Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-03-11 stars in Edmonton

TutuQueen: Edmonton Calling! 🩰✨💖

Hello darlings, and welcome back to the Pink Tutu blog! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and today's post is number 71, because we're all about counting blessings, right? Well, blessings and fabulous tutus. And today, my lovelies, I'm taking you on a little trip to Edmonton, Canada! 🇨🇦

Oh my goodness, what an adventure! This time I ditched the train, because even this girly girl needs a little change every now and then. No, this time I went by horse! Okay, it was more of a fancy, very big, horse-drawn carriage – picture Cinderella but with even more sparkle. The horses were the most handsome I’ve ever seen, and I'm not just talking about their fluffy tails – although those were gorgeous too. The whole journey was like a fairytale. We travelled through beautiful rolling countryside, stopping for picnics at picturesque spots, all the while with my new sparkly pink travel tutu floating in the breeze. Can you imagine the pictures? 📸 Absolutely heavenly.

You know, dear readers, sometimes I think that being Pink Tutu Sparkles is just about creating these special moments for myself and anyone who wants to come along for the ride. It's not just about the clothes or the make-up (although those are definitely crucial, and you've got to have a killer look!). It’s about the joy of sharing these experiences, the excitement of the unknown, the wonder of discovering new places, and – let's be honest, the sparkle of it all.

I got to Edmonton a little earlier than I usually do for a show, so I had time to explore the city. You guys, I’m telling you, it is divine! The streets were alive with colour and the shops were just bursting with opportunities for pink tutu fashion finds! I snagged myself the most amazing feathered headpiece – a real showstopper. The feather arrangement is inspired by the iconic red cardinals that I saw everywhere. (I did take some pics, just for you lovelies!). I must say, this headpiece would look fabulously pinkified with a light pink plume right in the middle... 🤯 I'm so full of ideas for my next Tutu Queen outfit. Speaking of outfits, you know how I love a little "dress up," don't you? So I made sure I got to the fabulous "A Touch of Fancy" vintage shop. Oh my darling! This place was a dream. Imagine...vintage dresses in all sorts of colours and textures, a mountain of old jewellery (most of which looked good enough to wear as it is), and even some beautiful shoes from the 50s. Of course, it wasn't all sequins and boas; there was a bit of history, a lot of personality, and all kinds of stories hidden in those beautiful garments. I spent hours there. Let's just say it took some serious self-control to leave without a full trunk of treasures.

While in Edmonton, I found a local ballet school and, of course, I had to pop in. I mean, what is a girl with a love for tutus supposed to do when she sees a ballet school? I had a quick chat with one of the lovely teachers, and we were discussing some of the most amazing contemporary pieces. Now, we both agreed that the best tutu design would be one where the skirt had soft, trailing layers in an ombre style of pastel pinks! That way, when you twirl, there’s this dreamy, layered effect of the colours fading into each other. Just imagine… heavenly! 💫

I’m still feeling inspired by that ombre idea! I even tried to design it on my new tablet. You'll have to wait until next week’s post for the results!

Of course, the real highlight of the trip was the performance itself! My Edmonton fans were absolutely fabulous, just as I expected. I've always been partial to a Canadian crowd, and they certainly did not disappoint! It was electric in there! The stage was beautiful, decorated with sparkly pink banners (because naturally, my lovelies, I couldn't leave the pink out!). The energy was just so infectious, and it’s just the best feeling when you’re all on the same page – both you and the audience - sharing a joy for performance, sharing that love for pink tutus.

Of course, I’ve never done just one outfit in an evening, especially not in Edmonton! The audience is simply the most creative, expressive and glamorous! For the first part of the performance, I brought some real glamour and class with my 'Classic Swan' ensemble: think crisp white, perfectly constructed skirt, just the right amount of frills and flounces, elegant details, and... pink sparkles everywhere. But then it was time to raise the energy for a performance with real pizazz and some ‘TutuQueen’ sass. This time I went for my new favourite ‘Rainbow Glitterbomb’ costume - and it went down a storm! You guys, we’re talking full colour explosion! You just need to imagine rainbow, shimmering tulle that goes round and round like a fabulous whirlwind! We had the audience laughing - and dancing in their seats – truly fantastic!

Of course, no trip to a new city is complete without a few cultural excursions! I managed to squeeze in a couple of ballet shows, where I took copious notes on all the costumes. They always look so fabulous! I swear, sometimes those ballerinas become the tutus they're wearing – such beautiful movements! They say that when a dancer gets into the flow state, that’s the real magic of ballet – I agree, especially when she is dressed in an utterly glamorous tutu. It was such a pleasure seeing these graceful dancers up close and personal. Then, the following day, it was a trip to the theatre! And what a treat. It’s so fun watching other performances – a great way to get ideas, plus you always pick up little tips and tricks from seeing talented professionals.

Before you know it, it was time to pack up my bags (including my newest tutu creations, of course), bid farewell to my fabulous Canadian fans, and hop onto a beautiful horse-drawn carriage to take me back to my Derbyshire digs.

The journey back was equally magical. The changing scenery as the light faded made for some spectacular views, the sun was turning the clouds gold. And the stars - well, darling, they were a sight to behold, sparkling and glittering in the sky. Honestly, it made me think about all those who haven't had the chance to experience a full pink tutu moment – and how I need to do more to spread the TutuQueen message. It’s all about spreading the joy, you know? You just gotta make it happen.

So what did I learn this time? Edmonton is full of surprises. Canada knows how to celebrate performance, from grand theatres to street art. And let's be honest, if I've learnt one thing over the past few years, it’s that everything can be made fabulous, just as long as you’ve got a dash of creativity, a touch of confidence, and… the right pink tutu. You know the drill: check out www.pink-tutu.com for even more tutu tips and fashion finds, and be sure to catch me next week! I’m busy crafting some sparkly new surprises and, of course, planning my next glamorous destination. Stay sparkly!

Your beloved TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles. 💕💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2000-03-11 stars in Edmonton