Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-17 stars in Welling

Welling, Darling! #169: Pink Tutus and Railway Romance

Oh my darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad goddess, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you another slice of shimmering life from the glamorous world of a drag queen on the go. Today we're whisking ourselves off to the charming little town of Welling, where the pink tutus are about to cause a right old stir.

Now, some might think that a girl in a pink tutu is a bit odd, especially in a town like Welling, known for its brick houses and friendly locals. But let me tell you, darling, a touch of pink and a little bit of sparkle can brighten even the dullest day. You wouldn't believe how many people smiled when they saw my outfit – I could practically hear the music of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" tinkling in the air.

So, what brought me to this lovely little corner of Kent, you ask? Well, you know how much I adore ballet, darling! Welling had a glorious little ballet performance scheduled, and I wasn't going to miss it for the world. The stage was ablaze with talent, and my inner ballerina simply had to let loose with a few twirls of my own. I practically danced my way from the train station to the theatre – I was quite a sight!

The train journey was delightful, too, you know. My carriage was filled with some delightful gentlemen – you'd think they’d been attending a vintage tea party with their hats and suits. One of them even complemented me on my tutus, bless him! He reminded me of the chap in my science lab who thinks that pink tutus will cause fabric degradation faster! Oh, silly, darling! It's the sun that does the damage, not the colour, I assure you!

Anyway, I always think travelling by train is a fantastic adventure. It gives you a chance to gaze at the rolling countryside, enjoy the chatter of the fellow passengers, and, of course, admire the fantastic people who have chosen a pink tutu for their wardrobe choice (yes, darling, that’s right, not all tutus are pink, but there are many in this world – I will find them!). And speaking of those magical frothy delights, I must tell you about my latest sartorial coup...

Remember my little trip to Covent Garden last week, my darlings? Well, let's just say my love affair with pink tutus knows no bounds. I found myself in a fabulous vintage clothing boutique with a dress collection so spectacular, it would have made even a seasoned Parisian fashionista gasp with delight. Now, I wouldn’t normally tell tales about my shopping habits, but the owner was just so sweet and the shop smelled like fresh linen. Imagine a soft breeze carrying the smell of lavender with a hint of sugar – that’s what that place was like!

Imagine my surprise, then, when I saw a glorious, vintage pink tutu hiding amongst the vintage ballgowns and satin blouses. Imagine, a full, frothy skirt of layers upon layers of tulle in a breathtaking shade of pink that would make the Queen herself say “Goodness gracious me, that is absolutely splendid!” You just knew it had to be mine, darling. I wouldn't call myself impulsive, but it is essential to give in to the whim now and then. You know I always believe, ‘tutu much of a good thing!”

My new tutu made its debut at a little fair in Welling, and, of course, it was a sensation! I had to twirl and shimmy with it because my dear, that’s what those tulle layers are there for! People couldn't get enough of the glitter and the frou-frou – even the hot dog stall owner gave me a thumbs up. My mission, darling, is to spread the joy of pink tutus far and wide, one twirl at a time.

Now, back to the performance in Welling. I swear, I was moved to tears. It's funny how seeing such beauty on stage can make you feel so…well…sparkly! It reminds you of all the good in the world and makes you want to spread some joy.

It got me thinking about how the magic of a pink tutu can transcend the world of fashion and ballet and reach into people's hearts. It’s a symbol of fun, confidence, and joy - something we could all use a little more of, darling! Don't you agree? So, whether you’re in Welling or somewhere much more glamorous, I implore you, put on your pink tutu, even if it's just for a minute! You might just surprise yourself – it’s all about the spark in your eyes, darling, nothing less!

Stay sparkling, my lovely, and remember, even a little bit of pink can make all the difference!

Lots of love, Your favourite pink tutu wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

#TutuQueen on 2000-06-17 stars in Welling