
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-12-14 stars in Chingford

Chingford Calling: Tutu Adventures in Pink!

Post Number: 349

Oh darlings, you simply won't believe where I've been this time! A whistle-stop journey, my dears, a trip by rail to the charming town of Chingford, for a glamorous night of glitter, glitz, and, yes, you guessed it, tutu-ific adventures! If you've been following my fabulous blog journey, then you'll know how much I adore pink and tutus, and this trip just had to happen.

This was so much fun! This fabulous outing was perfect for Pink Tutu Sparkles, because - you've got to love a journey with a whiff of historical elegance and charming country village charm, right? Chingford, dear friends, you know, like all the best little towns, has such a history; I'm told this place goes way back, with links to a chap named Dick Turpin, don't you know? And the streets and buildings! They just whispered of that glorious Victorian time when grand, bold designs made everything spectacularly wonderful.

Let me tell you, darling, as soon as the train pulled into the station, I knew I had to find just the right location for my performance, and poof - in that divine, theatrical way I've got - I landed right in the heart of the High Street! It was packed! Bustling! Vibrant! And it was time for me to sparkle!

You know how I just love being on the road, so that trip from Derbyshire on the train, watching the English countryside slip by, it gave me so many creative ideas - all about being that little bit different and making my Pink Tutu Sparkles magic sparkle even more. You see, there's just something about the travel that just puts the tutu in my brain! The swaying of the train, the soft, rhythmic thrumming, even the view from the carriage windows - it gets my mind spinning with ideas! I can practically see my next pink tutu number already, and the audience will simply die for it!

The performance was in a sweet, charming little theatre tucked away in a beautiful Victorian building full of character. I just loved that, I really did. My makeup and outfit, naturally pink and glamorous, were made for that place! All those lovely details in the theatre - oh dear me, I loved them all. And the crowd? Well, they oohed, they aahed, they loved my tutu, and my glitter!

Here's the best bit though - it wasn't all sequins and show. After the performance, a local group of ladies came up to me and asked if I wanted to join their ballet class. My dears, I jumped at the chance! It was absolutely fabulous. Now don't be surprised if you see me back there on stage, maybe not in full drag - perhaps Pink Tutu Sparkles does ballet in pink! It wouldn't be a surprise would it, dear friends, as you know Pink Tutu Sparkles loves everything that's pink, tutus, and everything dance-related! It was a tutu-ific day in Chingford!

On to The Clothes Shopping Adventure!

You know I'm a fashion queen. My passion for fashion, for the perfect colour, for that amazing feeling of confidence a new dress brings is a part of my life - part of who I am. So you just know that the moment my performance finished, I went shopping! And dear friends, you won't believe this; I found the most adorable little shop tucked away behind the theatre. It was so sweet, all pink with little sparkles everywhere, with all those cute, little outfits, and those amazing, fantastic pink tutus, so delicate, they were just like dreams! My darling! You just had to see the joy in my heart as I walked out of that shop with my shopping bag bursting with beautiful pink tulle goodness, it's all for the stage you see - every piece!

The Train Ride Home - Adventures in Thought

That train journey back to Derbyshire was magical! My heart was full of joy. The scenery, even more beautiful in the twilight of a late winter afternoon. My shopping bag sat happily next to me on the train seat. I know it’s all a bit dramatic, but I really couldn't have felt more alive! You see, my darlings, being a drag artist isn't about being a girl who dresses as a boy or vice versa - it's about expressing that special something within you - that feeling which tells you that everything in the world is possible. And with the magic of pink tutus, well, that's the secret every girl should know.

Pink Tutu Sparkles: Not Just About Tutues

Now, you've read all about my travels in my little Pink Tutu Sparkles world, and my fun journey in the wonderful Chingford and maybe you're thinking, Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about the pink tutus. Well, that's not really true. While tutus are part of my heart and soul, they are more of a symbol for my love of life. I want to show everyone how great it is to embrace what you are totally and utterly! Don't hide away, darling, don't be afraid to show your colours because when you're wearing a pink tutu, well, it just makes everything possible!

If you want to join me on this adventure in life - in being yourself, expressing yourself, doing your own thing - come join me at the next performance and let's make a statement together! Until next time darlings, stay fabulous, stay sparkly, stay pink!

See you at the next stop, darlings!

Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex)


Ps. Have you tried my new Pink Tutu Sparkles make up line yet? They're absolutely amazing - everything Pink Tutu Sparkles, available now in a limited edition tutu pink box.

PPS. Don't forget to follow my Instagram at Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2000-12-14 stars in Chingford