Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-03-21 stars in East Ham

East Ham, East End, East Glam! 🩰💖🚂

Hey, lovelies! It’s your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and guess what? It’s blog post number 81! Can you believe it? That's over 80 days of pink tutus, glitter, and fabulous adventures! Today, I'm whisking you off to the charmingly chaotic East Ham, in the heart of East London. And wouldn't you know it, this East End adventure is as fabulous as a feathered boa dipped in glitter!

You know I always try to find the most unique places to take you on my travels, and East Ham definitely tickled my fancy. It's a bustling hive of energy, where the whispers of history mingle with the excitement of new beginnings. It’s a vibrant mix of old and new, like my own quirky blend of vintage sequins and cutting-edge drag makeup.

The journey started, as you know, on the good old reliable train, and I must say, I felt a little like Cinderella's Fairy Godmother. My Tutu Queen attire is practically a moving fashion show, with the train rocking back and forth like a graceful tutu pirouette. This was a great opportunity for a "TutuQueen" style makeover – and the most fabulously pink pink tutu I have in my wardrobe (you know I have so many pink tutus!) matched the train's comfy pink seats. What a coincidence! I could almost imagine the little girls peeking through their windows going "Ooh!" "Aaah!" as we zipped by, leaving them in a cloud of pink tulle and wonder.

First up, a delightful spot in East Ham I discovered by pure, pink tutu luck - a ballet studio. You bet I had to waltz in with all the grace of a prima ballerina and demand to try out the barre, you see, even scientists need to stretch once in a while. (It was the ballet barre I loved the most in my degree!). The studio was like a time capsule, filled with the aroma of rosin and the whispered stories of countless tutus swirling through the air. It was such a dream, a magical blend of sweat and sparkly tulle.

Next, my mission was to soak up some East Ham culture. What did I find? A street theatre performance featuring the most stunning combination of poetry, mime, and music! Even my own flair for dramatic entrances paled in comparison. There’s nothing quite like watching talented artists express themselves so beautifully. The way they used the cityscape as a canvas for their emotions was absolutely captivating! I got so inspired, you wouldn't believe it. It almost made me want to try a street theatre performance... in pink! Maybe tomorrow...

Of course, my adventures in East Ham wouldn't be complete without a spot of retail therapy. Who can resist a good, old-fashioned vintage clothing shop? After all, I'm the Pink Tutu Queen, and I'm always on the lookout for new and dazzling ways to sparkle! The shops in East Ham were a veritable treasure trove, overflowing with antique hats, dazzling jewels, and unique finds that would have a couture designer begging for scraps!

Now, you know my love for horses! But where does that fit into a day trip in East Ham? I saw this gorgeous white stallion hitched outside a park, and of course, had to have a picture! The park itself was so serene, almost ethereal, with the most enchanting blend of sunlight and shadows dappling through the trees. It's moments like these that truly remind me of the beauty that exists in every corner of our world. You know I can’t resist an opportunity for a fabulous photograph! You will see my photo on my Pink-Tutu.com blog tomorrow. I look absolutely glamorous. I've been trying out different “Pink Tutu Sparkles” poses for the photo... a classic tutu twirl, maybe a swan lake style hand on hip...

Oh, and I simply can’t forget the food! The smells alone were a sensory experience – spicy curries wafting through the air, the aroma of freshly baked bread, the tempting scent of homemade cakes. And speaking of cakes, it's my job to help you find the perfect cake. For every occasion and any time you fancy a piece. My friend runs a bakery. It's absolutely fabulous. You should visit the blog for the website address and we can all indulge. It’s only right to support local businesses, right?

After a day filled with glitter, grace, and unforgettable experiences, I hopped back on the train with a spring in my step and a smile on my face, a true pink tutu queen radiant from within. This trip had it all – a sprinkle of theatrics, a touch of sparkle, a dash of grace, and a heaping helping of pink tutu magic.

I hope you enjoyed joining me on this adventure. If you’re looking for some real, true sparkle, be sure to hop over to www.pink-tutu.com, leave me a comment, or tweet me @PinkTutuQueen. I'd love to hear from you.

Keep sparkling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS - If you're feeling the pink tutu magic and want to wear one yourself, check out the fabulous TutuQueen shop. Every purchase comes with a sparkly little blessing and a personal message from the TutuQueen! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2000-03-21 stars in East Ham