Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-03-22 stars in Weston-super-Mare

Weston-Super-Mare: Sparkle, Twirl, and a Touch of Pink! 🩰💖 (Blog Post #82)

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another dazzling adventure! This time, I've been whisked away to the seaside town of Weston-super-Mare, a little slice of seaside heaven with the most stunning sunsets and… wait for it… drum roll… the most delicious fish and chips I’ve ever tasted! 🐠🍟

Before we get to the deliciousness of this trip, let's rewind for a moment, because as you know, every single Pink Tutu Sparkles journey begins with… a tutu! 💖 This one was a particularly dreamy creation, a gorgeous bubblegum pink confection with layers of tulle that danced with the wind. It's the perfect outfit for any seaside promenade, wouldn’t you say?

And honestly, the train journey itself was a fairy tale. Now, I adore train travel – something about the rhythm of the tracks, the endless landscapes rolling past, and the opportunity to get dolled up makes for a fantastic start to any adventure! Especially when your carriage companions are all agog at the sight of your perfectly pink, bedazzled tulle! ✨

Weston-super-Mare is a town that instantly draws you in, like a friendly face welcoming you home. I just love that vibe, especially as someone who can be a bit of a creature of habit. My arrival in the town was met with a cacophony of happy sounds - kids shrieking with delight on the pier, seagulls squawking their hello, and even a delightful ice-cream vendor, his cart overflowing with tempting treats. 🍨🍦

For my first afternoon, I wandered along the pier. It’s one of those traditional, charming piers that transport you back in time. I popped into a quaint little souvenir shop, adorned with all things seaside. They had all sorts of pretty seaside paraphernalia, including seashells, cute seagull postcards and little plastic beach buckets for the littlest ones, but the highlight of the whole experience was stumbling upon the most incredible pink, sparkly seashell ornament. 🐚💖 It was too gorgeous to resist, and now sits pride of place on my dresser, a permanent reminder of this amazing trip!

As the day dipped into the early evening, it was time to embrace the local culture! I am a sucker for any opportunity to twirl in my tutu and experience a local tradition. And let me tell you, folks, there’s nothing quite as heartwarming and soul-lifting as a good old-fashioned, full-on traditional seaside pier show. Imagine, if you will, the sound of an oompah band accompanied by flashing lights, a truly glamorous "golden" queen wearing more sequins than one person could ever reasonably need and, naturally, me in my perfectly pink tutu, taking in the whole scene. The performers were truly hilarious - especially the comedic seagull impersonations! Honestly, if it weren't for the danger of the show getting too packed, I would have jumped on stage and shown them how to REALLY strut and twirl, but that might have been a bit much even for Weston-super-Mare! 💃

Afterwards, we dined on some absolutely delicious fish and chips, perfectly fried to golden brown perfection. I couldn’t resist finishing the entire thing! And by the time dessert arrived – a delicious scoop of ice cream topped with whipped cream – the sky had transformed into a palette of vibrant sunset hues. And you know what they say – the sunsets are ALWAYS prettier in pink tutus!

Of course, my adventures didn’t stop there. I headed out for an afternoon at the Grand Pier, an absolutely iconic seaside landmark with a stunning Art Deco facade. We were treated to breath-taking views of the coast from the pier’s top level. You know I simply couldn't resist adding to the spectacle, and struck a few twirls for the amusement of those around, while a playful seagull swooped down to admire my tutu! 😂 It’s amazing what a bit of sparkle can do.

The Grand Pier has everything from a selection of incredible fairground rides and games – even some truly scary thrill rides! Let me tell you, darling, I gave one of those rides a good go. I'm pretty sure I squealed in sheer delight the whole time. If that's not a testament to the thrills that this seaside town has to offer, I don’t know what is. 🎢

But for me, one of the true highlights of Weston-super-Mare was the chance to embrace my inner dancer and explore the local ballet scene. Weston-super-Mare’s cultural offering, darling, was nothing short of extraordinary. It's home to a lovely little ballet school that's absolutely buzzing with life, where I was lucky enough to attend a class! I know you're probably all thinking, “Isn’t Alex supposed to be a scientist?”. And you would be right! I really do enjoy being in the lab and working with fabrics and dyes – but nothing is quite so magical as twirling around in a pink tutu under the watchful eye of a brilliant ballet teacher! I mean, come on – what other scientist do you know with a blog called “Pink Tutu Sparkles?”

This little haven for aspiring dancers held one of the most gorgeous dance studios I have ever seen. All wooden floors, airy windows and it smelled heavenly of fresh sweat and lavender… maybe not quite as heavenly as my usual perfumed scent! The instructors, of course, were so welcoming and supportive, and even the other students – all ages and sizes, were so happy to have me in the class. They even all agreed that the best tutus are always pink. I may have, possibly, offered some fashion tips during a break. Let's just say I am always happy to encourage a fellow tutu-loving, fabulous individual to embrace their sparkle.

To sum up this magical seaside trip? It was all about sparkly twirls, perfect seaside weather, beautiful scenery, even better company and some really scrumptious food. A perfect trip for any Pink Tutu Sparkles fan - or anyone looking for a good old-fashioned seaside adventure.

For those of you at home dreaming of your own pink-tutu filled adventures, I’m leaving you with a little piece of advice from Pink Tutu Sparkles. Don’t just sit there and wait for adventures to happen! Step outside, get twirling, try new things and remember – with a little pink, anything is possible!

And as always, dear darlings, don't forget to wear your pink tutu, embrace your sparkle and remember... you're fabulous just the way you are! 💖

Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2000-03-22 stars in Weston-super-Mare