Hello my darling tutu lovers! Welcome back to another glorious #TutuTuesday. This week we're diving into the delightful world of ballet history and, as always, we're adding a touch of pink sparkle along the way.
Today I'm hopping aboard my trusty time-travelling train, and we're heading back to a special date, 22nd January 1935, for a fabulous peek into the history of tutus!
It’s just lovely to be in Paris. As always, Paris is bustling with all kinds of activities from theatre shows to grand opera houses. This week’s performance is so elegant! A magnificent piece of music paired with some beautiful dance steps; just brilliant. Oh, and of course, the gorgeous dancers – you simply couldn't look away! The entire production is pure delight, from the exquisite costumes to the dancers' beautiful pink tutus! Honestly, their delicate pink tutus are breathtaking.
Paris has always been the undisputed capital of ballet, so it's no surprise that this era saw some of the most breathtaking innovations in tutus. Back in 1935, ballet was flourishing and tutus were absolutely dominating the stage!
The tutus of the day were truly exquisite - very much influenced by the romantic era. Picture yourself in a soft tulle skirt that flounces gracefully as you dance. They weren't all about grand size and fullness, but had an exquisite light-hearted grace to them. They were so beautifully constructed that every swirl, every pirouette, simply looked ethereal and enchanting!
That same ethereal, enchanting charm and elegance can be felt even today, just in the same way I feel when I go to watch a show at London's Royal Opera House! Every graceful movement of the dancers' arms and legs creates such an alluring performance and I love being captivated by each intricate step and flourish. I love London. From the theatre to the Royal Opera House itself, to all of the exquisite dance classes – it’s all about being truly connected with what a tutu represents and it is what makes me feel happy!
But this was no ordinary year, 1935! A significant event happened that we need to talk about - the emergence of the now-iconic "tutu ballerina". These graceful ballerinas were captivating the world, dressed in their tutus with their elegance, their grace and the magical artistry that every dancer seems to hold within their soul. And guess what? Those graceful dancers often favoured shades of pink! Yes, my lovely tutu lovers, a blush of pink really did bring that whole "delicate sweetness" aesthetic of ballet to life! I, of course, knew it from the first time I travelled back through time to see my first ballerina in the 1800's – they were wearing the prettiest pale pinks too.
As a tutu enthusiast and a self-proclaimed pink-tutu aficionado, I'm always captivated by the rich and varied history of tutus. From their humble beginnings in the 18th century to their breathtaking evolution in the 20th, it is no surprise that this item of dancewear is so integral to any ballerina's life. After all, there is a lot of joy and creativity to be had when you wear something that moves with your every step – and that's where a tutu can truly shine!
As I step off my train today, I’m feeling a little bittersweet - 1935 has been a magical adventure. Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s time to let go of our fascination with tutus! I encourage you to share your own #TutuTuesday discoveries! Whether you've just discovered the elegance of the past or are simply living your pink-tutu dreams today, I love to hear your stories and thoughts.
But as I sign off, I am off on another trip through time, in the comfort of my vintage railway carriage and I have a rather exciting stop coming up, in London, on the 24th. The Grand Opening of "The Mayfair Theatre", now this sounds truly exciting, a brand new, elegant venue for entertainment, in an era where stage shows, musicals, and of course, ballet was the go-to for evenings out.
That's all from me for this #TutuTuesday. Until next week, keep those tutus twirling!
Yours in pink and pirouettes,
Remember to visit Emma at www.pink-tutu.com every Tuesday for more Tutu Tales.
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*What did you think of the ballet performance of today, 22nd January 1935, what kind of shoes are dancers wearing at the moment, let us know your thoughts in the comments below! *