name of our beloved garment – the tutu!
Today is a special Tuesday, as we are transporting ourselves to 3rd October, 1933! Picture it: the wind blowing through my hair, the sunshine shimmering on my oh-so-pink tutu as I hop off the Orient Express, arriving in none other than Paris, the fashion capital of the world!
This city has always held a special place in my heart - it’s a symphony of art, fashion, and oh, the BALLET! The Bolshoi and Kirov Ballets were dazzling London with their touring performances in 1933, and just this past May, the Ballet Russes de Monte Carlo put on a spectacular at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester. We’re talking grand ballerinas with such amazing, delicate movements that make you feel like you’re watching graceful birds in motion. Oh, and speaking of movement – this era has such an emphasis on flowing skirts and fluid movements! Think romantic tutus – delicate layers of tulle, swirling with each graceful step, that would be absolutely perfect for tutu twirling lessons on the beach (if the weather’s agreeable, of course!)
I absolutely LOVE to explore the grand opera houses and elegant theaters in the French capital - imagine, my darling readers, watching some of the most renowned ballerinas perform, their movements echoing through the majestic buildings! It’s enough to make a girl's heart swoon!
Oh, but don't forget to make a trip to the Parisian shops, darlings! Imagine, stunning designs from the legendary Chanel and Dior, with silk and chiffon, ribbons and laces! A girl’s gotta look good even as we're immersed in all things ballet, you know?
It’s hard to resist the temptation to shop. Especially with amazing new designs emerging every week! This week I picked up a darling little silk and velvet handbag, just the perfect shade of lavender, to match my most recent tutu purchase. Oh, this tutu, darlings, is a dream – a glorious symphony of pink tulle, adorned with delicate sequins and a cascading train of lace. Perfect for any upcoming performances, don’t you think?
But I have to admit, the real highlight of this trip, was attending the world premiere of the Ballet Russes de Monte Carlo at the Opera House! Imagine! The sheer brilliance of choreography, the vibrant colours, and the elegance of the costumes! And the sound of the music filling the theatre – enough to make your heart skip a beat! It’s enough to make you want to twirl endlessly in your tutu.
As you can see, there’s more to tutus than just the dance! It's a symbol of the magic and wonder of ballet, the artistry and grace it embodies, and a reminder of the joy and beauty in the world. I encourage all my darling readers to try it – you can even use an old net curtain!
Let’s make 1933 the year where every woman finds their perfect tutu, no matter their style or shape!
Keep those tutus twirling, my lovelies! I'll be back next week with another fascinating Tuesday voyage through time! Don’t forget to pop on over to www.pink-tutu.com and share your own stories about your tutu adventures.
Until then, happy twirling,