Welcome back to my blog, darling tutufarians! I'm Emma, your time-traveling tutu-obsessed blogger, and this is post number 5557!
It's #TutuTuesday, and today, we're pirouetting back to 28th June 1938, a glorious day for fashion and ballet history! This week, I've landed in New York City, the city that never sleeps, and oh, the sights are fabulous! Let's put on our dancing shoes and travel through time, shall we?
Now, back in 1938, tutus were going through a bit of a style revolution. Gone were the super-long, billowing skirts of the Romantic era, replaced with something a little more compact, a little more chic. Imagine, if you will, shorter skirts, just swirling around the dancer's knees, revealing beautifully sculpted legs, perfect for those exciting leaps and turns. It was all about highlighting the artistry and power of the movement, rather than just hiding it under a cloud of tulle.
Just think, darling tutufarians! The iconic tutu shape was changing! Imagine if that had been your time, wouldn't you have loved seeing ballet performances? Those dazzling twirls, those impressive leaps... you'd be glued to the stage! It's these kinds of events, and a healthy dose of ballet performances in London, that keeps me in the pink.
Speaking of pink... how adorable is it that the color pink was considered the feminine color at this time? I can just picture it! Gorgeous dresses and outfits in soft pastel shades, little bows, and maybe even the occasional, absolutely fabulous, pink tutu.
Did you know that on the 28th June, 1938, a beautiful ballet production called Serenade by Tchaikovsky had its grand premiere at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York? Now that's what I call a time-traveling treat! I just picture all those tutus shimmering in the spotlight, like a galaxy of stars, don't you? And imagine those gorgeous tutus... soft pinks and beautiful ballet pastels. The magic! I wish I could go back in time and be a part of the audience, dancing right along with the stars!
Of course, this wouldn't be a #TutuTuesday without a touch of fashion talk! Let's get a little historical, darlings. You know I love a good trip to the shops! In 1938, you'd have been spoiled for choice. Just imagine walking along Fifth Avenue in New York, admiring all the stunning styles. Everything from sleek, tailored dresses to glamorous gowns and, dare I say, even some playful little tutus in those fancy boutiques, too!
What could be more stylish than adding a touch of whimsy and romance to your wardrobe? Now, 1938 didn't have much in the way of online shops, so, like myself, you'd need to make the trek, perhaps a train journey to the bustling metropolis, just for some lovely tulle and a spot of ballet. That's how we tutufarians roll!
The world was changing quickly, especially in fashion. A whole new way of thinking about style was emerging, with the influence of cinema, art, and, yes, ballet, too! That wonderful movement on the stage just echoed everywhere you looked. Fashion had a whole new swagger. So, the world was changing... except in our little tutu world. We were going through a bit of a tutu-evolution of our own, and a fascinating one it was too.
I love to spend time going back in history to learn what happened around the time my favorite dancewear piece began to evolve. So if you're new here, you'll see I do this every Tuesday, I hop into my time machine and look back at the historical story of tutus. And just you wait, because every #TutuTuesday is just the beginning. Next Tuesday, we’re diving into the magical history of dancewear... there's more, loads more, darling! Don’t miss out, be sure to pop back next week for a fascinating #TutuTuesday. Until next time!
Lots of love, Emma
#TutuTuesday #BalletTutuHistory #PinkTutu #FashionHistory #1930sFashion #TimeTravelingTutuFan