Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-24 stars in Loughborough

Loughborough, Darlings! Post #115

Hellooo, my darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from…wait for it…Loughborough!

Yes, you heard that right, my lovelies! I'm making my grand debut in this charming little town and I can't wait to sprinkle some glitter and glamour into the air! And for this post, it’s the 115th in this beautiful pink tutu odyssey! My journey in a world of tutus and travel is an exciting story, a truly delightful experience. But for now, let's just focus on the excitement that awaits!

The Journey of a Pink Tutu Queen

Now, if you've been following my blog, you'll know that I adore travelling! The thrill of discovering new places, seeing new sights, and meeting new people? That's what makes this life truly sparkly! But before we dive into the glitz and glam of Loughborough, let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

It all started with a science degree. Yes, my darlings, Pink Tutu Sparkles started life as a humble scientist! (Shhh, don't tell anyone!) Now, as a good, obedient science student, I joined the university ballet club. One fine day, to raise funds for the club, they decided to have a fancy dress sale. The most delightful, extravagant, sparkling pink tutu caught my eye! (Yes, this pink tutu, my lovelies! I know!) As soon as I tried it on, something shifted. A pink tutu sparkle ignited within me, a call to the stage.

I went from experimenting with molecules to experimenting with sequins! And guess what? The spark was just too big to ignore. So, after much giggling and a few good glasses of champagne, Pink Tutu Sparkles was born! A shimmering mix of science and sparkle, my lovelies!

So, how does a scientist with a passion for pink tutus become a drag artist? Simple, my dears! You pack up your shimmering sequins, grab your pinkest tutu, and perform anywhere you can! It doesn't matter if it's a fair, a club, or even a local theatre, the magic of drag knows no bounds! It’s how I've been funding my travels - with my passion and, of course, some dazzling, beautiful dance routines! And who knows, one day, my pink tutu might grace even the stage of a real ballet!

Loughborough: Where Ballet Meets Sparkling Fun

Oh, my darlings! Now, let's get back to Loughborough, shall we? Loughborough is not only home to one of the UK’s leading universities but is also a place bursting with history, culture, and charming market squares, which just happens to be a perfect setting for some Pink Tutu Sparkles magic!

Loughborough is a town filled with a unique sense of tradition, like something out of a Jane Austen novel! But trust me, lovelies, tradition never felt so exciting! And as you know, I'm a bit of a history buff. And Loughborough boasts of historical churches, museums, and even a little gem - the National Forest, which is truly breathtaking!

The locals here are so sweet and welcoming, which makes my job all the more fun. I mean, spreading joy and sparkle to happy faces is my greatest delight! They remind me of all the wonderful people back home in Derbyshire! A bit like the “old times”, you know? I bet they never even had sequins on the dance floors!

Loughborough & The Ballet Love

What truly caught my eye in Loughborough is the strong ballet scene! This place practically vibrates with elegance, which makes me think they would truly embrace my little pink tutu antics! Loughborough is like a treasure chest filled with dance, and, let’s be honest, who can say no to a beautiful dance story! It’s a beautiful place with incredible theatre spaces and it already feels like it's echoing with the soft sounds of ballet music and dancing shoes!

Of course, no trip to Loughborough would be complete without some delightful ballet experiences! My dear readers, if you're thinking of seeing some magnificent ballet performances, Loughborough is your place. We're talking about breathtaking, mesmerizing storytelling through graceful movement! What’s not to love?

The ballet here really is the icing on the cake! (But with a sprinkle of Pink Tutu Sparkle magic, of course!) If you ever want to experience the magic of ballet yourself, head to Loughborough. I hear it’s going to have its very own international festival soon!

And while I am at it, I really encourage all of you lovely people out there to join a ballet class. Trust me, it is one of the best experiences in the world. The feeling of grace, the power of the art form, the perfect synchronization of every movement. Simply magical, darling!

I even plan to slip into the town’s own lovely Ballet Centre on one of my days in Loughborough. The place looks so glamorous with all the lights, it makes me want to waltz and pirouette! Imagine this: pink tutu twirling against the backdrop of Loughborough’s grand ballet stage! Ah, darling, don't get your knickers in a twist!

Where to See Pink Tutu Sparkles

I will be performing at the Loughborough’s famous Fair this week! I can’t wait to show this charming town how Pink Tutu Sparkles brings the house down. You'll find me swirling, spinning, and bringing laughter, all in my fabulous pink tutu, and trust me, I will be adding a lot of sparkly glamour to the whole event! The show is at 8pm, so make sure you don't miss out.

I always make it a point to mingle with my amazing fans! So, after my performance, join me at the Loughborough market square for a little chat! Don't be shy; come say hello! We can sip some local delights and gossip about all things glittery. But first, you gotta take some gorgeous pictures! The perfect Instagram moment!

And here’s another thing! As a small town, it’s like going back to basics - simple, clean, and genuine. So, I plan to try some delicious afternoon tea! But, it would not be a pink tutu adventure without some tea, a few tasty treats, and… you guessed it… a beautiful, sparkling pink tutu! It is the most lovely way to wind down after a show! So join me as I explore the hidden nooks of this enchanting town.

I’m taking a little break now! You can catch me tomorrow at the local cafe and you better believe it, my lovelies, I'm sporting my newest pink tutu with matching heels! I’ll tell you all about the exciting places I've explored and give you a peek at the pink delights of this beautiful little town. Catch you then, my darling lovelies!

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-24 stars in Loughborough