
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-01-21 stars in Solihull

Solihull Sparkle! - Pink Tutu Sparkles Blog Post #21

Hello my lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and let me tell you, today has been absolutely fabulous! Iā€™ve been to Solihull ā€“ that lovely town near Birmingham, all pretty and quaint and full of history. But before we get into all the glorious pink sparkles, letā€™s rewind a bit, shall we? Becauseā€¦ drumroll, pleaseā€¦ today marks post number 21 for Pink Tutu Sparkles! Twenty-one posts, and counting! How exciting!

Anyway, like I was saying, my journey to Solihull began bright and early this morning. You know, when the sunā€™s barely even a twinkle in the sky, and all I could think about was the magical pink tutu Iā€™d carefully packed.

Iā€™m so glad I chose to travel by train this time, it just feels so stylish and elegant, donā€™t you think? I donned my most dramatic, fluffy pink feathered hat (a real statement piece!), grabbed my vintage pink leather bag that my dear Granny gave me, and off I went. Donā€™t forget my most beloved fuchsia silk scarf! You know, I am always on the hunt for something beautiful and elegant to match my pink tutu, thatā€™s why I am always a bit overdressed, I just canā€™t resist those fabulous bits and pieces!

Anyway, while I was chugging along, enjoying the view, I couldnā€™t help but imagine how many sequins and feather boas my suitcase was hiding ā€“ it was brimming with the very best in pink-tastic, fabulous finery!

As I sat on the train, the beautiful English countryside whizzed by - those charming green hills and charming little villages, it really did set the mood for a sparkly performance. The scenery felt almost like a giant, pastel watercolour, only much more dazzling!

Speaking of dazzling, my first stop in Solihull was, of course, the local fabric shop! (After a delicious cuppa in a delightful little cafe with walls painted in the most delightful pale pink, naturally!) As a budding fabric scientist, you know, by day Iā€™m a laboratory expert in the field of materials testing (secret scientist life!) but by night, Iā€™m the fabulously glamorous Pink Tutu Sparkles, itā€™s just impossible for me to resist the lure of gorgeous fabric. Today's hunt was all about the perfect shade of shimmering pink, my beloved colour. And let me tell you, the sheer selection was dazzling, it was like entering a candy floss castle made of tulle and tinsel!

The woman at the fabric shop was a true angel. She absolutely loved my pink tutu ā€“ ā€œOh my goodness! What a wonderful, bright shade of pinkā€, she declared, which of course was music to my ears! Itā€™s so heart-warming when people get excited about tutus, especially when itā€™s such a statement piece of clothing. She even helped me pick out some beautiful pink feather boas to match my dazzling new outfit! And they did, they matched perfectly, you know how important matching is for a showstopper look.

After a fabulous time perusing the fabrics, it was time to check out the charming little streets of Solihull. It was a real picture postcard town! Oh, so full of charm and elegance. Cobbled streets, little tea shops, a beautifully old town hallā€¦ I love seeing these little gems tucked away in the countryside. They are just so full of history and elegance, it really does put a sparkle in my day! It reminded me so much of where Iā€™m from, Derbyshire - I do miss the hills, you know? There is nothing quite like rolling green hills.

By now the day was warming up nicely, perfect for some al fresco lunch at a lovely little cafe called "The Pink Rose", very on-theme don't you think? As I sipped my pink lemonade, a very charming little boy approached me, about five years old. He just stared at my tutu with his mouth open! The absolute awe on his face was a joy to behold. His mom had just told him about ballet (he had an idea what it was!), and he told me, with great pride, that he wanted to be a ballet dancer when he grows up, too cute! Of course, this little boy made my day, whatā€™s more fulfilling than spreading the love of all things sparkly?

Anyway, that delightful little interlude was just what I needed, so with a skip in my step and a sparkle in my eyes, it was time for my star performance! Solihull Town Hall was the perfect stage for my sparkly extravaganza. There was a delightful vintage fair going on, with beautiful stalls selling everything from hand-crafted jewelry to homemade cupcakes! But I know why they invited Pink Tutu Sparkles!

There is no place quite like a bustling market square to spread the word of pink tutus, eh? A good fair gives me the chance to meet some truly delightful people, especially with that perfect backdrop, an old town hall - all classic columns and majestic flags, you know, they really help with my posing, let me tell you, just fabulous! And the audience, what can I say? The Solihull crowd was a dream, they laughed at my jokes, applauded every twirl and shimmy.

One of my favorite things about traveling is meeting other people. And honestly, the Solihull crowd didnā€™t disappoint. I had such wonderful chats with everyone, about tutus, the ballet, the magic of sparkle! And you know what, I think I truly converted quite a few people! A couple of people even tried on a tutu I brought along (itā€™s such a treat to share the sparkle, and I always carry an extra with me!), they looked radiant, I swear it brought out their inner pink tutu!

There is truly no feeling better than sharing the pink tutu love with those you meet!

It's important for me to be out in the world, getting to know people and inspiring others. A good bit of fun and fashion? Now thatā€™s a combination that truly rocks!

But there's more to this post than just tutus and travel, my dearies! It's about celebrating our individuality, about pushing boundaries, and reminding ourselves that there's a pink tutu for everyone. So put on your biggest smiles, because tonight, my dears, weā€™re all Pink Tutu Sparkles! I love being able to take people out of themselves, to bring the joy to a community. The sheer delight I see when someone takes a little moment, be it from a child watching me twirl, or a shy grandmother giggling at my sequins, that truly fills my heart with joy.

Of course, this being my twenty-first post, I feel like there's so much to say! There's a world of pink tutus out there just waiting to be discovered, and itā€™s truly exhilarating to be at the forefront of it. But itā€™s late now, and I've a train to catch, back to Derbyshire - itā€™s been a brilliant, whirlwind of a day in Solihull! You know I wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu Sparkles without leaving you with some inspirational thoughts:

  • Always wear something sparkly! Youā€™ll never regret adding some extra shine to your outfit!

  • Be kind, be happy, and spread the sparkle, darling!

  • And remember, you are fabulous, just as you are, Pink Tutu Sparkle or not!

Catch you tomorrow, my darlings, with more pink, sparkle, and fabulousness,

Lots of love, Pink Tutu Sparkles

(P.S. Be sure to check out the www.pink-tutu.com website tomorrow for more sparkly adventures. See you there!)

#TutuQueen on 2000-01-21 stars in Solihull