Hello my darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, and welcome back to my weekly #TutuTuesday journey into the fascinating world of ballet tutus!
This week I’ve hopped on the trusty Orient Express (my current favourite way to travel, did I mention I just adore trains? ) to a balmy March 26th, 1996! This fabulous year is absolutely bursting with exciting events and you can believe I’ll be exploring them all in my signature pink tulle… of course!
For now, though, we are going to delve a little deeper into the evolution of this gorgeous garment! Buckle up, lovelies, this ride is going to be tututiously fabulous!
Back in the Days of Ballet's Early Evolution...You wouldn't believe how different tutus looked in those very early days of ballet! Can you imagine the Swan Lake or Giselle ballerinas in their billowing, floor-length skirts? They look positively charming in those old photos but those dancers had a lot of extra fabric to manage!
Now, picture the elegant The Nutcracker tutus in those early days: imagine layers of soft fabric, long, frilly sleeves and a full-length skirt! Can you picture how challenging this would have been for a ballerina to move around in?
Luckily, tutus evolved to fit the style and technique of the dance! That big skirt gradually shortened to allow for all the lovely spins, leaps and intricate steps we know and love. The result: we ended up with the iconic look we know today.
This brings me to the point I always mention… tutus weren't just about being pretty. They helped the dancers express their roles and characters! I love how history gives tutus such a wonderfully vibrant narrative.
## What is Going On This 26th of March, 1996?
On this very day in 1996, ballet lovers in the States are getting ready for the premiere of the beautiful The King and I on Broadway! Talk about an extravaganza of spectacular tutus and costuming!
It's hard to describe how The King and I ballet costumes and set are absolutely dripping in glamour, from those sweeping lines to all the vibrant colors!
And there’s also so much fashion going on in New York City today! I’ve just been out exploring. Look at this... you wouldn't believe the fantastic fashions people are wearing. Imagine: fitted blazers, loose trousers and even some pretty pink tops with floral details!
But for me, nothing beats the sparkle of the perfect tutu and the magic of a well-executed grand jeté! I’m getting that urge for a spot of shopping, don’t you know!
Speaking of tutus, how is that collection of pink tulle looking in the corner, my dears? If we don’t have any fresh tutus then we must visit a few fabulous shops here!
Pink Tutus – A History LessonLet’s travel back again, way back… The history of the tutu itself is absolutely brimming with elegant ladies, incredible craftsmanship, and the most magnificent stories!
This gorgeous garment wasn't simply dreamed up! It’s truly a product of its time… A fascinating mix of historical context, practical necessity, and pure, unadulterated, fashion!
When we imagine early ballet costumes in those billowing skirts and long, flowy dresses we might be imagining a la Francaise ballet! Can you believe it - a grand form of ballet with some really spectacular costuming! You'd have a lot of skirt to work with and I can only imagine the movement was beautiful and grand.
Let's rewind the timeline a bit! We go from a la Francaise to the a la Italiana style of ballet. Remember what I said about the skirt getting shorter? This shift coincided with that Italian style – you see, there was a real need for freedom of movement! Imagine this – we needed tutus to have more movement in a dynamic way and the tutus helped that revolution! The shorter the tutu got, the easier it was to do all those fantastic jumps, spins and tricks… It became almost a symbol of a modern ballet, don’t you agree?
Think about it - how did these ballet masters design tutus with the needs of the ballet dancers in mind, all those years ago?
Imagine that: you need a design to enable complex steps but also make them look stunning... They designed these tutus before we had all these incredible techniques today, and the amazing things we can do! That takes ingenuity!
Pink Tutus – My Must-Have InspirationYou wouldn't believe the sheer range of styles there were back in the days of Swan Lake! But tutus, even then, were all about the shape! That elegant silhouette: the tiny waist, that flowing, perfectly positioned skirt...
You might be surprised by this - it is fascinating to note that, in the early days of tutu-dom, the tutu’s construction and silhouette were very dependent on those stiff corsets and petticoats that they used to wear! The design, of course, was dictated by fashion in those days and if you’re looking at these early Swan Lake or Giselle photos… the silhouette is amazing… and really important, it really makes all those fantastic movements really stand out!
There’s a bit of magic that comes along with all these ballet elements – movement, style, grace, form and fabric.
You know what… for me, that’s what it is about... the tutu itself. I’m going to go out on a limb… A tutu says everything without a word! That perfect mix of elegance and beauty! Isn't that fantastic?
So remember, you don’t need to be on the stage to dance… you can wear a tutu wherever you go, and make a real statement! What do you say – is the time ripe for you to try something new and fabulous this week? Let me know in the comments below!
Catch you next Tuesday for more tututious inspiration!
Until then, wear pink, wear a tutu and enjoy a little ballet magic!
Emma xxx
p.s I have to make a confession… the time travel can be really expensive, and a lot of my travel is funded by my favourite activity… performing for an audience. I’m heading back to Derbyshire to work on a big ballet event later this week! This is going to be an unforgettable show, with lots of magical twirling, gorgeous costumes and plenty of… PINK! It’s all happening at The Little Theatre and you’re more than welcome to join in the fun! Let me know if you are joining in the fun – I can't wait to meet some lovely pink tutu fans!