Hello Darlings!
Welcome back to my humble little corner of the internet! I’m Emma, your resident tutu enthusiast, and today, as always, I’m taking you on a journey through the dazzling world of the ballet tutu! This week, I’m going right back to 12th November, 1974. Did you know this was the date the iconic film "The Sting" was released? What an absolutely sensational film! Such glamour! So, of course, we’re going to take a twirl through the tutu history of the era… and who knows, maybe I’ll even throw in a little peek into some 1974 fashions as well!
This is post number 7455 in my Ballet Tutu History series, if you're new to my website www.pink-tutu.com do pop over to my archive – you can find all the back issues and they’re packed with fun and fashion facts, of course, featuring a stunningly diverse range of tutus, from classic Romantic styles right through to modern interpretations. I really hope I've sparked an interest in dance history. My travels can take me across the world, with one incredible journey after another, discovering new tutus and inspiring designers. The joy of ballet, however, and of course, the wonderful designs that inspire such artistry are why I travel so much.
*But back to our history journey! *
Today, as a passionate ballerina and tutu fanatic, I’m channeling all things “The Sting” - you can imagine me stepping out in my pink tutu on stage with some vintage-inspired accessories to create my own dance interpretation. Can you imagine! Oh, how simply smashing, those shimmering sequins and feathered headdresses! Now, while The Sting certainly doesn’t feature any tutus (what a travesty! laughing!), I think it’s absolutely fitting to examine this year's trend and styles, with a pinch of “The Sting” flair, after all, it was the peak of glamorous Hollywood glamour and of course, those elegant and striking fashion statements were what caught the eye. Think of the dresses! Sighs with dreaminess Oh, those flowing lines and fabulous silhouettes!
Let’s not forget the incredible music - it certainly added a layer of sophisticated flair to this already fantastic picture. “The Sting” showcased some of the hottest tunes from the era – just what I love – the kind that would get a fabulous Parisian ballet company out on the dance floor – they simply love their music. If I close my eyes, I can imagine myself swirling across the stage, dancing to that classic bluesy piano and swinging soundtrack…
You could almost imagine some incredible choreography based around it! That’s one of the beauties of travel, the fact that dance speaks every language. My biggest journey yet was to Derbyshire, my beloved home town, the Peak District’s breath-taking scenery really gives you some insight into nature’s ability to inspire dancers - there’s beauty everywhere you look. And I just know it will inspire me with more fabulous, fashion ideas to use in my Tutu Tuesday!
And talking of inspiration, I have to confess - I have a thing for the iconic “The Sting” fashion trends - those flared trousers! Those velvet jackets - just look at them on Robert Redford - swoon. As a dance blogger, and fashion enthusiast - oh yes, I adore a gorgeous fashion ensemble – the perfect blend of chic and dramatic. What a time for the classic "flared-pants" trend! It is all coming full circle you know, we are getting so much influence from 70's style – which reminds me, do have a little look at some of my favorite ballet trends of 1974, you'll see what I mean!
It was truly the era of the dramatic look, and tutus were not left behind! In 1974, ballet costumes were bolder, more daring. Think of tutus that were much more modern and flamboyant with shorter hemlines and longer skirts and layers and layers of netting and fabric – and often decorated with sequins or metallic fabric, really showing off that dazzling flair – a total contrast from those classic, delicate, romantic styles.
Remember those iconic Martha Graham pieces? Swoon. Such raw emotion! That use of drapery! It would translate beautifully into an equally fabulous and expressive tutu design.
And to make all these daring and dramatic outfits look simply sensational, it really called for the perfect pink, it seems all shades of pink – with that dramatic black or deep blue look was all the rage. A touch of shimmer with a hint of sparkling colour to really get that stunning statement piece! You really couldn't go wrong! Even now, a pink tutu with just a touch of gold or a glimmering sliver would be an absolute must-have in my wardrobe.
The other huge ballet trend I noticed - the sheer volume in fabric, some of these tutus, were like big ball gowns, layers and layers! * Now while this does remind me of something rather glamorous and *Hollywood, there’s a touch of “70s* style that has me swooning! This wasn’t about those super tight classical lines – it was about all those layered frills – and then some, *whispers. Oh, it's giving ballerina in the Big Top – which is truly sensational!
This new style of tutu gave a much more fluid movement, even more dynamic to the whole performance. If you can picture it, imagine a dance performance full of dramatic swirling – tutu layers fluttering in every direction!
Just picture that in Paris, New York or Milan! Imagine those crowds! Imagine that beautiful flow! You almost want to be on that stage right in that stunning tutu, dancing! You don't want the performance to ever end! It's a dream for any fashion blogger.
I would absolutely LOVE to be in my Pink Tutu – in a front row seat - I imagine my dream performance! Imagine it with me! We would be right up front for an enchanting night! And, for that incredible Parisian ambience – all the glamour - it would simply be magnifique!! And that perfect 1974 French aesthetic - with all those stunning fashion pieces - oh the thrill of being surrounded by this much glam and sophistication…
The 1970s was an era of liberation, and so was dance! I absolutely love it for the fashion but there's just that extra touch of drama, movement, and artistry. If only I could hop into the Wayback Machine and witness it for myself! That 1974 aesthetic just gives me chills.
Speaking of going back in time - the thrill of those historical performances gives me the greatest rush – the more fabulous tutus, the more I adore my pink one. Now I know it’s a big dream, I want to bring the beauty of the pink tutu to everyone, and it starts with sharing these inspiring stories, right here on my blog.
My dream is to see a pink tutu on every dancer, everywhere I travel to.
It might seem a little outrageous, maybe a little flamboyant – but we have to dream big, wouldn't you say, Darlings? What better way to spread the message of beauty, love and of course, a splash of glorious pink, all over the world, then with my precious pink tutu? I hope I have sparkled a passion for tutus and ballet history in you! As always I encourage you all to let me know your favourite Tutu memories from your own favourite time periods in the comments section below - or if you'd like to chat ballet, let me know!
Till next time,
Emma x