
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-18 stars in Kingswood

Kingswood Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the South West! πŸ‘‘βœ¨

Hey there, darling divas! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back for another sparkling blog post from your favourite tutu-wearing travel queen. Today marks blog post number 170, can you believe it? This blog has become a little pink whirlwind, hasn't it? πŸ’– And guess what? I'm absolutely buzzing because this time, we're venturing to the south west – Kingswood, to be precise!

This lovely little town has a certain charm to it, don't you think? It feels like a secret little haven tucked away in the heart of the countryside, but with enough bustle to keep it interesting. So, pack your picnic baskets, darling, because we're about to have a right royal adventure!

The Train Journey - A Lesson in Frill-dom πŸš‚

Now, as you all know, this pink tutu queen absolutely loves a good train journey. It's all about soaking in the countryside views, indulging in a spot of people watching (who's not wearing pink? πŸ‘€), and most importantly, rocking my best travel ensemble.

For this adventure, I've got a custom-made pink sequined blazer over a soft tulle tutu in the lightest shade of pink, of course! You can never go wrong with a classic! This whole outfit is finished with my favourite little pearl tiara – it adds that touch of regal sparkle I love.

On this particular journey, we were blessed with some incredible sunshine, painting the fields a vibrant green and making the whole journey even more magical. I even spotted a field of purple wildflowers which had me positively giddy with excitement! Did you know that lavender flowers symbolise purity and devotion? How appropriate, considering my devotion to pink! πŸ’–

The train carriage, however, wasn't quite so idyllic. I seem to have become a magnet for chatty tourists this week! Luckily, I have a knack for making light of awkward situations. It turned out that these lovely folk were simply awestruck by my dazzling outfit. They asked me all sorts about my drag journey, which led to a lively conversation about the importance of embracing one's uniqueness, especially in the wonderful world of drag! Now that’s what I call a fabulous train journey.

Kingswood: A Fairytale Town 🏰

The train finally deposited me at the edge of Kingswood, and let me tell you, I felt like a princess stepping out of a fairytale! A pretty, stone-built train station, an old, half-timbered pub right across the road (and a little later, a pint of something deliciously fruity, of course!), a beautiful little town square where people were gossiping about the local news – the whole place just radiated a cosy charm.

Now, as you know, my beloved tutus and I simply adore a good market, and Kingswood's Saturday market did not disappoint. There was the typical fare, delicious local produce, handmade jewellery and some rather fabulous artisan chocolates. You just had to tell the market stalls I had to buy the giant box of heart-shaped bonbons – after all, everyone loves a little treat. Especially when it’s surrounded by pink, my love, it’s almost indecent!

And then, my dears, the piece de resistance - I found the most delightful little fabric shop. Filled with rolls of tulle in every shade you can imagine, my little pink heart could have burst. I went absolutely wild, stocking up on a veritable mountain of pink tulle, some exquisite sequins, and a few sparkly fabric flowers. Let's just say, this little find inspired a new outfit – and no doubt a whole new blog post about my exciting purchases!

Pink Tutu Performance in the Heart of Kingswood! πŸ’–

Of course, being Pink Tutu Sparkles means bringing a little bit of sparkle to wherever I go. So, this weekend I was delighted to perform in the Kingswood Town Hall. It wasn't your usual venue, mind you, but a drag queen needs to adapt to different stages. My act consisted of some of my classic routines: the feather fan dance, my heart-melting 'Pink Tutu Sparkles' signature number (lots of pink tutus and fluffy pink pompoms, naturally!), and of course, the grand finale - 'Shine on You Crazy Diamonds', complete with sparkly diamonds glued to my costume and enough glitter to make the stage shine like a disco ball.

I was greeted by a warm and enthusiastic audience - so many smiling faces and delighted giggles! The whole evening was an absolute riot, and we even ended the night with a delicious, decadent, pink-themed cake! My lovely audience cheered and whistled and it was so obvious they were thoroughly enjoying the show. The atmosphere was electric, with everyone joining in and soaking up the fun and the good energy.

The Kindness of Kingswood Locals πŸ₯°

Before I even arrived, I felt a wave of support from the Kingswood community. It all started with the lovely ladies at the Kingswood Women's Institute, who put on an absolutely brilliant performance at my local venue back in Derbyshire. And they invited me down for their annual picnic, which just felt lovely – just a group of lovely ladies, all enjoying a day of pink tutus and delightful company. They even shared a little tidbit about local Kingswood folklore. Did you know that the local river is said to be haunted by a friendly water spirit called 'Pipkin'? Honestly, I found myself falling for this charming little town – how could I not? It's got such a beautiful sense of community!

The Kingswood Folk Club made me feel welcome from the very moment I arrived, showering me with the most generous hugs and heartfelt smiles. We talked for hours about music and all things drag – the stories I hear from all the lovely people I meet really make me think about what drag can mean to different people and it's so encouraging. I even received a hand-painted, pink-tutu inspired pin from one of the members! It’s truly one of the loveliest keepsakes from my time in Kingswood and now takes pride of place on my travel bag.

Pink Tutu Reflections – Bringing the World a Little Sparkles πŸ’–

Kingswood has definitely found its way into my heart. It's one of those places that just feels magical, full of kindness and generosity, but most importantly, full of smiles and warmth! This entire trip has reaffirmed my love for travel, but more than that, it’s solidified my goal – to spread joy and positivity wherever I go! To encourage everyone, yes, even you, darling, to embrace their inner sparkle!

Next stop: London, the bright lights are calling! What can you expect from London you may be asking? Well, darling, only the most spectacular outfit, an enchanting evening performance, and the most decadent afternoon tea in the most elegant hotel you can imagine! Don't worry, you’ll hear all about it in the next post. You’ll want to hop on the next train after reading!

Don't forget, keep sparkling and keep shining your own, unique, pink light!

Stay fab, darlings, and until next time! ✨


Pink Tutu Sparkles πŸ’•

[link to the website - www.pink-tutu.com]

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-18 stars in Kingswood