Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-07-16 stars in Bridlington

Bridlington Bound: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Coast!

Post #198

Hello my darlings, and welcome to another scintillating instalment of Pink Tutu Sparkles' travels! As always, thank you for joining me on this joyous journey, and for making Pink-Tutu.com the most fabulously pink website on the internet!

Today, my lovelies, we're off on an adventure! Bridlington, you gorgeous coastal gem, is calling my name!

I can't say it's been a particularly "glam" week, what with the lab testing my poor brain cells and having to mix chemicals all day long, but thankfully, Friday evening is upon us and that means P-I-N-K T-U-T-U S-P-A-R-K-L-E-S I-S O-N T-H-E W-A-Y!

And where else would I be headed, but a grand and glittering show on the seaside! Now, you know I love me a train journey (who doesn't, they are pure glamour!) but for this particular jaunt, I decided on a horse and carriage, darling!

A touch of the whimsical for a night in Bridlington. I mean, when was the last time you arrived in style on a horsedrawn carriage?! The smell of hay, the gentle clip clop, the majestic sway – all I needed was a tiara and I could have sworn I was headed for a Royal ball.

Pink Perfection

And let's be honest, you don't get much more pink-tastic than a sunset on the Yorkshire coast! Just imagine it: the orange and red hues mingling with the deep blue of the sea, the smell of salty air mingling with the faint scent of pink roses, and a pink tutu-clad diva dancing amongst it all... Pure magic!

Bridlington Beauty

The thing is, my dears, there's something quite special about seaside towns. They have a certain nostalgic charm, with their brightly coloured arcades, old-fashioned shops, and the unmistakable salty breeze whispering tales of times gone by. They are a world away from the bright lights and concrete jungles, yet they offer their own brand of breathtaking beauty.

Speaking of breathtaking beauty... Let me tell you, I have been working hard on a new act! One filled with all the dazzling colours of the rainbow (naturally with a dash of extra pink, my dears!), an array of fabulous feather boas and sparkles to blind your eyeballs, and enough choreography to get your heart pounding and your toes tapping!

What a Day! What a Night!

So, after my horse-drawn journey and the grand performance (you bet it was!), it wouldn’t be a proper seaside jaunt without a slight detour. What else would it be, darling, but a delicious fish and chips!

Nothing beats the simple joy of freshly battered fish and thick-cut chips. Just add a dollop of salt, a squeeze of vinegar and a big glass of something pink (it just wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles outing without it!) and my heart is bursting with happiness!

It was, as I say, *a day, darling! *A night! A magical journey full of pinkness and sparkle.

As always, my dearest dears, I'm ever so grateful for all the love and support you give me on this fabulous adventure we call life! Keep shining brightly and keep spreading the pink! And remember, darling, you’re all perfectly wonderful as you are. Don't ever forget that. And if you feel the urge, wear a pink tutu!

Love, sparkle and kisses,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Stay connected with Pink Tutu Sparkles:

  • Visit Pink-Tutu.com for daily updates.
  • Follow me on Insta at @PinkTutuSparkles!
  • Catch me performing in your local area (just drop me a message!

(End of Post #198)

Now, let’s talk about why I choose a pink tutu.

As you all know, pink is my absolute favourite colour! And as for the tutu... I fell in love with tutus while studying at the university. Now, I wasn't just a budding scientist, but also a keen member of the ballet club. And it was during one of our fundraising events, where I first dared to slip into a tutu.

And oh my dears, it was love at first twirl! There's just something so magical, so empowering about wearing a tutu! It’s like an explosion of pink power! A symbol of all things joyful and light. It's about feeling free, expressing your true self, and spreading joy to all those around you!

Don't be fooled by my lab coat, though. It's just a costume, my darlings! When I'm not busy mixing chemicals, you'll find me studying my dance steps, or getting ready to make a splash with Pink Tutu Sparkles! After all, everyone should have a little pink tutu in their life! And I mean everyone, my dears, absolutely everyone!

That's my goal, you know. To make the world a little bit brighter, a little bit more fun, a little bit pinker, one tutu at a time. And who knows, maybe one day we’ll even have a whole society of pink tutu-clad individuals dancing on the streets, spreading the message of joy and acceptance! Now wouldn’t that be a fabulous world to live in?

So, why don't we take the plunge together, darling? Don't be shy! You don't have to be a dancer, you don't have to be a drag queen, all you have to be is ready to embrace your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles! I’ve just bought a box full of brand-new pink tutus that I’ll be giving out as gifts! Just drop me a message on the website to say you’ll wear it for me.

Until next time, my darlings, let the sparkles rain down on you!

Lots of Love and a whole lotta pink!

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2000-07-16 stars in Bridlington