Hello, darlings! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood time-travelling tutu enthusiast! It's Tuesday, which means it's time to dive into our weekly journey through the glorious history of the ballet tutu, and oh my, this week's date is just sparkling! Grab a glass of champagne, settle in for a lovely chat, and let's go on an adventure to July 24th, 1934!
My oh my, wouldn't you just love to have been at the Royal Opera House on this very day, dear readers? Imagine, all the glamorous ladies with their feather boas and perfectly sculpted bobbed hairstyles! And wouldn't you just love the men's suits - so smart and sleek! All of London was just a flurry of excitement on this particular day because Margot Fonteyn was gracing the stage! This darling girl was just eighteen, with such incredible promise and talent. What a legend, isn't she?
You know I simply adore this whole period of time in history. The 1930s were such an elegant, fabulous era, wasn't it? Just picture those glamorous art deco dresses with their flowing skirts and sparkly sequins - truly stunning, right? And can we talk about the hats! My heart melts at the sight of those exquisite hats adorned with plumes, veils and jewels. Absolutely divine. And all these fashion trends found their way onto the stage too, influencing the tutus worn by dancers of the time!
You see, even back then, ballet was a source of incredible fashion inspiration, much like today. But I don't know what my favourite part about tutus during this era is - their exquisite structure! Just imagine, lovely readers, the delicate layering of tulle! Such softness and gracefulness, swirling and shimmering with every delicate pirouette and dainty arabesque. Magnifique, I tell you!
Just think of those dreamy romantic ballets like 'Giselle' - you could imagine a fluttering white tutu just swaying in the moonlight under a backdrop of twinkling stars! So beautifully symbolic, wasn't it? It's just magical! These romantic stories, these enchanting settings - that's what ballet was about. The perfect opportunity to let loose, dream, and truly escape the stresses of everyday life, don't you agree?
Speaking of magical things, can we talk about the ballet slippers from this era? Oh my goodness, darling! Talk about elegance - I love the delicate construction of their little bows and the delicate ribbons - pure class, my dears! It's as though even the shoes of these beautiful dancers themselves are a story, a tale to be told!
As I always say, the ballet is the art of storytelling through dance and fashion, wouldn't you say? Just look at The Royal Ballet's productions, how meticulously crafted the tutus are! Their sparkle, grace, and femininity are always at the forefront, reflecting the era perfectly! Just the sheer skill and artistry that went into the design of those tutus during this time. It’s simply breath-taking!
So, dear readers, next time you see a ballerina in her swirling pink tutu onstage, remember how much history and tradition those little tulle wonders represent!
But this journey is about more than just the tutus of 1934! It’s also about those fabulous travelling opportunities that a life like this provides, don’t you think? Oh, to be a travelling ballerina, a true dancing diva. To ride the elegant steam trains through the picturesque English countryside - the countryside where my own ballet journey began! It's a dream come true, don't you think?
Oh, to have hopped on the Orient Express, like so many others back in the day, and visited the most exciting cities of Europe! That’s another one of those magical, romantic visions that the world of dance conjures, isn't it? Can't you imagine those Parisian cafes, the Italian sun, the vibrant cities, and the glamorous atmosphere surrounding such fantastic travelling and theatrical experiences? What a joyful life it would be!
Don't forget to grab yourself the prettiest pink tutu you can find! Wear it with confidence and elegance, dear readers, and enjoy that extra twirl in your step!
Let’s embrace our love for the stage and embrace our fabulousness! And until next week, I’ll be off to find another fabulous tutu.
Much love,
Emma xx
PinkTutu #BalletHistory #TutuTuesday #Fashionista #1930s #MargotFonteyn #RoyalOperaHouse #TravelBallerina