Hello my darling Tutu-lovers! It's Emma here from Derbyshire, England. Welcome back to my little corner of the internet for another edition of #TutuTuesday: Ballet Tutu History on www.pink-tutu.com !
This week, we're twirling back in time to January 8th, 1963, a day filled with wonderful balletic delights! I have to tell you, even I was a bit surprised at all that was going on this day! It truly is fascinating how our beautiful world of ballet has unfolded over the centuries.
I was lucky enough to take the train down to the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, a favourite haunt for all things fabulous! Not only was there a special showing of "The Nutcracker," (how could I resist?!) but just before the show began, I got chatting with some rather charming young things about the history of ballet tutus! You see, I’m a true history buff – well, when it comes to ballet history, at least!
So, you know me, I grabbed my little notebook (a pink one, naturally!) and jotted down a few titbits about tutus for today's post. Are you ready to take a peek back in time and see what's in store? Let’s do this!
A Blast from the Past: Tutued in 1963Right then, so picture this – it’s 1963! Fashion was all about big hair, sleek dresses, and what everyone seemed to call the 'new look' back then! Even in the ballet world, fashion had gone through a bit of a transformation since the romantic era, you know.
By the time we reach 1963, the romantic, full-length tutus of the past had already evolved into something much more practical for a modern dancer: the 'Classical Tutu'. You can think of it as the granddaughter of the old Romantics, with shorter layers and more airy movement! It’s still an iconic look today. But did you know that back in the day, ballerinas had to get used to wearing more form-fitting, even knee-length skirts, when they were dancing? Imagine the shock of the old-school romantic dancers - imagine the uproar!!
In 1963, dancers started taking off their romantic tutus for a look that really helped them leap! It was a new era for the look of ballet, a big leap towards what you see today! I do enjoy those longer skirts though. What would we do without a lovely romantic tutu now?
But let’s talk about that big show in Covent Garden that I was lucky to see. You've all heard of The Nutcracker, haven't you? And here I was, taking it in, back in the good ol' sixties. I was mesmerized by the dancing – those classic pirouettes, the delicate balances. But the real stars of the show were, you guessed it, the costumes!
In 1963, a lot of famous ballet companies had their own style, their own signature looks! And you know what I really loved? It was just as colourful as today. In that 'The Nutcracker' performance, there were shimmering reds, rich golds, and soft pastels – a rainbow of tutus gracing the stage!
And the details, my dears! Each dancer seemed to have their own special sparkle - glittering gemstones, feathery boas, even tiny crowns. I can't even tell you what it felt like to be there, surrounded by all that glitz and glamour, to be honest.
More than just tutus: Dancing towards a new worldThat 'Nutcracker' was such an amazing experience. Even I got caught up in the magical storytelling of the production! It made me realize how much the look of ballet, the tutu in particular, is like a silent language.
They spoke of royalty and princesses and fairy tales! I felt transported to a world of dreams.
Now I love a good fairytale - who doesn't - and I also feel that tutus allow dancers to dream big. Ballet's an art form that really lets dancers take us on magical journeys with just their steps.
Let's wrap this up, lovelies!There you have it, another glorious journey into the world of ballet tutus. Don’t forget to join me here on my little pink blog every week as I continue my mission of chronicling our beautiful history, one #TutuTuesday at a time. And don't forget, my dears, a tutu makes everything better - the world's just a little bit more sparkly when we have some twirling joy around us, wouldn’t you agree?
I love seeing all the tutus around the world now. You’re just about everywhere! From New York to Paris, Moscow to Melbourne, it’s amazing to see our wonderful tutus brightening up all those grand theatres!
So, tell me, what are you doing for your Tutu-themed Tuesday? What's your favorite thing about ballet? Share your love for the beautiful, magical, sparkly world of ballet! Until next time, my loves! I hope you have a beautiful week!
Lots of love, Emma