Hello darlings! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where tutus are the star and pink is the colour of happiness! It's another glorious #TutuTuesday, and today, we're waltzing our way back to September 2nd, 1958! Buckle up, my fellow tutu enthusiasts, for a fabulous trip down memory lane.
My, how I love the bustle of New York! It's truly the capital of the tutu world, even though I'm a Derbyshire girl at heart. The city just vibrates with creativity and excitement. I just know that somewhere amongst these avenues, a brand-new fashionista is dreaming of twirling in a dazzling tutu, and I am here to share all the inspiring stories of the tutus of the past! And believe me, they are fascinating!
Speaking of fascination, wouldn't you know it, September 2nd 1958 was a real beauty for ballet lovers! A new ballet production was premiered in this very city by none other than the legendary George Balanchine, at the New York City Ballet! Now, everyone knows about George Balanchine, right? This ballet genius practically re-invented what ballet could be. So imagine, this amazing production, and I was there to witness it with my very own eyes. The Prodigal Son they called it, and it was pure magic, filled with heart-stopping dance, dramatic emotion, and yes you guessed it, magnificent tutus! That evening, my diary was overflowing with sketches of the beautiful tutus.
But you know, darlings, tutus weren’t always the elaborate, ethereal creations they are today! 1958 was an exciting time, as you can see! There was a real evolution going on. The tutus, and of course, the fashion of the time! What could I say to describe my delightful new frock? Why, darling, it was a simple creation, of course! But its elegant pink design paired beautifully with my newest, stunning pink tulle tutu!
It was a simple, perfectly fitting dress with a neat little jacket for evening coolness. Of course, my tutu had a perfectly structured bodice in that exquisite pale shade of pink. A truly dazzling mix, perfectly balanced, and the whole look came alive in the twinkle lights of New York!
It's funny to think, though, that not that long ago, back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, ballet tutus were, shall we say, rather plain? The ballerina might have worn a simple, unadorned, white or ivory fabric gathered at the waist and barely reaching the knees. They wouldn’t have looked much like the splendid, layered, cascading tutus of the 1950s at all. And there I was in my glorious pink one, feeling absolutely every bit like a ballerina from another era.
My fashion senses tell me we owe a lot to Marie Taglioni, one of the first real ballet stars! In the 1830s, this woman caused a sensation with her new design, which is often seen as the starting point for the ballet tutu we know and adore! She basically said, 'Forget the layers of fabric, give me light, airy elegance!' She introduced a new lightness and freedom of movement to the ballet stage. It was such a revolutionary idea! And a change for the better too! Because lets face it, no one loves to dance with a heavy tutu! It is hard work as any professional ballet dancer knows!
But even in 1958, there were those tutus that could only be called "classics," with their fluffy layers and beautiful embellishments! Think of those iconic tutu designs! I imagine, that ballerinas from centuries ago, wouldn't be able to imagine tutus so much like what we have today. They certainly wouldn't be able to imagine those breathtaking whirlwinds of silk, chiffon, and netting - the beautiful creations of some of the world’s most renowned tutu makers. But I find myself thinking back to those very first "classical" ballet tutus and their unfussy elegance. There is beauty in that simplicity, just as there is beauty in today’s tutus with all their flourishes.
You know what else brought me absolute joy while I was here in the Big Apple? The joy of travel, the delicious thrill of being a tutu-loving time traveler! What's better than travelling by train, with a comfy seat and an engaging book, wandering through the magical atmosphere of bustling railway stations with all their exotic smells and sights! The only thing better, of course, is the delight of discovering the latest ballet treasures. Today, in New York, my eyes lit upon the most lovely, soft pink velvet shoes - perfect with my pink tutu, don't you think? Every shopping trip is an adventure! A journey to find a new piece of tutu perfection, a magical journey!
Back home, in my cosy, Derbyshire cottage, my thoughts turned to a vintage tutu design - not in any shade of pink, but in beautiful silver! You can’t get much more glamourous, and my mind’s eye conjures a vintage tutu design fit for a ballet princess, just what a ballet queen in 1958 might wear. That stunning silver fabric flowing elegantly around her limbs to a backdrop of beautiful golden stage lighting, the effect would be heavenly, darling! Simply heavenly.
The world is filled with the most exquisite designs, if you look closely, and always try to appreciate them. After all, fashion isn’t just about following the trends – it’s about expressing yourself! That is my motto, I hope that’s your motto too!
Speaking of self expression, do I have some news for you, my gorgeous readers. Oh, what thrilling times! New York is not the only place in the world going mad for tutus, but guess what? It’s becoming quite a fad here in the UK. What does this mean for us tutu lovers? We can rejoice at how this once-obscure symbol of ballet is stepping out into the world - to become, it would seem, an elegant expression of fashion for all. I am just in awe! There’s so much love for all kinds of tutus everywhere, you'd think it’s some magical tutu movement going on, like the ones they show on the stage in the operas! Who would have thought?
Of course, when people talk about ballet, they often think about its elegance, and that’s no surprise. From the way a ballerina moves her arms, to the flow of a beautiful tutu design – ballet is all about grace. I like to say a beautiful, graceful, tutu is an expression of joy! And now the whole world is embracing this elegant joy, all around the world! From stage and screen, and into the street to everyone’s everyday wear, I say yes, embrace your own personal "tutu style" to share with the world!
Oh my, look at the time, my lovelies! My time machine is waiting and ready to return me to my own time, so until next week, take care, remember to smile and maybe put on your very own tutu! See you soon, darlings.
Until next week… Go on, wear pink!
Emma x