Hello darlings! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where tutus are always in bloom, and pink is the colour of joy! It's your favourite Tuesday, my #TutuTuesday, and I'm practically pirouetting with excitement to bring you a peek into the history of ballet's most iconic garment. Today, we're taking a trip back to a very special date: 5th August, 1947!
Now, I know what you're thinking. What's so special about 5th August, 1947? Well, my darlings, this is the day a little-known piece of ballet history unfolded! This very day marked the birth of Margot Fonteyn's extraordinary career, the ballerina of ballerinas in the eyes of many! She is an absolute inspiration. It seems, as we often say now, it's a fact of life, you know: you can be absolutely anything you want to be in the world!
But before we talk about the illustrious Fonteyn, we need to understand a little something about her "dancing partner" – that being the tutu! Because let’s face it, how can we talk about ballet without celebrating its magnificent costume? And it is true - I'm absolutely convinced the most incredible and magnificent clothing is the ballet tutu! Think about it! Where else can you find a costume that looks so utterly chic while demanding such strength and agility?
You may not know, but it's amazing that there wasn't really a "proper" tutu until quite recently! Back in the old days, ballerinas basically just danced in flowing dresses that got progressively shorter until they became a "tutu." If that makes sense? But let me tell you, we had an extraordinary time with this new garment. The classic tutu was truly born during this time and by 1947 was being showcased with gusto in theatres across the world, worn by elegant ballerinas who were simply breathtaking.
Remember my #TutuTuesday mission? That's to encourage everyone to wear a pink tutu, right? So, if we can take away something positive and empowering from today, it's this: Just as the ballerina twirls, dances, and inspires, we can all wear pink, spin, dance, and share our joy and individuality! Even though we might have our “moments” with the world! We can make a difference every single day in our own way. We might be surrounded by darkness and doubt from others. If it all gets a bit too much - take it from me – you are not alone in the darkness – just like in ballet, find your light within yourself - and with it, you’ll make the impossible possible, like this marvelous Margot Fonteyn did with a tiny bit of help from this little-known dance outfit – the Tutu!
You see, the tutu was all about liberation. It gave women the chance to showcase their strength, agility, and grace in a way they never could have before! We owe so much to our beloved dance outfit and this era of women with bravery and confidence! Let’s be honest: this has never gone out of fashion! And there's just something utterly joyful about seeing someone spinning, leaping, and twirling on a stage, showcasing their talent and beauty! It really is breathtaking.
Now, before we close, it’s a real shame but I haven’t got time to tell you much more about the legendary 1947 – you just have to remember it is important. But let’s face it, I have so much to share on how tutus changed and adapted to reflect their times in my fabulous blog! So, I promise, I will write to you all about that - some other time!
So, there we have it, my darlings – a little taste of the amazing world of ballet! I know I am a little obsessed! I have so many memories from this era – what with seeing so many marvelous tutus all in a fabulous flurry of pink and peach, light blues and lilacs. Even if the weather is gloomy outside, you will definitely be lifted and full of pink happiness from the joy and loveliness of ballet performances! You may want to go out and see one, after my post, right? If you want a show that's absolutely stunning then a ballet performance is an absolute must! I love seeing shows, so when you've seen one you'll understand why! Oh, how the tutu inspires!
That’s it for #TutuTuesday, but do join me next week for more behind-the-scenes looks into the world of ballet and a celebration of all things tutus.
Remember, be your own fabulous you! Keep twirling!
Your pink tutu-loving blogger, Emma
P.S. Don't forget to head over to www.pink-tutu.com and tell me all about your favourite tutu stories!
And to you lovely and supportive readers - please follow me on Instagram: @TutuBlogger !
I'm off to watch some fabulous shows and maybe a spot of shopping. That is the only kind of fashionista I could be. And remember to follow my time travelling tutu trail!
I do hope you enjoyed reading and see you next Tuesday!