Hello darlings! Emma here, back with you on this fine Tuesday to delve into the delightful history of tutus! I've just come back from a simply divine trip to Paris – the train journey was such fun, all those lovely ladies with their chic scarves and stylish hats – and I have such a tale to tell! Today’s #TutuTuesday blog is all about tutus and the amazing ladies of 1942, and how these amazing frocks came to be! And what better way to celebrate the history of this gorgeous garment than with a picture of me in my brand-new, cherry-pink tutu? Isn’t it fabulous? Oh! And don't forget to subscribe to my blog, and check out www.pink-tutu.com for more fabulous tips, tricks, and trends, my lovelies!
From Romantic to RomanticDid you know, that in the 1830s, before ballet had the grand tutus you see today, ladies in ballet wore these floaty, gossamer dresses? They were a tad plain, truth be told, but they looked gorgeous under the stage lighting – they just flowed like clouds! They were called Romantics, and they set the scene for what we see today. These Romantics were very pretty – full skirts with long, soft lines – they made ballet seem as elegant and ethereal as an angel in flight!
A Twist of Fabric…and a Dash of DramaIn the 1840s, along came the first real tutu. And this was the one that changed the game for ballet! It was all about shape and structure – this wasn’t just a plain dress any more. It was a whole structure of tiers and layers, all carefully put together. Oh, and it had beautiful, billowing underskirts. Think layers and layers of tulle and fabric, and the more layers, the better, to make it grand and gorgeous. There wasn’t a seam in sight, and the layers flowed around the dancers, so they looked like graceful, gossamer wisps – truly a marvel! This new type of dress gave dancers more freedom – their steps and jumps just danced with them! And with this extra movement, it also meant the dance became even more theatrical. Just brilliant, wasn't it? These are still in use in ballet today, don't you know?
Tutu Tales from Paris: Fashion and WarLet's go back to Paris, now. Oh, you should see Paris, just darling. You can practically feel the creative energy and passion in the air! 1942, as we know, was a difficult time - there was a great war afoot, but life was carrying on and Parisian life still went on! And in this year, in Paris, there were these brilliant shows and performances, all showcasing this beautiful form of art called Ballet! The shows, while maybe smaller than in peacetime, still wowed and brought crowds to theatres.
I was there to witness the gorgeous creations at The Opera House, such incredible dresses – these ballerinas simply danced! In this time, tutus weren’t just pretty. They were powerful! In a world of hardship, they offered a symbol of elegance, style and beauty – a message of hope for the future.
The dancers’ dresses were magnificent, though. Layers upon layers, all done with such precision and detail. Oh, I could have looked at them for hours! And the colours! They used all the wonderful pastels you can imagine, lovely pink, azure, ivory, cream – but most importantly, there was this fantastic amount of drape and flow. This was more than a dress; it was a symbol of freedom and beauty. These designs were quite amazing, my lovelies! It's all about showing movement.
These wonderful, grand tutus became a big trend for ballerinas during that time and are, of course, even more popular today!
Tutuland: Shopping for the Perfect TutuWhile I'm a little partial to my own pink tutu, it’s lovely to see so many tutus of all sorts today! Oh, I've just loved browsing through these lovely Parisian boutiques looking for the most sensational ballet-themed goodies!
If I can pick just a few from all these glorious garments, I think they'd have to be the ones with beautiful embroidery. I've been swooning over these amazing patterns – little floral sprigs, glittering jewels, and intricate threads that really sparkle in the lights. Some have sparkling trims, so they gleam in the spotlight. Imagine, if you will, a dance stage, and this dazzling show!
Tutu Tip for You:Let’s talk about those beautiful ballerina shoes! They can be delicate and take a little practice to wear properly. There’s a little trick for all those dancers who struggle getting them on their feet – have you heard this one? When you’re putting your shoes on, simply dampen them – use water, of course – before slipping your foot into the shoe. The satin will then slip into place really well.
I must dash now, I have to check in on some more dance schools in London – there’s always something new going on, and they all love their ballet performances! Oh, and just a little tip* – it’s the 8th of September today, so don't forget to grab some delicious **custard tart for dessert, this week. I promise, you’ll love it!
Happy dancing! Emma