Hello my darling Tutu Twirlers! Emma here, fresh from a magical trip through time! Today, we're swirling back to 25th September 1973. A fab time, my darlings, a fab time! My pink tutu felt perfectly at home amidst the fashion scene!
Now, 1973 was all about change, just like the graceful pirouettes we love. It was the era of disco, bell bottoms, and the birth of glam rock! Can you imagine dancing to glitteringly outrageous tunes like "Dancing Queen" and "Stayin' Alive" while rocking a stunning, floaty tutu? Divine!
This Tuesday in '73 was a real humdinger of a day, I can tell you! Imagine, we have The Last Waltz film premiering in London! A celebration of music with amazing musicians. Think of the costumes! Think of the movements! The energy must have been electric! And let's not forget our dearest Baryshnikov. The darling of ballet was absolutely captivating the world with his incredible talent. Oh, to be in the audience!
My darling dears, if you can believe it, back then tutus were even more popular than they are today. Theatres around the globe were packed with eager fans, all mesmerised by the beautiful ballerinas and their enchanting tutus. And can we even talk about the sheer variety? We saw classical tutus, of course, shimmering with elegance. But 1973 was all about experimenting, all about daring to be different.
Remember my little loves, when the "free-love" vibes of the 1960s spilled into the 70s, it was a beautiful time for experimentation. Imagine vibrant colors, flowing fabrics, and innovative cuts. Tutus embraced these trends with open arms (and beautiful, flowing sleeves!), allowing for even more dramatic and imaginative dance movements! Think of the tutus, like whimsical cloud of pink or a sunshine yellow dream. Divine, absolutely divine!
Of course, a trip back in time wouldn't be complete without a little shopping! My 1973 self went absolutely wild for the colourful, flowing maxi dresses and floral patterns that were all the rage. I'm telling you, there was something truly magical about stepping onto the platform of a vintage London train, dressed in a billowing pink dress and a sparkly, whimsical tutu.
As I gazed out of the carriage window at the charming cityscape, I couldn't help but feel a wave of exhilaration. Here, surrounded by so much artistic expression, so much innovation, it was hard not to feel incredibly inspired. Every street, every corner held a potential for something beautiful, a glimpse of the artistic soul that shines through the fabric of society.
And do you know what, dear ones? It's just like the world of ballet itself. It's all about passion, commitment, and creativity. Each step, every move, tells a story, an expression of beauty, emotions and grace.
So, here's to 1973, a year full of life, colour and a danceable rhythm!
Now, let's talk about tutus! Don't forget my lovelies, we've got a big day coming up! Get your tutus ready for the Tutu Tuesdays Grand Ballet Soirée happening at London's beautiful Royal Opera House on the 10th of October. Imagine a whole evening of dancing, glitter and elegance, and all those incredible tutus, dazzling us with every twirl and pirouette. What could be more fun and more fashionable?!
Join me on my fabulous Tutu Tuesdays. Don't forget to tell your friends, neighbours and even the lovely bus conductor! We can make this pink-tutu loving revolution a real thing. And as I'm from Derbyshire, we all know how well we love our local traditions - let's spread the joy of ballet everywhere we go! Let's inspire the world! Until next week my sweet ballet babes!
See you soon!
Emma x
*P.S. Make sure to join our Facebook group *The Tutu Collective for some amazing stories, and to share all of your tutu inspirations! **
*Remember: If you need any more time-travel tips, just drop a comment below. And remember, the best accessory is always a beautiful smile! * ✨💖