Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-23 stars in Taunton

Taunton Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles' Twirling Travels! (Blog Post #114)

Hello, my gorgeous darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another fabulous adventure! This time, I'm all aflutter with excitement, as I've touched down in the lovely town of Taunton!

As you all know, I love exploring the UK, especially with my trusty suitcase overflowing with glitter and, of course, my ever-expanding pink tutu collection. Now, you may be wondering, how does a drag queen who's hopelessly in love with twirling, glitter and all things pink manage to get around? Well, my darlings, the answer is simple – the railways and a good horse! I truly believe there's a magic in those two modes of transport - it just gives you more time to let your imagination run wild. On the train, I can put my headphones on, let my music pump and dream up my next dazzling show, and when I’m riding a horse, the freedom to take in the fresh air just fuels the creative spark! And, don't even get me started on how wonderfully glamorous a tutu looks against the backdrop of a rolling countryside!

This trip to Taunton came about because of a delightful email invitation I received to perform at the fabulous “Glitz and Glamour Ball” - a fundraiser for the local arts centre, organised by a group of incredibly lovely people who clearly know how to throw a fabulous party! So naturally, I said “Yes!”

Before arriving in Taunton, I did some research, discovering an absolutely beautiful Georgian Theatre - just begging to be filled with the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles! I know what you’re thinking – what about a ballet class?! And, my lovely darlings, it’s good news - there’s one just a few steps away from my hotel, in a gorgeous old hall with the most charming little shop next door, which, lucky for me, just happens to sell gorgeous silk scarves and pink fluffy slippers! (You just can't get a decent sparkly pink tutu there, but the sales assistant seemed to think that might change one day! Wouldn't that be delightful?)

Oh, I know you're just dying to know what outfit I wore to this lovely event! I mean, how could you even contemplate a Pink Tutu Sparkles event without knowing exactly how I dazzled the night away? Let’s just say I paired a stunning pink, feathered tutu (think ‘swan lake meets hot pink’ - fabulous!), with a top crafted from sheer chiffon, shimmering like a thousand tiny rainbows in the light, all adorned with sequined butterflies and topped off with a huge sparkly bow, so gigantic that it practically floated on a cloud of its own. It took Alex a whole two hours to assemble this fabulous masterpiece ( and that's including putting in his false lashes!) - talk about a work of art, and the audience absolutely adored it! They roared their approval when I sashayed onto the stage. I don’t want to brag but I think I might have single-handedly convinced at least 10 people to add a pink tutu to their wardrobes just from seeing me! My goal is to get the whole world wearing pink tutus, so every little bit helps, right?

Of course, after all that sparkling, the next morning Alex ( that’s me, when I’m not covered in pink feathers and glitter) decided it was time for some culture. I’d read about Taunton Castle and decided it had to be explored. The castle walls had been built centuries ago and I have to say I absolutely loved seeing them! We were surrounded by a beautiful expanse of manicured grounds and then there was the view across Taunton – breathtaking! I think there might have been some ancient ghosts haunting that beautiful space! You could sense it.

We explored a bit more and discovered an absolute hidden gem: The Somerset Military Museum, an extraordinary place packed with fascinating exhibitions that brought the past alive! Alex learned a lot about military history - did you know, some regiments have their roots back to medieval times? There was even a costume exhibition – no pink tutus of course, but the craftsmanship was unbelievable!

It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a taste of the local fare, right? Now, Taunton has a whole street dedicated to restaurants, which makes choosing just one quite tricky - what to do? After lots of deliberation, we finally settled on a place with the promise of yummy Thai food. It was fantastic. It might sound silly, but I love trying new cuisines – it's all part of the cultural journey!

Then came the grand finale, the big send off. My heart filled with bittersweet joy, I made my way to the local station, waved goodbye to Taunton, hopped aboard the train, and whispered “I’ll be back” before the engine even whirs to life! And, that’s exactly what I will do - I'm already planning my next adventure, I’m just dying to experience a horse-drawn carriage tour and of course, I need to find some more new pink tutus to wear. But right now I'm already dreamily plotting my next show. It might even be an opera in Taunton? Oh the possibilities are endless!

So, remember my beautiful, sparkling darlings - Pink Tutu Sparkles never stops twinkling, and there’s always another adventure around the corner! Until next time!

Always remember to dance, dream and wear pink tutus!

Lots of sparkly love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

PS. Want to catch my shows or follow my adventures? Don’t forget to follow my blog, www.pink-tutu.com! I post every single day!

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-23 stars in Taunton