
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-07-17 stars in Billingham

Billingham Bound! Pink Tutu Sparkles' #199 - A Pink Paradise Awaits!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! Your favourite pink-tutu-clad drag queen is back, and today's post is bursting with excitement, sequins, and of course, a whole lot of pink!

I'm so thrilled to be embarking on a new adventure: a magical journey to the fabulous town of Billingham, nestled right there in the heart of England! The call of the stage has beckoned, and I'm set to grace a delightful venue in this lovely town with my signature glitz and glam.

Now, I'm not just going to Billingham to put on a show. Oh no, darlings! I have a grand plan! I'm on a mission to bring my unique brand of Pink Tutu Power to this lovely corner of the UK, encouraging everyone to embrace their inner pinkness. Because, as I always say, a world filled with pink tutus is a happier, brighter world!

Let's dive into the journey, shall we?

Travel in Style, Naturally

So, how do I like to travel, you ask? Why, by train or on horseback, naturally! My trusty steed, let's call him Prince Charming (a beautiful bay stallion), has a stable conveniently close to Derbyshire. And for longer distances, the grand railway network always welcomes me with open arms (or at least, I can imagine it welcomes me with open arms, draped in luxurious, rose-coloured velvet). It's simply too chic to travel any other way. I mean, can you imagine travelling in a grey car with that lovely pink tulle trailing behind you? It's not a good look. Not at all!

Now, today I chose the train journey, which will whisk me to Billingham with its stylish charm. I decided to pair my pink polka-dot skirt with a blush pink t-shirt (a hint of a "peekaboo" chest was essential, of course!), and finished the look with a statement piece: a bejewelled pink beret, adorned with tiny sparkly butterflies. Because a queen needs her butterflies, don't you think?

Pink Tutu Preparations - A Feast for the Eyes

No Pink Tutu Sparkles show is complete without my trusty wardrobe of pink tutus. It's truly an enchanting sight to behold! My favourite one at the moment, the "Peach Perfection" tutu (which I'm sure you saw in the recent "Fairytale Dreams" shoot in Derby - so fab!) is the perfect blend of whimsy and elegance. Imagine delicate layers of gossamer-soft tulle, a whisper of peach hues cascading down to the floor, adorned with a touch of shimmering sequined stars โ€“ pure magic! And it always receives a "round of applause" whenever I arrive somewhere.

Oh, but I have more tricks up my pink sleeves. This trip calls for a "Ballerina Bloom" look! The new "Ballerina Bloom" tutu I bought the other week will work a treat, don't you think? It's so fun, featuring an explosion of shimmering floral details. Each petal is delicately crafted in a range of pink shades, from bubblegum to magenta, with iridescent sequins that catch the light in a dazzling display.

I will, of course, pair my "Ballerina Bloom" tutu with a coordinating makeup palette. Imagine the colours! Blush pink eyeshadow, with a pop of magenta liner for a touch of drama, topped with a shimmery gold eye shadow for some added glitz. And naturally, my lashes will be voluminous and dramatic, just the way a queen likes them!

A Pink Tutu Mission for Billingham!

I am beyond excited for my performance. The people of Billingham are going to have an unforgettable experience! You can bet your sparkly crown on it! And it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles show without a little Pink Tutu Power. Itโ€™s my mission to turn this event into a glorious pink wonderland. We're talking a confetti shower of pink feathers, pink helium balloons swirling in the air, and a DJ pumping out pink-hued electro-pop!

After my show, I am hoping to host a Pink Tutu Workshop, where I will be teaching everyone how to put together their own fabulous Pink Tutu creations. I'm so looking forward to seeing the unique creations that come from their imagination and ingenuity!

Remember, a pink tutu isn't just a piece of clothing, itโ€™s a symbol! A symbol of joy, confidence, and above all, an invitation to celebrate your unique sparkle! I hope I can encourage everyone to wear a pink tutu, be their true selves, and unleash their own inner queen. It's going to be truly pink-tastic!

