Hello my darlings! Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com for another exciting edition of Tutu Tuesday, your weekly dose of all things tutu! Today we’re whisking back to 1979, the year of disco fever and flares, a year when tutus weren't just for ballerinas! 💖
I must admit, I've been rather excited for this week's post. 1979, ah, such a vibrant era! Think shimmering sequins, groovy tunes, and of course, some truly fabulous fashion choices. And where would you find all that, you ask? Well, in the grand city of New York, where tutus took centre stage (no pun intended!) And by centre stage, I mean everywhere! From the Broadway theatre to the disco dancefloors, it seemed like everyone wanted a bit of that tutu magic!
(I must admit I popped to New York’s famous Metropolitan Museum of Art on the 12th June, 1979, which was an absolute treat. But it’s the museum’s costumes department that really grabbed my attention – those tutus were practically calling my name. They weren’t your standard classic tutus though; they were bursting with colours, bold designs, and some real statement pieces. A girl’s got to have a little bit of bling, don’t you agree? ✨)
Let’s talk about the big news on the ballet front back in June 1979, because it’s pretty impressive. It was the first ever performance of the Nutcracker by the Houston Ballet – that’s in Texas! A whole new audience getting a chance to experience this timeless masterpiece. How exciting! (Honestly, I feel a little pang of envy as I think about all those lovely new tutus! But you know what, there’s enough tutu magic to go around!).
Oh, and did you know that the Royal Ballet of London were doing a performance of Cinderella? Honestly, how fantastic. It truly shows just how far ballet was reaching and spreading those beautiful, feminine stories across the world! Now if only I could travel in a tutu and a sparkly wand, imagine the look on the faces at the theatre when I showed up to see the show! Imagine that, eh! 💖
It’s no wonder, of course, that so many talented designers like Bob Mackie and Rudi Gernreich were adding their own touch to the tutu designs. There’s definitely something quite captivating about the way a tutu moves! There’s nothing quite as majestic as watching a dancer pirouette in a cloud of tulle. Now wouldn’t that be a brilliant name for a clothing shop? A shop that’s dedicated to tutus – what a beautiful idea, right? The perfect blend of graceful elegance and playful fun, with every outfit perfectly reflecting that classic tutu shape. It’d definitely have the coolest window display in town. ✨
*(Oh, speaking of window displays, can I just say that even now in the modern era, nothing beats the window displays at the department stores in the UK? Harrods in London and Liberty in London, are pure magic – if you want a truly amazing window display then London is definitely the place to be.) *
(Actually, now I think about it, the whole London scene was incredible. If you ever have the opportunity to travel back to London, even on just a whim, I’d highly recommend it. And then take a trip on the London Underground. Yes, it can be quite crowded, but I love to sit there on the train and observe all of the characters! I find inspiration everywhere – for tutus of course! – the designs, the colours, everything! But you've got to get your tickets on time!)
*Fashion Flashback: *
Let's chat a bit about fashion. 1979! Flared trousers, and disco dresses. Just thinking about it makes me want to try to create a new outfit for my wardrobe! I just can't help but think a bright pink tutu would be a totally smashing accessory with that disco vibe. Or maybe a bold purple one – now that’s what I call a true fashion statement!
*(Remember that a good tutu is a versatile piece, and you can always add different coloured ribbons or sequins to bring out the colours of your favourite outfit! For example, think of that amazing emerald green tulle – maybe that could be styled with a golden sequins ribbon! Wow, this would be amazing! I’m going to have to think about this, but you must remember, the colour green can only be worn by certain skin tones. I don’t want to overstep the mark by telling you what to wear and what you shouldn’t! ) *
My Favourite Find:
You know how much I love ballet shows! And for me, the best thing about this time travel adventure? Being able to relive a bit of ballet history! Honestly, the history of ballet and the history of the tutu are so closely intertwined. It’s like a beautiful, ever-evolving story that starts right here with me! And there's nothing I love more than finding hidden treasures related to ballet. It's about the memories and stories associated with them. So when I was back in 1979 I took myself on a shopping trip, but this wasn't your standard mall trip. No, my lovelies! It was an authentic vintage shop. Imagine an entire store filled with beautiful vintage ballerina items and costumes – and guess what? I found a delicate little vintage pink tutu, oh so vintage. A gorgeous pastel pink with satin ribbon accents, a total dream for any tutu enthusiast. I definitely have to create a tutu outfit for it so it can be in my wardrobe, although it’s not practical for every day. And with it, a little piece of 1979 fashion history joined my wardrobe, just waiting for me to unleash its fabulousness again! 😉
That's it for this week's edition of #TutuTuesday! Until next week, remember: It's never too late to bring some tutu magic into your world. 💖✨
Don’t forget, you can get the look with Pink-Tutu.com where we bring you amazing tutus. You could be in the perfect Tutu for this Spring season. You might need a little bit of tutu fashion in your life. 🩰
Don't forget, subscribe to the Pink-Tutu.com newsletter, and tell all of your friends about it! We all love tutus so spread the news about tutus and how fun and fantastic they can be. You could also tell all of your family too. You can do the tutu shuffle if you are brave, a lovely little move from the Ballet – what could be more elegant. Oh! You could even start a Tutu Dance School – how very elegant! The best tutu for the season could even make the local paper. There's plenty of magic and fun for everyone with a little bit of pink tutu fashion. So let's make 2024 the year of the pink tutu!
(*P.S I really want to know if there were ever any tutu dances in 1979 – or for that matter are there any tutu dances happening now? I’m going to look for one in my next adventure, and if you know of any, let me know in the comments! Don’t forget, we’ll have our special tutu challenge this coming weekend – stay tuned. It's going to be fabulous. Just a heads up… ) *
Your dearest friend in Tutu fashion,
Emma ✨💖