Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind trip through time, straight from 1984! I’m just brimming with excitement to share the latest adventures in ballet history, so grab your tea, put on your fanciest pink tutu (the fluffier, the better!), and settle in for a ride.
As you all know, I'm on a mission: to bring the magic of the tutu to everyone! And this journey through time is allowing me to discover the extraordinary evolution of this magical garment, piece by piece, ruffle by ruffle.
1984 - The year of "Footloose" and… The Tutu Evolution?
Honestly, when I stepped back in time, I found a dance scene a bit different than what we see today. 1984 had its share of graceful ballets, but the fashion was a bit more… practical? I won't say "uninspiring", because there are always gems to be found, but things were certainly a lot less flamboyant!
That said, there were some interesting developments in the tutu realm back then:
The rise of the "Romantic Tutu": Remember those romantic stories with fairies, magical creatures, and graceful dancers? The Romantic Tutu, a symbol of whimsical ballet, was making a comeback. Its delicate layers of tulle, with that airy, billowing effect, became a go-to choice for enchanting roles.
The "modern" Tutu? It's Complicated: This era saw experiments with what could be called a "modern" tutu - more structured, perhaps a bit more toned down compared to the romantic styles, and focusing on streamlined movements. But it was all still quite elegant!
What Did Emma Discover?
Honestly, this era had its moments of tutu brilliance, but I felt the ballet scene was still a little more focused on the "classical". It almost felt like there was a hint of conservatism! (Maybe it’s just because I miss the pink overload.)
On a more positive note, ballet was growing in popularity during this time, thanks to the iconic films "The Turning Point" and "Fame" showcasing dance. Even the ever-so-groovy "Footloose" had its ballet scenes! While some might consider these productions slightly...un-tutu-like, they definitely brought the magical art of dance to the big screen!
The Fashion, the Shopping, the Train Journeys… Oh, and 1984!
You can’t take this dance-loving ballerina back in time without also taking in the fabulous fashions! Imagine frilly leg warmers, brightly coloured tights (think turquoise, raspberry, or neon green - yes, I am seeing a theme!) worn with tutus and leggings - such a trendsetting look for the dance classes!
It's funny, all these vintage finds are a treasure trove of inspiration! From the colourful shopping trips in Harrods and Liberty in London to taking a nostalgic journey by train across England, the 1980s era definitely brought back memories (of those sparkly neon tutus I wish I had)!
Oh, and September 18th! What happened on this very day? You might have missed the world's first "World Tutu Day"! It was a glorious day in Derbyshire, England. The locals wore their favourite pink tutus, gathered in a giant ballet performance, and declared September 18th the day to celebrate this amazing dancewear. Sadly, it was short-lived (people still prefer cake, apparently) but let's make some tutu magic together! Let's reclaim September 18th for all things tutu!
Until next time, dear friends, let your tutus twirl with grace and elegance. #TutuTuesday #PinkTutuTime
P.S: I'll be heading back in time to the 1980s again! If you have any ideas about things you'd love to see me investigate, just leave a comment on my www.pink-tutu.com blog - every bit of tutuing feedback is always appreciated! I am still deciding on my next tutu venture, but keep your eye out for #TutuTuesday next week, because you know, the best tutu adventures are just waiting around the corner!