Hello darlings!
It's Tuesday, so that means it's time for another #TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History post! This week, we're twirling back to February 25th, 1969. Imagine a world without mobile phones and the internet (shudders), but with a whole lot of fantastic fashion! And of course, our beloved tutus!
Today, my fabulous time-traveling adventures took me to New York City. The energy was electric, just like a good pirouette! I popped into Bloomingdale's on 59th street to check out the latest fashions. It was such a feast for the eyes! Everyone seemed to be dressed in bright colours and geometric prints – quite the change from the prim and proper styles of the past. I’m just itching for some serious vintage shopping!
Speaking of colours, there's just something so charming and feminine about pink. Don’t you agree? Luckily for me, I'm a time traveller! That means I can still rock this delightful hue without fear of judgment. Today, I'm wearing my pinkest, poufiest tutu that sparkles like a thousand tiny stars. (Don't worry, it's not quite so grand that it would have me looking out of place, oh no, this tutu is absolutely divine and perfectly fashionable!)
1969 was quite a time for dance, with ballet booming across the world. One of the hottest tickets in town right now was the New York City Ballet, and they are quite the sight, darling! All those leaps and turns! They must spend hours and hours perfecting their every move. That reminds me… it's time for me to practice my fouettés. Back in Derbyshire, my dear, it's still quite early! The sun is barely up, but I know how important it is to make every second count!
I can't believe I'm forgetting what else is happening in the world on this historical day! Oh, it’s February 25th, 1969, and a British team named "Team Rocket", has just broken a new record for "human speed". What do they mean, 'human speed' you may ask? The guys strapped themselves to a car and sped away at a whopping 221 mph! That’s faster than a swan lake ballet performance… Maybe.
And that, my dear readers, is your history fix for this week. I hope you're all feeling the twirling spirit, whether you're on the train, at work, or even if you're simply rocking out in your living room. And remember, a tutu is the key to joy and happiness, for one and all.
See you all next week for another adventure in #TutuTuesday Ballet Tutu History!
Until next time, twirl on!
Emma x
P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for more #TutuTuesday fun on social media. It’s going to be the most exciting day of the week for ballet and pink loving fun, guaranteed!