Hello my darlings! Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! It's Tuesday again, which means it's time to dust off my favourite pink tutu (it's a vintage number from the 1930s - so utterly chic!) and take a trip back in time. This week, we're going all the way back to April 21st, 1959!
Can you imagine the world without ballet? Honestly, the very idea makes me want to twirl in distress! But as I travel back in time and explore the wonderful world of ballet history, I'm reminded just how much we owe to the pioneers who paved the way for our beautiful dance form.
Today, I've taken a trip to Paris (always a fabulous choice for a ballet aficionado, don't you think?), and I'm sitting at a cafe just opposite the Opéra Garnier sipping on some delicious French coffee. This historic theatre has been a hotbed for ballet since 1875, and I can almost feel the echoes of past performances as I sit here, swirling my spoon through the sugar.
I had the pleasure of watching a truly breathtaking performance of "La Fille Mal Gardée", one of my all-time favourites, last night! The costumes were stunning - I especially loved the elegant pale pink tutu on the lead ballerina! It perfectly mirrored the romantic story of the piece. I found a vintage copy of "The Complete Book of Ballet" at a charming bookshop near the theatre, so I've been pouring over it all morning. The ballet history really comes alive when you can hold a physical copy of the stories and see the original designs!
You might be surprised to hear that on this day, back in 1959, there was something incredibly exciting happening! That's right, it's the opening of the New York State Theater at Lincoln Center! A whole new stage for ballet performances - talk about exciting! It really goes to show how ballet was blossoming at this time, both in Europe and across the pond!
Now, I'm just sitting here with my thoughts (and my coffee), daydreaming about tutus of the 1950s! They were so elegant and ethereal! You've got your beautiful tulle tutus - oh, so delicate! Then there were those bold designs featuring silk and lace, some with vibrant pops of colour, and some featuring simple lines of elegant beauty.
What a wonderful time for the dance! It truly is an inspiration, wouldn't you agree? Now, I must go - there's a vintage shop I've been dying to visit. Maybe they'll have something spectacular, a truly delightful tutu to add to my collection. And just imagine the outfits I could pair it with! A simple blush pink dress, a vintage scarf with polka dots - and of course, some charming pink heels.
Don't forget to join me next week, same time, same place, for another exciting trip into the world of Ballet Tutu History! And don't forget - I encourage everyone to wear a pink tutu, at least once a week! Why? Because life is too short to be anything less than utterly fabulous!
Lots of love and twirls,
Emma xx