Hey, lovelies! It's Emma here, back with another blast from the tutu-ful past for #TutuTuesday! Today, we're whisking ourselves back to 24th July, 1979, and it's not just any old Tuesday - this one is a true disco darling!
Now, let's talk tutus. If you think pink is a modern obsession, honey, you've got another thing coming! 1979 was a glorious pink explosion! Pink was the colour of power, it was the colour of fashion, and it was definitely the colour of tutus!
The first thing I saw upon stepping out of my time machine onto the streets of, say, New York, were so many pink tutus! In fact, it was quite the revelation that my darling pink tutu didn't seem the least bit out of place. People loved it! From Broadway to street corners, pink tutus were everywhere, swirling like sugared candy floss in the breeze. This is when ballet became "street-style" in a way - the ballet and fashion worlds definitely had a lot in common.
My lovely time travel machine deposited me in the heart of New York, because - as it turns out - there was something truly incredible happening today! The legendary New York City Ballet was premiering a brand new production of "Swan Lake," and, can you believe it, they were wearing some of the most glamorous tutus imaginable. These were not your average classical tutus, dearie! They were bold and experimental with oodles of sequins and shimmer!
Imagine the magic: The entire production had this fantastical vibe, as though we were in some beautiful fairy tale with sparkling dust and magical spells. This Swan Lake felt fresh, it was thrilling, and, best of all, it gave the classic tale an absolute injection of disco fever! It felt truly ahead of its time and that made me think, yes, ballet does have a place in pop culture.
But wait, there’s more! I popped by a few shops in my beautiful pink tutu (obviously) and just loved all the amazing clothes! The fashions back then were sooo fabulous: bright colours, big hair, flared trousers, and those amazing platform shoes! Everyone looked like they were ready to hit the discotheque. And if you couldn't get to the dance floor in person, you could always turn on the telly and catch up on “Saturday Night Fever,” starring that amazing disco dancer, John Travolta!
Back in my little corner of Derbyshire, 1979 was all about going to see the big, big shows. These were the days before streaming services. The theatre was a happening event and there were shows all around town! Ballet, opera, musicals - they were all in full swing! I went to the beautiful Royal Opera House, I visited the majestic Covent Garden theatre - you couldn't beat a night at the theatre. There were fantastic ballet shows in our very own London and all over the world, so much beautiful music, so much lovely costume design!
It’s the same even today! Seeing a ballet performance is so, so inspiring! It's so much more than just a performance; it's an experience! Every movement, every leap, every spin - they all tell a story. It's a journey that transports us to another world.
To me, there’s nothing quite as magical as watching ballet under the shimmering glow of the stage lights, with those stunning costumes, graceful movements, and magical melodies! It's like a whole new world just opens up before your very eyes.
And of course, this kind of experience requires a stunningly gorgeous, swirling pink tutu.
So what about this Tuesday? Go out and find a ballet show! There’s sure to be something special happening - if not a premiere, then a dazzling production in your area. Grab some popcorn and settle in!
And don't forget your pink tutu, darlings. We’ll all look divine, and you’ll get to channel that magical 1979 disco energy. Remember, wearing a pink tutu isn't just about dressing up, it’s about sharing joy, confidence, and embracing all things beautiful!
Catch you all next Tuesday, with another wonderful blast from the ballet-tastic past!
Love, Emma x