Stay tuned, my dears! Be sure to visit Pink-Tutu.com every day to follow my fabulous journey! I can't wait to tell you all about it. Until then, keep your tutus twirling and your sparkle shimmering!

With all my pink love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S Remember to follow Pink Tutu Sparkles on all the popular social platforms for exclusive sneak peeks of my upcoming looks and behind-the-scenes footage from the world of Pink Tutu. Find me on:

Instagram: @PinkTutuSparkles Twitter: @PinkTutuQueen Facebook: Pink Tutu Sparkles TikTok: @PinkTutuSparkle

Let's delve into the exciting journey to Billingham further!

Day 1: The Grand Train Ride

I stepped onto the platform, radiating confidence and colour. The carriage seemed to erupt in smiles! People were already snapping photos, and the young lad beside me, holding his Dad's hand, gazed at my tutu with pure delight! I've been spreading joy without even starting the show, that's the Pink Tutu Power, baby!

The journey whizzed past as I listened to my favourite '80s power ballads and sipped pink lemonade through my glamorous pink straw. It's all about little touches, my dears. I was feeling so fabulous! I think the whole carriage felt my positive energy, even the stern gentleman in the corner cracked a smile!

Day 2: Arriving in Billingham

Billingham welcomed me with a charming breeze and an exciting energy! The locals were a delightful mix of down-to-earth, welcoming types. Even the pigeon that took a little peck at my pink beret seemed to share the pink joy.

Day 3: Performance Preparations

Now, you would think preparing for a show is all glam and glitter, right? Wrong! I had the most hilarious misadventure with the venue manager's cat, Duchess, who seemed quite taken with my pink satin shoes! Thankfully, with a little cat-nip, and lots of giggles, Duchess decided to share my platform!

I can't reveal too much about the act, my dears, but it's filled with pink tutus, singing, dancing, and an element of comedy gold! I'm really enjoying this one, there are so many moments I've choreographed where I feel I'm making my own magic, my own spark! Itโ€™s just divine.

Day 4: Pink Tutu Workshop!

Oh, it was wonderful to watch my class transform! Such bright faces, and some brave souls who have never worn a pink tutu before, but I coaxed them, encouraging them, telling them about their inner sparkle! By the end, the classroom was awash in tulle, from softest pastel pinks to vibrant fuchsia, each more vibrant than the last. Some were using old curtains or bed sheets, just adding ribbon and sequins, it was fabulous. I'm still reeling from the creativity on show, even one gent from a nearby hardware store created a silver sequined construction worker outfit with a pink tutu! I'm telling you, everyone has a pink tutu hidden deep down inside, waiting to come out. It was truly Pink Tutu Power unleashed. I'm thinking I might turn the workshop into a permanent thing!

Day 5: The Final Farewell

My Billingham trip is coming to a close. It's been an absolute whirlwind of colour, creativity, and kindness! The people of Billingham are warm-hearted and embraced me, they loved the show, the workshop was amazing, and as for the grand pink farewell ball, I think the highlight was the moment a young lady dressed in her pink homemade tutu stood in front of the audience, singing her heart out to โ€œLetโ€™s Get Loud!โ€ I almost teared up with joy, it was pure, unadulterated Pink Tutu magic! The stage is calling again, though!

I have an inkling that this trip to Billingham will stay with me for a long time, it was the trip that sparked something new in my career! But, alas, the journey has come to an end. Time for the train, time for the platform, time for a farewell. I leave behind a dash of Pink Tutu Sparkles, a reminder of the magic and sparkle hidden in each and every one of you. Don't forget to twirl!

I am signing off, and saying farewell, my dears, with one last burst of Pink Tutu Power! Catch you again on Pink-Tutu.com tomorrow for more fabulous adventures!

All my Pink Tutu love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2000-07-17 stars in Billingham