Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-05-27 stars in Stretford

Stretford Sparkle! - Post #148

Oh, hello darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and I’m so excited to be bringing you my fabulous travels from Stretford! This little gem of a town just outside Manchester is a real hidden treasure, and you betcha I was there to show off my latest pink tutu creation.

But first, let’s rewind the clock to my journey! I took the train, of course. It’s such a charming and elegant mode of transportation – I love to gaze out the window and let the countryside whisk me away! I was sporting my newest feather boa, which was a delicious shade of coral – perfect for matching my lipstick and the stunning views.

The excitement really began once I stepped onto the platform at Stretford station. Imagine my delight, there were little children everywhere - all bright eyed, wearing pink, with tiny sparkly tutus! They’d just been to a ballet class in a gorgeous hall overlooking the greenest park - a vision of joy and beauty! It warmed my pink tutu heart right up. They’d all been learning a charming ballet about pink fairies. Honestly, I thought I was in my own personal fairy tale!

So, inspired by all these miniature tutu-wearing cuties, I strutted off towards the theatre, determined to show Stretford just what a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles performance could be!

Oh my darlings, the venue itself was a bit of a treasure – a quaint, old, and most definitely pink, Victorian building, bursting with character and history. I even had a bit of a frou-frou flutter when I realised they’d painted the grand hall ceiling in this magnificent, glittering, pink swirl, with little pink sparkly stars and crescents, it really was quite something!

And it was all the setting I needed to unveil the latest edition of my Pink Tutu design. Let me tell you, it was a work of art - layers upon layers of shimmery pink tulle, delicately crafted with little sequins, like constellations of pink stars across a summer sky, all finished off with a truly majestic bow that I thought would float right off! You could practically see the joy it evoked. It felt almost sacred, but oh-so-deliciously extravagant, the ultimate symbol of my love for everything pink.

Speaking of the bow – remember how I mentioned the hall was a bit of a Victorian gem? Well, when I made a grand entrance on the stage - all the lovely, supportive people gave me the biggest applause! And you won’t believe it, my bow bounced off of this ornate crystal chandelier dangling from the ceiling! The whole audience gasped. I can’t tell you what an incredible moment it was. Even the chandelier was like “I’m in awe!” – so I danced my little heart out. My aim? To spread pink joy and inspire people to get on down and embrace their inner sparkle!

The show went down an absolute storm – we all had the time of our lives. And the grand finale was absolutely magical, all of the pink tutus in the audience got on the dance floor and the whole theatre transformed into one giant, glitteringly, fabulous Pink Tutu Extravaganza! Even I had to fight back a little tear. Oh, I wish you could have all seen it, the joyful abandon – It was a testament to the magic that tutus bring.

As the curtains closed, I met some of the loveliest locals. A sweet old lady, whose name was Pearl – a fitting name for a tutu-loving queen - had brought her own pink tulle from her days as a ballet dancer to see what tricks I had in my sewing bag. Then there was a young man, who, he swore, had been to every Pink Tutu Sparkles performance this side of Derbyshire - quite the feat, wouldn't you say? We exchanged a bit of ballet lore, you know, those little tricks and tips. He told me all about his little sister, who he reckoned was quite the budding ballerina – the thought filled my heart with glee. It made me even more determined to bring pink tulle to the whole world!

But enough about me, the most inspiring sight of the night had to be this beautiful little girl – the same one I had seen before heading to the theatre. She had such bright eyes! You see, her father, a wonderful, pink tutu-supporting chap, had let her hold his new tutu! He was trying to keep it out of reach, but his sweet, pink tulle-loving little girl was insistent – her whole face was glowing with glee! Such sweet little pink angels, oh! I just had to make sure to meet the young princess. Her name, they told me, was Isabella. A name fit for a queen, I say! And as if a vision straight out of a fairy tale, her little feet had been decked out with these gorgeous, glittering pink shoes, she even had a tiny little sparkly pink bag - she must have been inspired by a pink fairy indeed! I, in all my sparkly glory, presented Isabella with a brand-new sparkly pink hair clip and a special hug.

Well, it wouldn’t be a real Pink Tutu Sparkles blog without a quick little shop around. The next day, before I caught my train home, I had a delightful little ramble through the local boutiques. The shopkeepers were positively thrilled to see me in my full pink tutu finery, and I scooped up some delectable new feather boas, a stunningly shimmering sequinned purse – just imagine the sparkle! - and the most incredible pastel pink floral head band, it’s practically fit for a duchess! The last one I saw reminded me of a sweet flower-filled garden - absolutely charming!

Of course, there's no Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a delicious spot of lunch – because what’s a little shopping spree without a bit of good old-fashioned afternoon tea, especially when a drag queen is involved? So, I perched myself down at a cozy little cafe, where they were actually celebrating all things pink! The little cake they were serving looked absolutely delicious. A cake entirely made of layers of pink frosting and a miniature version of my own pink bow, all tied up with a shimmering pink ribbon! Quite an artistic creation! It even tasted divine, although I had to be careful not to get my tutu stained with frosting, let's face it, I have enough pink on me already!

Now I'm back in my little Derbyshire flat, surrounded by shimmering pink ribbons and my latest pink tulle creation – and already planning my next grand tutu adventure! I just can’t wait for the world to get more sparkly! What a wonderful life I live! Oh, darling! If you see me on the train or at a fair, come and say hello. My motto, remember? – Spreading pink joy one tutu at a time!

Stay sparkly!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2000-05-27 stars in Stretford