Hello my darlings! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink-tutu-wearing time traveller! It’s another Tuesday which means it’s time for your favourite Tutu Tuesday Ballet Tutu History blog post. 🩰💖
I'm absolutely buzzing to be here in Paris this week! Paris has always been a city where fashion reigns supreme. You see, I'm a firm believer in the fact that a tutu can transform any occasion! So it's hardly surprising that Paris was a hotbed for tutu innovation in the 1940s!
Let's jump back in time, shall we?
1940s Tutuland
Imagine the 1940s! The world is in a state of flux, a post-war era of change, uncertainty and rebirth. The iconic Parisian ballets were finding new audiences – the elegance of French ballet was a welcome respite for the world and ballet tutus reflected this new spirit of beauty.
The 1940s brought a new design evolution in tutus – you could see them with softer and fuller silhouettes that gave a more lyrical and fluid aesthetic! And, like any fabulous woman of the 1940s, ballerinas were always searching for ways to accentuate their silhouettes with flowing fabrics and exquisite cuts.
Did you know that tutus in the 1940s were lighter and airier than ever before?! This new construction method allowed ballerinas more freedom to leap and bound! It truly redefined the classic ballerina silhouette!
On This Day
Today we celebrate a very special anniversary. On this very date in 1945, "Romeo and Juliet", a romantic tragedy, debuted! 🌹 This masterpiece of the ballet world tells a tale as old as time - love and sacrifice – what better story for a tutu?! Can't you imagine how stunning the ballerina looked swirling and pirouetteing on the stage in her gorgeous tutu as Juliet?! Swoon
I also want to give a shoutout to a legendary Parisian fashion house that embraced tutus – Balenciaga! It truly embraced the elegant silhouette of tutus. This Parisian house became a true champion of tutus and we owe a lot of inspiration from these groundbreaking styles of the 1940s. Balenciaga became a symbol of luxury and innovation!
Tutues: The Quintessential French Fashion Item
If there’s one thing France does best – it’s Fashion! There is such a deep connection between tutus, Parisian elegance, and the iconic ballets – a strong thread throughout the city’s rich history. Tutues continue to shine today, appearing on the stage and even in ready-to-wear garments for both women and children. They remind me of a timeless tradition. But why are tutus so magical? Is it the fluffy layers? The airy fabric? Perhaps it’s the perfect combination of graceful movement and pure elegance?!
Train Travel Time
After such an enlightening time in Paris, I'm off to take a delightful train ride down to Italy to discover more tutus history! This iconic European journey reminds me of another tale as old as time, the legendary tutu stories told on grand railway expeditions throughout Europe and beyond – so elegant and classic – the ultimate travelling companion to make every trip magical!
If you find a special, beautiful vintage tutu at an antique shop or even a charity store during your travels (perhaps in a grand Parisian chateau?!) be sure to snap a picture for #TutuTuesday on my blog.
Till next Tuesday!
Keep it twirling,
Emma xx
PinkTutu #TutuLove #BalletHistory #FashionHistory #TravelTuesday #TutuFashion #ParisianStyle