Hello my dearest Tutu Twirlers! Welcome back to Pink Tutu, your one-stop shop for all things ballet and all things pink! It’s me, Emma, your resident Tutu Time Traveller, bringing you another fabulous dose of ballet history, all from my very own, pink, sequined perspective. And wouldn't you know it, today's journey whisks us back to the fabulous 1930s - oh my goodness, imagine!
Today is March 26th, 1935. You know, just another day in the year the legendary "Little Ballet" was performing at the London Coliseum. They call it little? Oh no my dears, nothing is little about a show where ballerinas fly through the air like butterflies and their tutus twirl like rainbows! It is said that it was the tutus that made the "Little Ballet" what it was, something quite exquisite and a delight for all ages! They were just breathtaking, all ruffled, and fluffy, like a cloud. Why, if the "Little Ballet" did anything well, it was their tutus!
Can you imagine, performing in front of a roaring crowd, all their faces illuminated by the golden glow of the stage lights. It just seems like such an adventure. What an utterly marvelous experience that would be!
*But let's talk about this special date! * Why, you’re absolutely right, March 26th was the day for this magnificent show.
*"A Day of Beauty and Movement!" *
The "Little Ballet" at the London Coliseum.
It was truly a spectacle - I bet you'd agree! The audience, they would have been mesmerised, captivated by the delicate movements and dazzling costumes. Imagine the sheer beauty, the grace, and elegance of it all - truly enchanting!
I bet all the young girls there, with stars in their eyes and a glint of hope in their hearts, dreaming of a ballet career. And those who didn't dream of the stage? I bet they dreamed of wearing their very own twirly, pink tutu, all fluffed up and ready to dance the night away, just like their idols in the "Little Ballet".
*What about me? How could I not go? * Why, this very special day would be impossible to miss. Especially when it involved seeing a performance so exciting and with some of the finest dance costumes in all of London. *What is a fashion enthusiast to do but make her way down to London by train, find a grand dress for the occasion, buy a very stylish hat with some charming feathers and, of course, make a beeline for the best seats in the theatre! * You simply must find some beautiful, elegant things for a special night like this. That's the rule!
Now, I’ll be sure to keep my eyes peeled for another fabulous “Tutu Tuesday” in the past, and share those delightful details with all of you. After all, spreading the love of ballet and tutus is what I live for!
* Until then, darlings! Happy tutuing, twirling and keep those ballet shoes dusted off!*
Emma, your #PinkTutu QueenRemember to visit us at * www.pink-tutu.com * every Tuesday for your weekly dose of "Tutu Tuesday" Ballet History.
TutuTuesday #BalletHistory #PinkTutu #Emma #TimeTravellingFashionista #1930s #LondonColiseum #LittleBallet #Tutus *Please do also check out the last post: Post 5386 about the 1925 ballet "Aurora's Wedding". You’ll never guess what amazing outfits there were in that show. *