Hello, my darlings! It's Emma, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu enthusiast, and today we're taking a trip down memory lane, or should I say, across memory lane by train! 🚂
Today's #TutuTuesday theme? Well, buckle up, because we're travelling to 25th June, 1963!
Now, this isn't just any date, you know. This is the day The Royal Ballet premiered a brand new production of Giselle, choreographed by the legendary Frederick Ashton. Giselle has always been a ballet classic, a tale of love, loss, and those pesky woodland sprites. Imagine my excitement, I could barely contain myself in my sparkly pink tutu when I saw the posters announcing the show.
Oh, and did I mention this is the date of my birth? 🎂 Yes, it's a happy and historical #TutuTuesday! What's better than celebrating your own birthday with a trip to the ballet? Nothing, that's what!
Now, back to 1963. The Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House – I mean, how could this day not be perfect? They weren't the only ballet troupe putting on a show that night either. From the Paris Opera Ballet with their graceful Swan Lake to the American Ballet Theatre in Sleeping Beauty across the pond, tutus twirled all around the world.
Oh, and while we're talking about tutus…let's discuss those 1963 designs! Imagine shimmering, lightweight fabric, flowing, ethereal and impossibly romantic. Think Rudolf Nureyev soaring in a light blue paillettes tutu – the perfect partner to Margot Fonteyn in her classic white. Just thinking about those performances gives me a thrill! 🤩
Speaking of thrills, I must share some fun facts about 1963! Can you believe it, they started showing those amazing new colour TV programmes. Imagine that - seeing your favourite shows in full colour! No more fuzzy black and white screens! Now, they even have programmes featuring ballet! I love how times have changed - we can get the same cultural experience from home thanks to modern technology! But don’t get me wrong, a live performance is just unmatched! It’s so electric to see all that skill and energy radiating off the stage, the tutus twirling as the lights illuminate the beautiful dance. 😍
1963, such a fabulous time for ballet. With Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev dazzling on the stage, new designs, and that thrilling TV development, the world was just as excited for the ballet as we are today, and with good reason.
Well, that’s all from me this #TutuTuesday! Make sure to visit www.pink-tutu.com next week to see how we travel through history and celebrate another awesome Tutu Tuesday! Don't forget to join the pink tutu revolution – grab your brightest, twirliest pink tutu, and let's spread the love of ballet and pink tutus across the world! 🌸
* Until next time! 💖*
Emma x
P.S. If you're feeling a little nostalgic after today’s journey through history, let’s take a moment to admire those amazing tutu designs! Here are some stunning vintage tutus from 1963 for you to enjoy:
(Pictures here would link to images of vintage tutus from 1963.)
And hey, if you fancy doing a little digging around on the Internet, you can even find some awesome photos of those gorgeous dancers we discussed, including Margot and Rudolph, twirling and swirling in those magnificent tutus!
Happy Tuesday!