
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-07 stars in Morley

Morley, My Darlings! Post #159: Pink Tutu Sparkle in the North

Oh my darlings, hello from sunny (well, mostly sunny) Morley! This gorgeous town in West Yorkshire is simply radiating pink, just like me. Honestly, if you're looking for a place that understands the true meaning of sparkle, then you must put Morley on your map!

And wouldn't you know it, darling, I'm already feeling so incredibly blessed, thanks to this enchanting place! Morley's given me the warmest welcome imaginable. It's almost like a real-life fairy tale; I landed off the train at the station with a plop, just like my favourite pink tutu falls onto a stage. Then, within seconds, I was enveloped in sunshine, good vibes and lots of laughter.

Now, my lovelies, you already know I have a thing for train travel. Those leather seats, the soothing rhythm of the wheels against the tracks... It's pure poetry, darling! Especially when you can gaze out the window at the ever-changing landscapes. It's just perfect for those 'daydreams' of future dazzling Pink Tutu Sparkle adventures, you know? Oh, the places I'll go in my Pink Tutu! But enough about those future ventures... let me tell you all about this wonderful journey, which is already filled with so much joy and pink magic.

Speaking of joy, oh, my dearest lovelies! Have you ever seen so many rainbows at one time? The one outside Morley Market was huge, so big I had to tip my fabulous crown! The children were delighted (and by extension, their mums - it was quite something to see the squealing with joy).

Speaking of squealing... the real show stopper was that spectacular performance I put on at the Market Hall. I mean, the energy was absolutely buzzing! It was all whoops and claps, darling. Oh, I even felt the thrill of the spotlights (and I am not just talking about the one they use for my grand entrance). I must admit, there was one very special moment - I have to whisper this part - I literally spun the crowd into a frenzy with my rendition of "Let's Go To The Ballet!". I thought I'd see some serious sequins shedding at that point - there was just so much happy chaos. It was absolutely spectacular. You should see the smiles Iā€™ve been met with since ā€“ oh, I could live off that kind of sparkle.

Speaking of the marketā€¦ now, darlings, Iā€™m quite the clothes fanatic, and I was practically floating as I strolled through those stalls! Let me tell you, it was simply delightful! And did you know Morley Market has been around for nearly 100 years?

Now, darling, a confession. I did manage to grab a couple of those fluffy pink fluffy tutus. Whatā€™s a Pink Tutu Sparkle to do? I just have to have a tutu for every occasion, you see? There's the "Breakfast with Butterflies" tutu for my early-morning performances at the little local cafĆ© (oh, the aroma of warm croissants in the air!), a fabulous "Midnight Masquerade" tutu for those super chic late night jazz bars, a ā€œBeach Partyā€ one forā€¦ you know!ā€¦ all of that... And now, this new Morley pink tutu ā€“ it's got these adorable ruffled layers that really get the crowds buzzing - oh my dear lovelies, it's simply magnificent.

Now, for all my darlings, let me say one more thing about this spectacular trip. Honestly, I felt an immediate connection to the good people of Morley. I love to chat with those sweet souls. After all, everyone Iā€™ve met wants the same thing; they just want to celebrate joy! You know, good music, friendly faces, and lots of sunshine ā€“ there was something undeniably infectious about their zest for life.

And oh darling, can you believe I even bumped into the local ballet club!? And guess what?! They asked me to be their guest teacher ā€“ a Pink Tutu Sparkle ballet workshop, if you please! How very magical! The students, all the little darling swans and ballerinas-to-be, loved me! Well, of course, darling, who wouldn't love the chance to pirouette and spin with a Pink Tutu Sparkle? Theyā€™re practically destined for the stage with that natural elegance and grace. Oh, you should hear those little ballerinas chat, they're quite the little experts! My darling girls had so many questions about pink tutus. Honestly, you couldnā€™t have asked for a better audience, darling. I think I may even start a ā€œPink Tutu Sparkles Junior Ballet Troupeā€.

And letā€™s be honest, what is life without a good tea dance, darling? Letā€™s just say this, I took over the stage ā€“ oh darling, the sheer spectacle! - with a joyous, fun-filled dance-a-thon to "The Pink Tutu Waltz." And yes, everyone, even the older gentlemen in their finest suits, loved to waltz in their best dancing shoes! You see, I think thereā€™s a little pink tutu queen in everyone, darling. And here in Morley, Iā€™ve found some delightful company with an absolutely amazing, beautiful zest for life.

Now, before I close, dear lovelies, I want to share a small piece of my journey with you. It's about Alex. Yes, the "real" me, you see, darling, I still enjoy that little bit of everyday life - my scientific side ā€“ while wearing a lab coat.

As you all know, Alex has quite a passion forā€¦well, fabrics, darling. Now, this might seem a bit different than dancing and wearing tutus, but listen here - those tutus need to be top-notch quality, oh, they must! So, what does this scientific Alex do? Why, I work in a lab (the opposite of a dazzling stage, mind you) , and my job, you know, darling, is to check the durability of those wonderful pink fabricsā€¦ because I love everything about my Pink Tutu, including its fabric, darling! The quality has to be amazing for a real Queen.

Now, I donā€™t know about you, but after all of this, I think Morley has truly sparkled into my life. I have no doubt that those lovely faces I met will remain with me for years to come ā€“ in fact, I plan to be back soon, maybe even for an afternoon of afternoon tea ā€“ perhaps with one of those gorgeous hand-stitched pink tutu bags! (Imagine, a beautiful tutu-themed lunchbox with sequins) Just thinking about it now is enough to send me swirling!

Don't forget, darling, life is about chasing joy and letting your true colours shine. So, go ahead, try a pink tutu! Trust me, itā€™s good for the soul ā€“ even Alex is getting her feet wet ā€“ er, sparkling ā€“ with tutus!

With much love and sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkle,

Morley, England, June 7, 2000

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-07 stars in Morley