Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-11-16 stars in Watford

Watford: Oh, The Sparkle! (Post #321)

Hello, darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing drag queen, bringing you a taste of the fabulous life right here on www.pink-tutu.com. This time, my journey takes me to Watford! Oh, my dears, the train journey itself was a dream! I think I just adore everything about train travel, the rhythm of the wheels, the clickety-clack, the way it feels like stepping into another world. And then there are the people - the grumpy, the chirpy, the stylish… the possibilities are endless. I have to say though, you just can't beat the view from a window seat! I don’t care if you’re flying by countryside or cityscapes, those windows are my favourite places to observe.

Of course, I don’t go anywhere without my latest, fabulous pink ensemble. Today I'm channeling the classic 'Sugarplum Fairy', think swirling layers of pink tulle, glistening with sequin accents, all tied together with a stunningly extravagant, fluffy pink boa - naturally! Let's be honest, I live for those grand, flamboyant gestures and for everything that's just a little bit ‘more’. It's what makes drag, well… drag.

This trip wasn’t just a spontaneous adventure. I was invited by a lovely organisation called the Watford Ballet School. You’ll know my love for all things dance, it’s part of who I am. So, when this amazing school asked if I’d share my sparkly passion for ballet, how could I say no? After a delightful afternoon with the school, I took the stage (I had to get some practice in!). You can always count on me to whip up something extra special! This time I decided on a graceful, yet playfully powerful choreography with the most spectacular sequence of pirouettes - just a little pink tutu magic to celebrate these incredibly talented young dancers.

It was truly heart-warming to witness the infectious energy and sheer joy that fills the ballet school. These young dancers are not just honing their skills, they are forging a strong sense of self, learning how to express themselves with poise, strength, and, above all, creativity. Now, that's what life’s about, being brave, being different and truly celebrating who you are!

While I'm here in Watford, I also had the absolute delight of going to the Theatro. My dears, this stunning building - a real piece of architectural art - played host to an incredible dance performance by a local group. I must tell you about their choreography! Absolutely dazzling. It combined a seamless blend of street dance, hip hop, and modern dance in ways I'd never seen before. It really showcased the true talent we have right here in the UK! I found myself completely enthralled and I know you’ll agree with me when I say - dancing can really bring everyone together.

I even had a bit of a backstage adventure when I went to chat with one of the young choreographers, oh, they’ve got the most incredible style and ideas - you should definitely look out for them! But before we even spoke, the sheer creative energy of the studio was enough to put me in a great mood. My dears, you've heard me say it before, creativity is something we can all draw on – it's about making things that move you. Whether that's choreographing, crafting, painting, cooking, or just wearing your favourite pink tutu. It's about expressing that something unique in all of us.

I couldn't leave Watford without a little shopping therapy, and I stumbled across the most glorious little vintage boutique in town. Oh, I found some true treasures - I mean, a real pink tutu princess can't go past a bargain. Now, that vintage silk scarf is going to be my newest accessory and I know it’ll make for a truly captivating look when paired with one of my signature tutu dresses. We all need to have a bit of sparkle in our wardrobe, even a scientist like me (wink, wink!).

One of the great things about Watford was its central location. It felt so easy to explore its bustling town center by foot! That's a big bonus for me. It really allows me to get a real sense of the place and meet some delightful local characters along the way. You know me, I love connecting with people! And with my trusty camera in hand, I was able to capture a few of the local attractions, a grand historic building, an old fashioned teashop - you know, all those little quirks that make Watford truly special.

You might be surprised to hear that my most memorable Watford moment involved a horse-drawn carriage ride. It was a whim! And trust me, it was so much fun! Imagine, gliding through the town on a sunny afternoon, feeling the breeze in my hair, the click of the hooves against the pavement. That’s true magic. For a moment, you are transported to another time - an era of grand ballrooms, carriages, and those sweeping skirts! It's an irresistibly romantic experience and you really feel that air of enchantment. And let's be honest, with my signature pink tutu swirling behind me, well, you could almost say it's like stepping out of a fairy tale.

But before you all get lost in those dreams, I just want to leave you with one thought: life, my dears, is like a giant, glittery stage – it's a performance that we all get to create! So, embrace that dazzling creativity, celebrate your quirks, and always remember, there's a touch of pink tutu magic within each and every one of you. And when you’re feeling truly bold, step out of your comfort zone. You might just be surprised by how sparkly the world can be!

Until next time, my darlings! Keep shining!

  • Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

    Follow my adventures! www.pink-tutu.com @PinkTutuSparkle (on all platforms)

    Coming up next: I'm taking my sparkly dance shoes on an exciting road trip to visit Edinburgh! (You know, a quick trip to one of the UK's best cities... you’ve gotta have some big dreams to match big pink tutus!)

#TutuQueen on 2000-11-16 stars in Watford