Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-08 stars in Merthyr Tudful

Merthyr Tudful: A Pink Tutu Adventure!

Hello darlings! Welcome to another installment of "Pink Tutu Sparkles Travels," your daily dose of fabulousness! Today we're whisked away to the historic town of Merthyr Tudful in Wales, a real gem of a location that just begged for a little Pink Tutu magic!

Post 160, darling! It's been quite a whirlwind of a journey, full of glitz, glamour, and the undeniable pinkness that keeps this queen ticking! For those of you who haven't yet succumbed to the allure of the tutu, I'm Alex, the sassy scientist turned Pink Tutu Sparkles, spreading the message of twirling, fabulousness, and – you guessed it – pink tutus!

A Journey on Tracks, a Fashion Extravaganza: As always, my journey to Merthyr Tudful was an adventure in itself. A scenic train ride from my home in Derbyshire, and what did I pack? Why, a veritable feast of frills and sequins, of course! A shimmering pink suitcase packed with feather boas, sparkly stilettos, and enough tulle to satisfy a thousand ballet classes. It's about spreading the pink, darling! The train carriage was, thankfully, very open to a pink tutu princess in full regalia!

The Merthyr Tudful Buzz: Stepping off the train in Merthyr Tudful felt like stepping back in time – cobbled streets, charming cafes, and a warm, friendly atmosphere. I swear the locals knew Pink Tutu Sparkles was arriving, there was a buzz in the air, darling! A fellow train traveller gave me a beaming smile, and before I even unpacked my bag, a young boy in a purple shirt shouted, "Look, Mummy, a pink princess!" The energy of Merthyr Tudful felt, well, perfect!

My Calling - Drag is My Calling : Being Pink Tutu Sparkles is more than just a persona, it's a mission. I've always loved the stage – I remember putting on shows in the backyard for my teddy bears and getting lost in the magic of it all! When I stumbled upon my first pink tutu – a sparkly, vintage beauty for a charity event at university – something clicked! It was, well, transformative. Like I found my calling. And since then, my journey to spread pink tutu magic has been wild, incredible, and – most importantly - full of pink!

A Day of Shopping Delights and Dance Delights: Oh, how I adore the charming boutiques and vintage shops in Merthyr Tudful! Every shop held a pink tutu dream – I found myself a divine pink sequined scarf and a charming little hat with a miniature feather boa, and some vintage pink tights (mustard yellow stain - totally '70s vibe and so, so on-trend, darling!) which, naturally, I could not leave without. It's not just the tutus, it's the whole package, right?

Time for the Tutus, The Theatre! Merthyr Tudful was hosting a stunningly elegant, free theatre show in their town square and guess who was invited to perform a quick ballet routine! The crowd loved it! After my “pinkalicious” little dance routine, I did a meet and greet with all the audience, kids and adults! Everyone wants their photo taken with a pink tutu-clad princess, they said my smile brightened up the evening - and, oh, to spread the pink joy! And I gave out sparkly little pink ribbons that say "pink life!" and that had been printed by my friend, my resident "pink tutu whisperer" who helps me with the merch and printing bits for my shows - shout out to Chloe, darling, if you're reading this!

My Pink Tutu Family! You know, sometimes when I travel to all these fabulous towns and cities across the UK and beyond, I wonder how I managed to find a path with this much joy, but that is because it’s about spreading the love and I do have my little pink tutu "family!" (You know I always love an adorable pun!). They make my whole drag adventure worth every single sequin, and every sparkly tear I’ve shed when the stage lights have faded and I’m just back to being Alex. They support me - and I've even inspired a few of my friends to go to the local dance studio and start wearing pink tutus, even just for their weekly classes!

Dancing into the Night! In the spirit of Merthyr Tudful’s captivating atmosphere, I made my way to the heart of the town – a local dance school! I have a secret fondness for ballet, darling. And guess what – I pulled out a Tutu! And yes, Pink Tutu Sparkles has just gotta twirl! In a whirlwind of tulle and laughter, I had a fabulous time joining in a class - It was just what my soul needed, especially after an afternoon filled with vintage shopping.

The Pink Tutu Magic is Contagious! My heart truly swelled watching these aspiring dancers take centre stage with passion and dedication, so inspiring, right? You just gotta move and shine in all the glitz and the joy! As I danced amongst these talented individuals, my spirit soared with the energy of these dance school "angels". The night wasn't over yet, I found my way to the "Green Dragon" pub and you guessed it – a "pink tutu special" was requested (a lovely strawberry daiquiri!).

Saying Farewell to Merthyr Tudful, Hello to the World!

So here’s the thing - the heart of Pink Tutu Sparkles travels is all about that connection to the community! It's not just about a pink tutu, it’s about sharing that feeling, that energy.

And what did Merthyr Tudful teach me? That even in a tiny little town, the love for dance, the joie de vivre, and a fabulous pink tutu will always be welcome. I bid a "farewell, but not goodbye!" to Merthyr Tudful, and on to my next stop - the world is waiting! See you in my next pinktastic blog!

Until then, keep twirling, stay fabulous, and spread the pink tutu love!

Pink Tutu Sparkles - out!

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-08 stars in Merthyr Tudful