
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-25 stars in Barking

Barking Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Stage (Blog Post #116)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-twirling queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another dazzling diary entry from my whirlwind journey across the UK! Today's stop? The fabulous, bustling town of Barking, East London!

This week has been a rollercoaster of excitement. Imagine my delight when I found myself whisked away to the heart of East London, not by car or bus, but by a grand, majestic horse-drawn carriage. The streets were filled with the delightful clatter of hooves on cobblestones, and the air was thick with the sweet scent of freshly baked pies, a symphony for the senses!

Before we dive into the sparkle of tonight's performance, I have to share a secret with you: this fabulous pink tutu I'm wearing? It's brand new! I discovered the most delightful boutique in central London this week, tucked away in a cobbled alleyway like a fairytale hidden treasure. Their pink tutus were so gorgeous, each with its own unique charm – I practically bought the whole shop! I just couldn't resist, and let me tell you, this little beauty is positively radiating, just like me! (Speaking of sparkle, if you haven't checked out the fabulous new line of glitter-infused fabric I found on my shopping trip – it's going to be featured in all my outfits from now on!)

My journey to Barking wasn't just about shopping, darlings, it was also a wonderful journey back in time! The streets of Barking are steeped in history – imagine, you can still find remnants of the ancient Roman Fort! And, of course, the incredible Barking Abbey, with its long and storied past, just begs to be explored. This historical setting somehow made my dazzling entrance even more magical – it felt like I stepped straight out of a fairytale! The locals, darling, are absolute gems! They're so friendly and welcoming. As I was taking a little break in a local cafe (where I devoured a simply divine slice of strawberry cheesecake), I got chatting with a lovely gentleman who told me he'd seen my performance at the local fair a few months ago. Apparently, he'd told his entire family about me!

So, on to the performance! Tonight's venue is the fabulous Barking Theatre. The venue itself is absolutely charming – imagine a mix of Victorian charm and modern glamour, just perfect for a Pink Tutu Sparkles extravaganza! My performance, a mixture of original ballet-inspired numbers and theatrical twists, was a hit with the locals! I saw some familiar faces from the fair earlier, all grinning and dancing in their seats. My ballet moves received the loudest cheers, especially when I donned my newest sparkly tutu and twirled for the crowd! The energy in the theatre was palpable, like an electric current crackling through the air, as I brought my act to a dazzling end!

Of course, every trip needs a little downtime. After my Barking performance, I indulged in a delicious homemade curry at a family-run Indian restaurant nearby. Their pakoras were the most divine, absolutely melting in my mouth!

Now, the main reason why I’m writing to you from the wonderful town of Barking is a very special announcement! This is a big one, darling! Next week, I'll be participating in a community arts event – think, a combination of ballet class, craft workshop, and live performance! My dream has always been to spread the magic of dance and fashion to everyone! It’s something I’m truly passionate about. So, gather your glitter, grab your tutus, and get ready to twirl with me!

Don't forget to check back for more exciting travel tales and sparkly news! Until then, remember: you don't have to be a queen to wear a tutu, darling. Just wear your heart on your sleeve (or maybe, on your sparkly tutu?)!

And lastly, don’t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com to stay up-to-date with my latest adventures!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2000-04-25 stars in Barking