Hello my darlings! Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, where the tutus are always pink and the excitement is always high! This Tuesday I'm taking us on a trip down memory lane – a very fashionable memory lane, naturally!
Today we're going back to June the 4th, 1968. Can you believe it's been almost 55 years?! I can hardly remember back that far, but with my trusty time machine, well… let’s just say it’s no problem at all. Oh! and my favourite pink tutu is definitely going with me on this journey, because wouldn’t you know it, that is exactly what everyone was wearing in 1968 – tutus!
For this particular journey I popped into London, which, of course, had to be the most glamorous place to be in 1968, with a definite air of bohemian style everywhere, much to my liking. And what a wonderful scene it was! Oh the colours! Oh the fun! Everyone was experimenting with style, with such a joyous vibe everywhere. The music! The dancing! Everyone was twirling, it was delightful!
On that lovely June day in 1968, ballet, in particular, was really making waves. I popped into the Royal Opera House (back then, it was the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden – no fancy names in those days!) for an absolutely sensational performance. Oh, the elegance of the ballerinas in their beautiful tutus! I simply must get some new tulle fabric, the colours were exquisite, just the colours I love for a summer performance! I’m thinking pink, of course. My current tutu isn’t pink enough and it’s starting to feel a bit dated now. What do you think? Pink or pink with a hint of sunshine yellow? I do love yellow and it goes so well with pink! I know, I know, this is becoming my little fashion blog and it was meant to be about tutus, so forgive me… I get so caught up with colour and fabric and design! Oh! And all the accessories, the tiaras and hairbands. A tutu without a sparkling accessory just wouldn’t be complete, would it?
But, before we get carried away, back to June 4th 1968 and its wonderful tutus! They were worn in all the places, and everywhere with an air of pure and utter stylish nonchalance! Tutust- were even worn as party outfits in homes, for picnics and afternoon tea. Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful to have afternoon tea with some 1968 fashionistas – to learn all about the tutus and the other stylish trends in London and even New York, which I know also had a very exciting tutu fashion scene going on! Maybe I should head there for next Tuesday's #TutuTuesday! Oh the things we could find there. A wonderful idea. Of course, only a journey by train is possible in those days - the air travel of 2023 wouldn't be possible, especially for an elegant lady wearing a tutu! My gosh, would there be space for my big skirt and all those gorgeous feather boas!
Oh! Do you want to see some photos of my favourite shops? The most fabulous ones in the London scene. All of these had beautiful outfits with an array of tutus. My absolute favourites, I mean, they have been a definite inspiration. I will add photos from London and New York when I have popped to see them on my travels - maybe they’ll even allow me to borrow some pieces. Who knows, the stars could align…
This time I took so many photographs of London life that you just HAVE to see them. Remember, these will go on the pink-tutu.com blog after I post. There's this amazing dress shop that everyone is raving about, owned by the most stylish couple. Oh! They just love tutus, I was allowed to take photos! Then there are some stunning ballet outfits. I couldn't resist buying some new pink feathers to create the look of one of my very favorite ballerina outfits of the era! We will post them next week when I get back from London! The shop also sells vintage-style hats that would go amazingly with a tutu - it really made me wish I lived in 1968 to show off those amazing hat and tutu combinations, though, actually, with all of my travels in my time machine, it is so much easier to do the full 'tutufying' look right now!
Anyway, darling tutus, I just can't wait to share it all with you - this was my most thrilling trip, especially because this time period was truly my kind of era - the fashions were the best - a wonderful combination of ballet and fashion! And with a lot of fashion influences going back and forth from the American scene - the tutus were everywhere and everywhere I travelled - just beautiful and absolutely fun, too! What a great place this planet is! I'm just loving life. See you all next week.
*See you next #TutuTuesday, darling! *
Love, Emma