Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-05-24 stars in Sutton in Ashfield

Sutton in Ashfield: Tutu Time!

Hello darlings! It’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you on a sunny Wednesday in my fave pink satin dressing gown! I’m buzzing with excitement cos today’s my big day… my big Tutu Day, that is! Because darling, we’re going to Sutton in Ashfield! It’s gonna be legendary, trust me!

Now, let me spill the tea. Today marks Post Number 145 of my drag-tastic, tutu-tastic blog journey. I’ve been spreading the pink tulle gospel since my very first post, way back when... (slight cough) …well, never mind, let’s not delve too deeply into my blogging past, shall we? 😉

Anyway, like I was saying, Sutton in Ashfield – it’s just bursting with possibilities. And of course, the real draw? A chance to share my pink passion!

Did I ever tell you about how this all started? Let me spill the pink glitter and tell you about the time I got bitten by the Tutu Bug!

Back when I was just Alex (shh! Don't tell anyone my real name... 🤫), I was a lowly lab rat in a lab coat. Science was my thing. DNA was my jam. You get the picture. It was a solid career, I mean… I did work in a laboratory, analysing and testing textiles – can't get much more serious than that, eh? But little did I know, there was a whole other side of me just waiting to burst out!

It all happened one magical, tutu-tastic night… We were holding a charity event at the university and the students had decided to have a little costume contest! "Go on, Alex, try one on!", the cheeky chappies insisted. Next thing you know, I’m sporting a pale pink tutu and suddenly everything just clicked… Well, more like it went POW like a pink explosion in a glittery rainbow! 💖🌈 Suddenly, all I could see were twirls and leaps!

It’s a strange story but my destiny was sealed. I’d become Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Oh, but let's get back to my fabulous travels!

Today's journey is a double whammy - not only am I bringing a sprinkle of sparkle to Sutton, but it's a train journey too! As you all know, darling, I’m all about travel, and train travel is definitely one of my fav ways to get around.

I find myself a cosy corner carriage – all plush velvet and window views – and that's where the real magic begins. Watching the countryside flit by, soaking in the passing scenery, with the gentle chugging rhythm lulling me into a happy daze. I love feeling the rush of wind on my face as I zoom past charming villages and bustling towns, with every click-clack of the wheels, the journey gets me closer and closer to spreading the pink love. I can practically smell the delicious aroma of backstage coffee brewing, hear the music booming and catch a glimpse of a gaggle of fans with homemade pink tutu banners - they'll be here for me, just waiting for me!

Sutton in Ashfield - you're on my list! I’m already planning my grand entrance. A cascade of shimmering pink streamers falling from the sky (fingers crossed it’s not raining today)? Maybe a chariot drawn by miniature ponies decked out in sequined saddle cloths?

Honestly, I’m feeling pretty confident… you'd be hard-pressed to find a more vibrant, dazzling performer in all of Derbyshire. 😉 But darling, it's all for the love of the art! My life is my drag, my drag is my life. But really it’s the tutu.

You can't go wrong with a fabulous, floaty tutu – and as much as I’m looking forward to the Sutton stage, the truth is, my most exciting moments are often the quiet ones - I find inspiration everywhere! It could be the glint of a silver lamp post on a rainy morning, or a child giggling with delight in a giant bouncy castle, or even a flock of starlings in flight - sometimes it's those seemingly mundane things that inspire me. And don’t get me started on the thrill of spotting a fluffy white cat snoozing in a sunbeam… purrfect! 😻

Sutton in Ashfield, I can already see you sparkling like a pink diamond! I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into this show. I’m bursting with confidence, buzzing with excitement! And yes, I’ll have you guessing. Should I wear my signature neon pink tulle masterpiece? Maybe my glamorous silver glitter tutu? I have so many choices – what will I do?

The tension is killing me! Okay, time to stop babbling. The train's just announced the approaching station… So off I trot to the theatre. See you soon, Sutton!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

P.S. Want more Pink Tutu adventures? Head over to www.pink-tutu.com - where every day is Tutu Tuesday! 💕

Don’t forget to tell me what your favourite pink tutu look is in the comments! And while you're there, tell me if you've been to Sutton in Ashfield… if so, spill the tea, darling!

#TutuQueen on 2000-05-24 stars in Sutton in Ashfield